Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

Kisses and Dresses

It was the saturday when Hermione and I went to hogsmede to get our dresses. After almost an hour of searching I almost gave up when I was walking out and saw the most perfect dress. It was black and red. the only problem was that it was made really short.
'what do you think about this?'
'oh that's cute. but its short'
'i know. if it fits I cam just make it longer.'
'well go try it on silly.'
after about trying on two of the dresses I finally got to one that fit.
'good, lets go buy our dresses.'
We got to the chashier and in their glass case were the most perfect masks for us. Mine was black with tints of red on it, and Hermiones was Blue with Green swirls. We paid for our stuff then went to the three bromsticks where we met, Fred, George, Georges date, Harry and his date and Ron. Ron puffed up the courage last night and asked hermione to go to the ball with him.

'so did you get dresses' ron asked
'no we are carrying big puffy bags with candy in them' I replied.
'no ronald she is joking.' hermione said when he went to go mke a grab for her bag.

I started laughing then I choked on my butterbeer when I notice draco in the corner snogging pansy. I started caughing up my drink gasping for air. Finally I got it all out in the napkin I had over my mouth.
'are you okay?' fred asked me
'do you want to get out of here?'
Fred was sitting next to me wispering that to me.
'guys Me and Sam are going to head back to school.'
there was a coruses of 'okay's

The walk back to school was quiet.
'thank you'
'for what?'
'coming to the dance with me'
'your welcome'
with that he hugged me.
'so what does your dress look like.?'
'a dress' I said mirking up at him
'very funny'
'i know right?.'
'can I see?'
'pleaseeee?' he whined.
'no your going to have to wait til friday night because I need to make some alterations to it.'
he sighed 'fine' then he pouted.
'oh stop it' I said fake hitting him.
we were back at te school already walking to the common room.

When we got back we were the only 3rd years and ups that were there. We sat on the couch after I went upstairs and put my dress in my trunk. We were just sitting there talking when all of a sudden he kissed me. Next I know I'm kissing him back. We heard people coming in the portrat hole and pulled apart.

We looked up and the rest of the gang was there. Laughing at something george said it looked like.
'hey guys' we both said in unison
'oh hey!' the all sat down around the fire.
'im tired I'm going to bed. ' I said fake yawning. I didn't even realize until now that Fred and I were holding hands.
'me too' hermione said jumping up coming wih me.
when we knew we were safe in our room Hermione started talking.
'so what's with you and Fred. Looked pretty cosy when we got back.'
'honestly hermione. I don't know. one minute we were talking. the the next we were kissing. then you guys came back. and I didn't even realize we were holding hands.'
'oh my god' she squealed. 'how was the kiss.'
'very good, he is a great kisser. he puts a lot of love in it. like Rough loving kisses'
'oh my gosh!' she said again. 'so are you guys dating?'
'i don't know' we both tried on our dresses again. I decided now would be a good time to make it longer since the skirt part went to the middle of my thigh. I made it a litle past knee length.
'that looks really good' hermione said. I played with the length a little bit and hermione said right past the knee looked best.
her dress was a beautiful blue gown with green swirls on the bottom and top. And it flattered her in all the right places. We got ready for bed and I couldn't fall asleep. I knew hermione was asleep cause she had this really soft snore. I got up and tried to talk to draco.

*what do you want?
-why are you mad at me?
*you are basically dating that Weasle.
-so? he's nice.
-hey its not my fault you asked parkinson. I wanted to go to this dance with you. but you asked her first chance you got.
*I'd rather go with you than with her.
-then why'dyou ask her.
*I thought you were mad at me.
-well I wasn't. I'm going to bed now. Bye.

After that I layed on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up at 7 and got dressed in a pair of purple checkered skinny jeans with a charlie the unicorn Tee. I woke hermione up and she got dressed.
'charlie the unicorn!' she said pointing at my shirt.
'you seen it?'
'yeah. I love it it's so funny'
'i know I downloaded them on my laptop. cause I'm weird.'
'oh let me see.'
so I sat my laptop on my bed and played carlie the unicorn. after it finished I put my laptop in my bag and put it around my neck and arm.
'kay lets go to breakfest.' we linked arms and went to go down to breakfest.
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sorry its not good