Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

The "i-just-yelled-at-the-most-evil-man-on-earth-thats-also-my-father" thing.

We got back to school. I didn't know how to handle the whole "i-just-yelled-at-the-most-evil-man-on-earth-thats-also-my-father" thing. I walked into the school, and into the great hall. George was talking to Ron, Harry, and Hermione frantically. Hermione looked up and seen me, said something to George and he looked up faster than a a jackhammer tearing up the road. He ran towards me.

"Where were you!?"
"What do you mean?"
"i went outside to find you, you weren't there, you said you'd be by the black lake, and it scared me, you weren't there!" he said hugging me tightly.
"I'm sorry, but i need to talk to professor dumbledore." He let go of me.
"Oh okay, i'll let you do that."
"i want you to come with me. If we are going to make this work, i need you too know also."

We walked through the great hall, hand in hand, up to professor dumbledore.
"Yes Miss Ross?"
"Can we talk, in your office, or somewhere private."
"Sure." He said getting up. "Excuse me Minerva. We will finish later." he said patting her hand.
"Of course." she said smiling.

"Come, come." He said.
"is it okay if snape is there too. He is sort of part of this."
"Of course, of course. Mister Weasley, would you be kind enough to go get Professor Snape, And tell him we will be in my office. He knows the password, and you two will meet us up there."
"Yes professor" George said walking off.

Dumbledore led me to his office.
"Now Samantha, what is this about."
"Well earlier, i went outside"
"Ahh yes i thought i saw you leave"
"Yes, well, someone came and took me to see" i gulped "My father." i said.
"Yes, and now he wants me to fight with him, against all of you, and i dont want too. and snape was there--"He held up his hand.
"Severus is a spy for us, he is completely loyal to the good side."
i sighed and nodded. "Oh thank god i was scared for a moment."
"Now what is it you wanted to talk to me about."

"I want to join the Order, i heard harry talking about it." He held up his hand as for me to stop speaking "No let me finish. i never thought it would come to me having to fight against him or with him. but i will do anything to protect my family here at hogwarts. I will do anything to stop him."
"you done?" he asked smiling.
"yes." i paused "oh and i ask for your protection."

Just then Snape and George walked into his office.
"Severus, Miss Ross has joined the order. and is under our protection now." Dumbledore said.
Snape just nodded his head.
"Now tell me what happened earlier when you met with him." He asked.
"Well as you know professor, he told me to take Samantha, and i did obviously. He talked to her about how he wanted her to help him fight, But she yelled at him that she would never help him, and he said "we will see" i believe he has something planned for her."

Dumbledore just nodded.
"Wait!" George said. "you went and met with your father?!"
"yeah, but not on my own free will!" i said glaring at snape. "WAIT!" i said turning to dumbledore "Did you just say i am now part of the order?!" he nodded. and i screamed. I was ecstatic, i hugged George and he smiled.
"There are some things you need to be taught that the teachers can't teach you in class. So professor Snape will tutor you in the most important parts that you need to know."

"When will it start."
"Well i understand that he is turtoring you, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays?" He asked.
"Well continue with those days, we don't want anybody getting too suspicious of you now do we?"
"No sir, and thank you"
"Your welcome."

With that i headed towards the door.
"Oh and Miss Ross?" Dumbledore said.
"How is your head?" he said smiling and George and i.
"It's great, i never felt better, Thanks."
"Have a nice day you two."

"Goodbye Professor" George and i said at the same time.

We got out in the hall way.
"Why did you want me in there again?" George asked.
"If we are going to be together, then i dont want us to have any secrets, this will be an open and honest relationship." He nodded and hugged me.

I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm, Spun me around and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back excitedly. George was such a good kisser. Totally gorgeous, Awesome, and so much fun to be around. I was started to feel strong feelings for him, i might even fall in love with him shortly. We stopped kissing and walked back to the lunch room.
♠ ♠ ♠
if you dont like my story dont read.
Most of it is different than the books/movie.
so dont yell at me saying "thats not how it happened." or some stupid crap! because i know.

Who else is excited for Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the lightning thief ? I am I am! xD