Status: This story has been on Haitus for a couple of months, I will try to update more!

You Make My Blood Boil Draco Malfoy

Dances And Fights.

I was sitting in the Common room with Hermione, We were both just finishing our Potions assignment. i couldnt wait til the dance tomarrow. Yes today was the day right before the dance, these two weeks went by really fast. Draco still wasnt talking to me and it kind of upset me. i mean i did only really talk to him two times. And besides i really did like Fred, he was cute and nice. I hadn't even noticed how tired i was until i sat there yawning every other second.
"I think we should go to bed" Hermione said noticing
"Yeah, we should" i agreed.
We walked up to our dorm and got ready for bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. i was awoken by hermione shaking me and yelling my name in my ear.
"whaaaat?" i asked whining.
"You have to get up silly, we have class, then we have to get ready for the dance later." i sighed
"Fine." i got up and threw on my uniform, Did my hair magically and then did my eyeliner. "happy?" i asked hermione.
"Yes, now lets go." i sighed.
We walked downstairs and Fred and Ron were waiting for us.

"i thought you guys were going to be halfway down to the great hall already" i said, mainly to ron and hermione laughed. "Hey there" fred said hugging me
"Well hello there tall tall man" i said looking up at him, he laughed.
"The dance is tonight" he said smiling.
"yeah i know" i replied. All three of us walked down to the great hall together. I wasnt feeling to hungry so i just grabbed a muffin and picked at it. Hermione noticed and she mouthed, "is something wrong?" i shook my head no and she just nodded. I was just anxious about tonight, really nervous. I got up
"i'm just going to head to class" i said to Fred.

"Okay see you later Sam" he said. I set my muffin down and walked out of the great hall.
All morning went fine. I was at lunch and Dumbledore stood up at his little podium thing.
"Attention students." he said really loud. everyone quieted down immediatly. "As you all know Tonight is the big Dance." he paused waiting for everyone to get out their screams and stuff. "Well, i would like to say that we are giving you the afternoon off so you can get ready." almost all the girls screamed. "Well Enjoy your Afternoon, and i hope we all have fun at the dance Tonight." with that he sat down.

"yeah who needs 5 hours to get ready? i mean there are like a billion bathrooms in the school." i said sighing. With that i finished eating and Fred took me outside. We sat outside for about two hours when we decided we should go to the common room."Yeah Hermione probably needs my help anyways." i said.

We got to the common room and i decided to go up to my room to see if Hermione needed my help. She was sitting there trying to do her hair. i stopped her from doing what she was doing and did her hair. I put her hair in a Bun type thing with Hair hanging out through the middle of it. And it looked really nice on her. It took me an hour to get her hair right. After i helped her i went and took a shower. I got out, Dried my hair, straightened it then curled some hair on the side. Hermione helped me do it perfectly. I put on my dress, eyeliner, mascara, grey/black eyeshadow, and my mask on. By time i finished i was looking in the mirror and Hermione said i looked great. I looked at her and she looked wonderful.

We walked downstairs together.
"You look gorgeous." Fred said to me.
"you clean up nice Ronald." Hermione said.
"you look... uh you uhm. Great. real pretty" he said looking at her. i started laughing and she smiled at me.
We all walked down to the great hall where they were holding the dance. They had it so it was dark, but light enough to see whats going on. If you know what i mean. I sat down at a table with Fred. George was already sitting down with his date, Rebecca. They started playing music and a slow song came up.

"Do you want to dance?" Fred asked getting up holding a hand out.
"yeah" i said grabbing his hand.
We were on the dance floor dancing to the slow song. Next thing i know he's kissing me slowly and im kissing back. When we stopped kissing i just layed my head on his chest and we swayed back and forth. After the song was over we sat down. We danced to a few more songs when i decided i wanted to go get myself a drink. Hermione had offered to come with me. We were at the punch bowl. we talked for a minute or so before going back to the table.

When i got back to the table. i seen George sitting with rebecca talking to her, and fred was talking to Katie Bell. it all happened so fast i dont even know what happened. They were talking and next thing i know they were kissing. More like eating eachothers faces. I dropped my glass and it shattered
"Sam? whats wrong?" hermione said coming up behind me. She Fallowed my gaze to fred and katie. I walked up to the table. i stood there. I walked over to Fred. Tapped him on the shoulder.
"Wha-- Oh.. Uhm Sam.. it's not--"

"Not what? not what it looks like? Well to me it looked like you were eating Katie bell's face. or am i imagining it?"
"oh uhm.. no we were just uh.. uhm Snogging."
"Bastard. How dare you, HOW dare you do this to me, i havnt done ANYTHING to you. you, You selfish PIG. you bring me to this dance and now you go and do THIS to me!" i said punched him across the face, yes, Punched him, then ran out of the great hall.
I should of known, he was a nice guy, Nice guys are always the worst.

Fred. p.o.v.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder
"Wha--" it was sam oh crap "Oh.. Uhm Sam.. it's not--" i was going to use the most famous line in the book before she cut me off.
"Not what? not what it looks like? Well to me it looked like you were eating Katie bell's face. or am i imagining it?"
"oh uhm.. no we were just uh.. uhm Snogging." i said. i was acting like i was ashamed so she wouldnt know i was just using her
"Bastard. How dare you, HOW dare you do this to me, i havnt done ANYTHING to you. you, You selfish PIG. you bring me to this dance and now you go and do THIS to me!" she said punching me and running out of the room.


I was on the dance floor with katie when someone tapped my shoulder.
"So weasel, wheres Samantha.?"
"why does it matter to you Malfoy?"
"well you did come to the dance with her"
"yeah so?"
"well in my book if you come to a dance with someone, you leave with them also, not use them to get to some other, blood traiter."
"well what are you going to do about it Malfoy?"
it happened so fast. One minute im standing face to face with Draco Malfoy and the next im on the floor holding my bloody nose.

Draco's P.O.V.
i seen what happened to Sam earlier, and i tried with all my will not to fallow her out of the great hall. instead when almost everyone was gone i walked up to That Weasley she was with. I tapped him on the shoulder.
"So weasel, wheres Samantha.?"
"why does it matter to you Malfoy?"
"well you did come to the dance with her"
"yeah so?"
"well in my book if you come to a dance with someone, you leave with them also, not use them to get to some other, blood traiter."
"well what are you going to do about it Malfoy?"
i took a step back and punched him right in the nose. he ended up on the floor as i walked away.

"MR. Malfoy!" said McGonagall.
"Yes professor?"
"did you just punch Mr. Weasley?"
"Yes. I did"
"Detention, with Professor Snape for a month after Christmas Vacation."
"Yeah whatever." I said walking away and down to the dungeons. Why would it be after Christmas vacation? What a weirdo.
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sorry i havn't posted in a while. i finally have internet! yay!