Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

Fred Weasley.

I spent almost a whole month. It nearly killed me not talking to Draco. I was currently in the great hall, it was two weeks before Halloween. Professor Dumbledore made a speech about a dance coming up. Something about it being a masquerade ball. oh woopie another dance I'll be Alone in the common room with my laptop not at the dance.

I glanced and Draco and saw him saying words to pansy Parkinson, then I saw her start nodding and and smiling. Great he asked her to the dance. Even though he hated her I wouldn't put it against him to go to a dance with her.

I was walking back to the common room, I took my time in the great hall til almost everyone was gone. When I was almost to the portrait hole I heard someone say my name, then some running. I turned around and saw green eyes staring back at me.

'hi Fred'
"hey Sam. I was wondering." he paused catching his breath "i was wondering, did anybody ask you to the dance yet?"
'no, nobody asked me yet'
'good I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.'
'uhm, can I think about it?'
'yeah sure.'

'thanks Fred.'
I walked into the common room and up the stairs to my room.
'Guess who just asked me to the dance?'
'who?' she said sitting up immediately.
'fred Weasley'

'really, what'd you say?'
'i said i'd think about it.'
'he's a good guy. you should go with him'
'i'll think about it'

I got ready for bed and sat at my desk.
no reply.
-Draco. did you ask anybody to the dance yet?
*yeah. why?
-oh just wondering. who'd you ask?
-I thought you hated her.
*I do..
-then why ask her?
*I thought you hated me..
-okay. see you Monday I'm going to bed.

I woke up at 7 the next morning and grabbed my clothes for today and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed in a green shirt that said ' I love ' with two penguins under it. Black Skinny Jeans, a peter pan sweatshirt with red converses.
When I came out of the bathroom Hermione was standing there. She took a look at my clothes and squealed.
'you look so cute.'
'what are you going to say to Fred?'
' I'm going to say yes.'
she squealed again 'wait for me I want to be there when you tell him'
I got downstairs and there were a bunch of people there and Fred was sitting on the couch with his brother so I sat next to him.
'hi' I said
'what are you doing?'

a few minutes later Hermione came down.
'fred can I talk to you?'
'yeah sure.'
I go up and led him to the corner.
'i decided'
'i want to go with you'
'yay' he said as he picked me up and twirled me around.
'she said yes?' george called out.
'no I'm just hugging her because she said no'
'ok good.'

after than I started hanging out with him more. And hanging out with Hermione a lot also. Me and her made plans to go get our dresses next Saturday.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if I spelled things wrong

WooHoo 14 readers and 1 subscription.

P.s. I'm having my friend draw Draco for me :) just for this story :) woohoo :)