A Change



It was horrible. Today I was starting private school, all by myself. Andrea was lucky because here when you are 18, you are out of school.

"You ready to go to school?" Andrea asked.

"che agire a voi aspettarsi?" I asked her what she thought. No duh I didn't want to go! She knew too!

"You should really start using inglese." She replied. I was not going to use English! "Let's go I have to be somewhere."

"A job?!" I shouted. She couldn't go on one without me! I was the best negotiator!

"Yeah, breathe. It's not that big." She answered.

She is so freaking lucky! So I followed her out to the car and guess who was in the back seat. The stupid Nick boy.

" per quale motivo he atto qua?!" I yelled. I asked Andrea what he was doing in our car.

"Yo go to the same school as him." Andrea giggled. She knew I hated this kid so she was going to make the most of it. Boy, I'm going to make her life hell.

"asina." I said to her. She gave me such a look for calling her an asshole. Then I heard Nick sigh in the back.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"SHe said you look handsome today." SHe glared at me. I can't believe she said that.


Well since I didn't know english they sent me right to some class with some creepy fat dude.

"HELLO! MY NAME IS JIM! I WILL BE YOUR TEACHER!" He yelled at me like I was deaf.

"I lettere not sordomuto!" I yelled at him that I was not deaf and dumb.

"Uh huh." He said and scrolled through an italin language book to figure out what I said.

"cretina!" I shouted that he was a moron.

"YOu are missing a toe?" He misinterupted. "I don't get payed enough for this job." and with that comment I threw my book at him and it nailed him right in the head.

"OW! TO THE OFFICE!" He yelled and I flipped him off and made my way to the office.

While I walked by I saw a lot of cute boys and I winked at them. They smiled back, but for some reason stopped and turned away quickly. I then noticed Nick was walking right next to me.

"Heard you are going to the principle's." He saiud and looked around.

"Si. allegrezza Killer." I stated.

"You best believe I'm a joy killer. Stay away form those guys. They are no good." He said and walked away.

I finally made my way to the office. Papa was not going to be happy about this. Maybe he will finally realize to home school me.

"Well I need a phone number of your parents. We need to talk to them." The principal said. I thought on my feet quickly and decided to give them Andrea's number. Maybe she could save my butt.
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