Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

i'm a jedi knight, attack the storm troopers!

George and i have been dating for about a month. Least to say he is the best boyfriend ever. He does these cute little things that any girl would love. He writes me little notes saying cute little things. Once he gave me one that said "i like you" and it had a bunch of doodled hearts on it. It was so cute. He would also do this cute thing when he has to leave. Instead of kissing me on the lips, He kisses me on the cheek, then when we meet up later he kisses my hand. He probably the most perfect boyfriend ever.

Anyways right now we were in the great hall for dinner. I was sitting with George and other gryffindor friends. George got up to go talk to someone and probably play a prank. For some reason i was staring off into space. I don't even remember what i was thinking about.
"Did you hear me Sam?"
"I said, Tomarrow we are going to hogsmede, do you want to go with us?" Hermione asked with a questioning look.
"Oh yeah sure."

"What has got your attention of there?" she said turning around to look.
"Nothing. i was just thinking."
she turned around as quick as a jackhammer with wide eyes.
"You were staring at Draco!" she whispered to me.
i looked at her puzzedly then looked at the table across from us, and of course, he is sitting right across from me stareing at me. And i was looking that way so she thinks i was stareing at him.

"No hermione, Honestly i didn't even know he was sitting there and i wasn't even paying attention to anything around me." i said shock that she would assume that.
She huffed and got back to eating.


I got up and got ready to go to hogsmede with George, Hermione, and everyone else.

"Babe you look amazing." George said as i met him by the great hall. He kissed my cheek and held my hand.
"so do you." i said standing on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.
he smiled and we walked into the great hall to eat.

We were getting ready to sit down at our table when Draco came up.
"Can i talk to you for a second?" he said looking at me.
"sure.." i said slowly. "i'll be right back babe." i said kissing george.
"kay." he said squeezing my hand.

I followed Draco out of the great hall.
"what do you want draco."
"last night, i was in a meeting with your dad. He uhm, wants someone to kill george, because he has a plan for you and said he was getting in the way."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Don't get me wrong, i hate george because he has you, but he makes you happy and i care about you and i don't want you to get hurt any more than you were when i first met you. I don't want him to kill someone you care about, even though i hate him."

"Well, uhm thanks i guess.." i said walking back to the great hall.
this changed things with george and I. i believed Draco, most of you are probably saying "Don't believe him! He's lying!" but you don't know my father, i met him once and i know he would do that. he would kill another purblood, i mean he killed Harry's dad.

I walked back to the great gall and sat down next to George.
"What did Malfoy want?" he asked.
"Nothing he just decided to tell me something i didn't really care about."
"Yeah, whats that?"
"To be honest i didn't really pay attention" i said with a fake laugh as if i wasn't paying attention.

"Okay well you ready to go?" George asked when we finished eating.
"Sure am" we linked arms and skipped out of the great hall together.

When we were outside of the grounds i insisted on turning to George, with my wand raised, pretending it was a light saber from star wars making my own "VOOOM' noises. then started screaming.

"you're such a weirdo"
"i know that's why you love me."
"Of course." he said pulling me closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm sort of on a writers block for this story. x.x i wish i could just think of things to write.blah! sorry.

Anyways. Go over and check out my New story its about a girl being torn between Johnny Knoxville and Raab Himself