Status: Completed

Draco Malfoy and Me

Will Draco Die Or Live?

My hands shook as I leafed through the books. "Ok, I need knarg root, pixie dust, moonshine, and giant wort," I said, going through the stores of bottled potions items. I threw all of the ingredients into a cauldron, and lit it. The ingredients began to turn a light blue, the color of a properly made potion. I sighed. "Draco, we have to wait a few minutes for it to cool, and then you will be back to normal. Hold on Draco..."

Draco started to convulse, and his skin started to bubble now more than ever. He moaned in pain, and I could see that his eyes had tears in them. 'Oh God, please cool a bit faster,' I wished.

In an instant, it did cool. I poured the contents into a goblet, and forced Draco to drink from it. He drank the whole content, and then, his body began to change. His eyes closed as Justin's body became Draco's. The dress robes Draco had worn as Justin hung on him. Justin was a bit heavier than Draco, but it was mostly due to muscle mass. Draco opened his eyes, and saw that he was back in his own body again.

"Tessie, you did it!" cried Draco, kissing me with all of his remaining strength. He spun me around the room and laughed.

He then placed me down gently, and looked into my eyes. I caressed his face, and pulled his face to mine.

"Never, ever make yourself transform by polyjuice ever again," I whispered, brushing his lips softly

Curious one day, I decided to examine my egg. It had a split around it, and I tried to open it. A shrieking sound thundered throughout the school, and everyone screamed for me to shut the egg.

I gladly shut the egg back up, and looked at it curiously. 'What could possibly make that sound?' I wondered to myself. 'Let's see... banshees make shrieking sounds... but it couldn't be banshees could it? I mean, they don't do much harm to people. All they do is show up when someone's about to die, according to Irish folklore... Hmm..."

"Uh, hi Theresa," said a voice from behind me.

"Oh, hi Harry. What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you thanks for telling me about the dragons, I really did appreciate that. And I also wanted to tell you to take a bath..."

"Harry James Potter, are you telling me that I smell?" I asked angrily. "Because I just took one last night!"

"No, not at all," said Harry. "Just take a bath, mull things over... Take your egg with you. It might be useful if you put the egg underwater..."

"But how am I supposed to-"

"Use your imagination," said Harry winking at me. It then hit me where I could go for a bath, the most perfect, secluded place: the Room of Requirement!