A Change


"trenta verbale lontano from fresco tessili." The Flight attendant anounced. We were a half hour from New Jersey.

The Name is Alisa isabella maria Lingiliano and I'm currently on my way to New Jersey all the way from italy with my father, mother, my brother Leonardo, and my sister Andrea.

We sound like a normal family, but we are far from it. My father, Matthew Lingiliano, is head of the Lingiliano mob. He controls the whole family. We are orginally from Sicily, but because of the mob we are moving to New Jersey.

My Brother, Leo, is the underboss of the family and my sister and I are Caporegimes, but father doesn't let us follow through on jobs all the time.

I sat uncomfortably in the plane seat next to Andrea, we call her Andy for short. She was furious about the move and hasn't spoke to my father since he announced it. Andrea was the smart one of the family. She is the only one, besides my father, who can speak english. So basically she is our translater.

I still don't understand why we have to go there.


"Here we are. Our new home." My father said in his think itialin accent. OUr house was very large since we are quite wealthy. It was almost as nice as our old home.

So we all grabbed our boxes and headed to our new rooms. Mine was very lovely, it had a beautiful balcony and a great view. It always paid to be the youngest daughter, even though I was sixteen. You always get the best stuff.

After semi unpacking I headed over to Andy's room to see how she was doing. When I walked she was putting on sneakers and listening to her ipod.

"dove pesos a voi andamento?" I asked her where she was going.

"I'm going out for a run. I hate this place!" She was always the one to run when she was pissed.

I just shook my head and went back to my room. Moments later I heard my father calling for me.

"Alisa! Come! We are going to have dinner with our new neighbors!" He shouted. I quickly changed into a dress and made my way downstairs.

"Where is your sister?" He asked, straightning his tie.

"consecutivo." I answered. It was very obvious he was displeased with her running about already,

"She better be back soon. It's dangerous to be out and about alone!" He complained. My Mother laughed and we all headed over next door.

"salutation!" A man greeted us. "I am Paul Jonas."

"Please come in." A woman replied. Most likely the wife. We all walked in, but I was the last just to see if andy was close. She better get here or she'll be dead!
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