

Watching the lights flash by as I ran, nearly invisible. At least to humans, which I obviously wasn't. I was fast and strong but it didn't show. Anyone who wasn't my kind wouldn't know that I could do the impossible, impossible for mortals anyway. I certainly didn't look dangerous; I had short black hair that fell to just above my shoulders which I always spiked in the back; and huge bright green eyes, that any guy would get lost in, that were seriously outlined by long lashes.
I fit in almost perfectly with every other junior high school girl; there was only one exception....
Never ageing, stuck at 17, never eating, and never sleeping. I could go out in the sun; all vampires could, doing so just made my skin tingle a little. But I liked the sun.
I have been like this for over a century, however it isn’t so bad.
I'm not alone.
I was thinking about where I was going to feed after my run, I liked to run during twilight time. Thinking over my day, when I heard shrieks coming from an alley to my right.
"Damn it", I breathed, "not again". As I darted to the alley, to find my brother, well not my biological brother. But we still considered ourselves siblings, we are close.
"What do you think you’re doing? You’re going to attract attention... again", I said irritated.
"I was just having fun. I know I'm not supposed to play with my food, but I can’t help it", he said. Even though he looks older than me, well technically he is if you don’t count the years I was frozen at 17 when he aged. I’ve been a vampire longer than him.
"Skyler, IN the city?" I sighed, “Couldn’t you at least go out into the woods a little bit? What if someone walked down the alley before you were done?"
"Don't be such a worrywart. I would have taken care of it. But it still wouldn't have happened. How many humans do you know who would walk down an alley at night? Any ways it doesn’t matter, have you fed yet?” he asked with an amusement in his eyes.
"Ugh... no, I haven't... I was still on my run. I was going to afterward though. Would you care to join me?" hopefully he'll say yes to my offer. It'll keep him out of trouble for the rest of the night, as long as he's with me.
"Hmmm", he thought about it for a brief second," I could use a little more; I'm still a little empty."
"You didn't kill her did you?” As long as she didn't die she will be fine, maybe a little jittery, and confused, almost like a recovering drug addict having withdrawals.
"Nope", he said with a smile, “you should be proud".
"More relieved, you should be able to feed and not kill any one by now. You've created enough vampires to fill a football field", she exaggerated, not a football field, but certainly enough. As she started to run," 'Kay, let’s go I'm starved." She bolted, and he followed, like always.
We ran like that, at top speed, for a while. Joking back and forth, bickering, until we reached the edge of town. There were a couple buildings that led into the fringe of trees. We came here because the some of the different high schoolers in the area liked to go partying in a clearing almost meadow, which wasn't set to far back, maybe half a mile.
We walked into the meadow to check out the party. It wasn't as big as some of the other nights but still it would do. I was wearing what I like to call my "hunting" clothes. They include, my short black mini skirt, a tight black strapless shirt that barley covered my belly button, and black converse; Showing off plenty of skin, her pale flat stomach, shoulders, and my legs. Any guys dream. Skyler was just wearing his usual clothes, a pair of dark wash jeans and black t-shirt, which made his bright blue eyes pop against his pale face.
"Meet you back here when you’re done," I said as I eyed my options." try not to kill anyone," I said with a smile as I started toward a group of guys. As I walked up their conversation ceased as they looked at me. They didn't introduce themselves first, just stared t me like idiots. Oh, well. Guess I have to start the conversation.
"Hi, I'm Riley," I said then looked around the circle trying to decide which one I wanted. They immediately started introducing themselves. I turned my gaze to the one named Ryan, knowing he wouldn't be able to turn away from my gaze. I decided it would look better if he made the first move. So I pushed the idea into his head. To him it sounded like 'god I should ask her to dance... do it'
"Would you... um... like to, uh, dance?” he struggled to get the words out. Aw, how cute, he's shy that will make this so much easier.
"Sure," I replied, and grabbed his hand. The music wasn't bad, mainly some hip-hop dance, that most high schoolers listened to.
I instantly matched the beat, being sure not to move to fast. I danced close to him swaying my hips, after the song was over; I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "Go for a walk with me." It wasn't a question, he knew that and I didn't wait for him to answer if he didn't understand that I wasn't asking. With his hand I started towing him into the trees.
We held hands as we walked, barley ever talking. When I was satisfied with the distance between the party and us, I turned to face him. I stepped to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Ryan lowered his head and closed the space between our lips. At the contact of his lip, the urge to bite him grew. My lips slowly moved down his jaw, as his hands explored my body. I kept my eyes closed, the last thing I needed was for Ryan to open his eyes and see my eyes flash bright red.
I felt my fangs slide out from my upper jaw, closed my lips around a spot on his throat, sticking my fangs into him. Ryan made a surprised noise then moaned. Being bit triggered some pleasure nerve in the human body. It wasn't fatal to be bit, they don't remember anything. The only thing Ryan would remember is that he was having a really good time.
I was careful about how much blood I took from him, I didn't want to kill him, and then he would just become a vampire. I gently loosened my lips, fangs sliding back into their hiding place, and licked the new wound. It will heal quickly, leaving only a hickey like mark. I licked my lips and placed them back on Ryan’s. When we parted my thirst was under control and my eyes were back to their normal green. Ryan just out of his daze smiled. They held hands and walked back to the clearing.
Everyone, but Ryan’s friends who was giving him some praising look, was oblivious to our return; mainly because everyone was totally smashed by then. Then there was Skyler who was hanging all over a few girls. I nodded to him then tilted my head, trying to signal I was done. But gave up and pushed my thoughts into his head.
-Hey you done? - I asked.
-Almost. Having fun? - Skyler obviously was.
-Hurry... I'm not here to have fun. I was here to feed.-
-Fine. Give me a sec.-
I continued with my back turned to Skyler. I got Ryan back to his friends, only after saying good-bye with a kiss. Skyler was waiting when she got there.
"That was fun," he said.
"I don’t play with my food," I said in a strained voice.
Then we ran.
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here's my second story.