
The new kid

The whole world seemed to glow as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky. Making what little clouds there are turn into a pinkish orange almost salmon color. The trees were casting shadows across the grass. Birds chirping their morning songs. It was... utterly... BEAUTIFUL... RELAXING... and PEACEFUL. Then I looked at my phone. It read 6:35. Shoot, class starts at 7:30.
Maybe I should skip today. Take in the sun, and enjoy this beautiful day, I thought.
Oh no you don't. You’re going to school with me, Skyler pushed into my head. So the sort of cool part of being a vampire is that I can push my thoughts into another person’s head, doesn't matter if they're a vampire or not. The not so cool part is that some vampires could actually read all your thoughts. Which unfortunately Skyler could do, and I could not. It is irritating.
Leave me alone! I shouted into his head. So much for trying to relax. Skyler ruined it. Fine, I'm coming. I got up and ran home with Skyler close behind.
We live in a nice house... it's plenty big. Skyler and I live there with four other vampires. People in town believed that they were family. That they were adopted by Jacob and Ashlynn. Most of it was a cover story but they all got along better than most vampire covens. Other than us four, there were two others, Markilee and Brandon, who are a little more distant than the rest of us.
The house we live in was built somewhere in the 1800's but Ashlynn rebuilt it when we moved here from our old town in Arizona. It is elegant and set back about a mile off the road.
When we arrive, Markilee and Brandon weren't there. Jacob and Ashlynn were in the study talking about something. It didn't sound too important. Just something about Jacobs work. He is a lawyer, a very good one.
By the time I was dressed and ready, Skyler was leaning against the wall by the do, waiting for me. With his keys in his hand he walked out to his car. Right now, Skyler is a senior and I'm a junior. He always drives me to school, not because he's "older, not because I don't have a car, I do, and I just don't like to drive. I prefer to run, but I can't run to school.
No one bothered to stare at us anymore. We have attended RiverLine for almost a year. I came in at the middle of sophomore year. We played the human role well. We both had friends, both popular, and we dated humans every once and a while. Mostly to keep up pretenses. According to Jacob it is important for us to look like human teenagers to interact with them and to keep our secret. Skyler and I, more me than Skyler, respected Jacob and Ashlynn. Jacob had accidentally created me a long time ago, and I have already forgiven him. I had a life before the whole vampire ordeal started, at first I was majorly furious, but I got over it. I still hope Skyler for gives me even though it was an accident. I didn't mean to but it still happened, I was so agitated at myself for allowing it to happen. He acts like he's over it, and I thin, like me he enjoys having a second chance at life. Now I can do all the things I’ve always wanted to do when I was human, and I don't need to have a time limit.
At this point, school is sooo boring. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to pretend to be human. I sat through my classes. First chemistry, learning the reactions of certain chemicals; english, examining the work of Shakespeare; ECT. When trig started it was like everyother boring day. I was just finishing tonight’s homework when Mr. Brown called for the attention of the class. I stopped at the end of a problem and looked up. Standing next to Mr. Brown was a pale, black haired guy. With bright crystal blue eyes, as he glanced across the room his eyes never stayed in one spot, until he met my eyes. He paused and his eyes stayed on my gaze for a long few seconds.
"Class, this is Miles Crawford. He will be joining this class from now on", Mr. Brown said to the class. Then to Mile, "Why don't you take the seat next to Riley, over there", he pointed to the only open seat in the class. That was next to me. I noticed that there was something different about him than most the other guys in high school. He was pale and had black shaggy hair. He walked with a confidence that most high school guys do. I just couldn't figure it out. The one thing I know is that I was actually attracted to him. That has never happened. I've dated humans... but not because i like them like that. He was different.
I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was gorgeous. Hmm... I need to see what he's like. So I decided to push a thought into his head... I should talk to her. I put the idea in his head.
"Hey. I'm Miles but you already knew that. I'm guessing your Riley then?" he asked... he had this air about him. It was so familiar, like I've met him before or someone like him...
"We have never met before", he said, quickly dismissing my thought.