A Change


(Andrea's point of view)

God how I hate this. I can't believe we are going to live here. Sure, I've had a few sniper jobs here, but that's beside the point. Papa won't tell any of us why we are here and it's absolutely insane. I thought to myself as I ran through the unfamiliar town. I ran when I got really mad and that's not often but when I get mad enough you don't want to be around me.

I am Andrea Michelle Christine Lingiliano. Yes I know very long name, my parents have a nak for them. I am nineteen years old, I can speak English very fluidly, almost as good as my native tongue. I am the family's best sniper, because I'm the only one with patience.

I decided to turn around and head back to our new house and hopefully have a nice peaceful conversation to my Papa about this. I knew that it wasn't going to happen because soon enough I would have Alise swearing Italian at me.

When I got home no one was there and I didn't care. I ran down to the wine cellar and grabbed the first bottle I saw. I filled the glass and hopped up onto the kitchen counter eating some trail mix. I didn't hear a door open, but as soon as I heard Papa yell I knew I was going to die.

"What's is the meaning of this Andrea?" I flinched when he used my real name everyone usually calls me Andy.

"Papa, please don't yell. Why are you so angry?" I defended.

"You were supposed to be at the Jonas' house thirty minutes ago!" He stormed towards me.

"No one told me this and I do not want to meet anyone in this country I want to leave and go home. There is no point in being here. Give me one good reason we came here?" I yelled. He grabbed me by the arm and took me into another room because there were guests watching.

"You listen to me young lady you don't ever talk to me like that again! We are here because we are going to start again with a new town. Why is it such a big problem that we left huh?" he calmed down but I only grew angrier.

"I will talk however I please. I had a life back in Italy and a wonderful boy who wanted to marry me, but someone would not give their blessings and forced us to move to America Papa." I yelled.

"Why you little disrespectful brat." He raised his hand to slap me but I pulled my gun out and pointed towards him. He stopped in dead his tracks wide-eyed between me and the gun.

"Do you think I'm above shooting my own Papa you're dead wrong. Now if you lay one finger on me I will shoot you. Then the family will lose a leader and a sniper because I will walk away right after I kill you." I stated calmly. He backed away from me immediately.

"I'm sorry Andrea. Please forgive my anger." He said defeated.

"I'm sorry too Papa." I put the gun down slowly. You see no one messes with me when I pull a gun at them because they know I will shoot them. I gave my Papa a hug and we walked out. My father cleared his throat when we entered.

"Paul, this is my eldest daughter Andrea. She is quite the character." I held my hand out to the man.

"Its a pleasure Andrea. This is my wife Denise and my sons Frankie, Kevin, Nick, and Joe." he pointed to each of them. The last boy he pointed to looked my age and he never stopped looking at me.

"Bene penso che qualcuno l'ami Andy. Perché che un non ha fermato per guardare lei poiché l'ha vista." Alise smiled. I hoped to God he doesn't know Italian. When his eye brows knitted together I sighed thankfully knowing he didn't.

English:Well I think someone likes you Andy. Because that one hasn't stopped looking at you since he saw you.

"What did she say?" Joe tilted his head to the side. I rolled my eyes and glared at Alise.

"Nothing she said only I would get into an arguement with guests here." I laughed as the rest of the family did because my family did know what she said.

"Chiudere su prima che dico al più giovane riccio ha diretto un lei è caduto innamorato di lui il momento lei ha visto che il suo bello di rosolare gli occhi." I laughed and fluttered my eye lashes. She glared at me ready to kill while our family laughed harder.

English: Shut up before I tell the younger curly headed one you fell in love with him the moment you saw his pretty brown eyes.

She came over and punched me in the arm really hard. So I put her in a lock and took her over to the living room and threw her on the floor with a thud. I laughed at her then plopped on the couch.

Everyone else soon joined me on the couch as we started an easy flowing conversation. Then we got onto the part about our temper.

"Andy usually never has a temper but when she is angry, oh boy. Leo is not bad but he has one. Alise she is the worst she has gotten kicked out of so many schools in Italy we had to home school her." my Mama explained. She knew English better now because she has been using those Cd's. Alise and Leo are against it all but will still participate, but as of right now I'm their translator.

"Yes, Andy is really horrifying when she is angry you don't want to be in the same state as her at that time. Believe me she has pulled a gun out at us plenty of times. She done it to me 17 times. Leo 20, but never at Mama and Papa." I translated what Alise said unwillingly.

"Actually she has pulled her gun on me today for the first time, surprisingly." Papa admitted I blushed.

"Well Nick is the only one with a really bad temper. Joe is not that bad but can get scary at times, but Kevin and Frankie are never like that they have no temper whatsoever." Denise stated.

"Well how about we let the kids get along for a little while?" My Papa asked and of course the Jonas' agreed. They paired eachother up each of us was with someone around the same age. Frankie was tired so he stayed with the parents.

Joe and I talked for a good bit we actullay got along great. We joked around mostly, but it was nice.

"Well this has been nice Andy I really like talking to you. You are now my best friend." He jumped up and down like a little kid. I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Okay best friend I'll talk to you later." I hugged him good-bye and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled as we walked back into the house.

The Jonas' were ready to leave and when I saw Nick and Alise both come in sight with a huge frown on their faces I knew that hadn't went well. When they left I ran up into Alise's room.

"Così. ..what è successo? Ho visto che entrambi le sue facce più lei non possono mai mentire a me." I asked as I came into the room.

English: So...what happened? I saw both of your faces plus you can never lie to me.

"È un perdente enorme che deve cadere in un foro profondo. Non capisce una parola sying e non lo capisco. " She growled at me.

English:He's a huge loser who needs to fall in a deep hole. He doesn't understand a word I'm sying and I don't understand him.

"Percepisco dell'odio? perché fa lei non impara appena inglesi poi lei non discuterebbe che molto." I rolled my eyes while walking out the doorway.

English:am i sensing some hatred? why don't you just learn English then you wouldn't argue that much.

"Sicuro perché voglio diventare gli amici con quella testa di rapa." she rolled her eyes and shut the door.

English:sure because i want to become friends with that bonehead.

I laughed to myself as I went into my room to get a shower.
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okay here's chpter two people's
