A Change



I got home after I dropped off Alise and Nick. I walked into the empty house, walking into the kitchen to make sandwich when I heard a knock at the door. I groaned and went to open it to see a happy Joe standing infront of me. He waved hyperly and just waltzed right into the house.

"Um did I say you could come into my house?" I lifted an eyebrow at him. He just shruged and took the sandwich I had made before he came.

"This is really good." Joe said with a mouth full. I just rolled my eyes. "Since you're the bestest friend ever with you make me another one?" He asked childishly.

"Sure, because that sandwich wasn't mine or anything." I laughed and went to the fridge when I heard the phone ring. "What now?!" I yelled as I made my way to my cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered to the strange caller.

"Yes this is Alise's principal. We seem to have a little trouble dwon here I would like you to come down here please." The principal demanded.

"Really. The first day and she's already trying to get kicked out? I'll be down right away." I groaned as I grabbed my keys and shoved Joe out the door. I hit the end button as I made my way to my car.

"What's the rush for?" Joe asked blocking my way to the car.

"Alise is already in trouble and I have to go bail her out. She's lucky mom and dad weren't home. They would have killed her." I told him as I shoved his figure away from the door.

"Oh. Can I come?" Joe jumped.

"No." His face fell instantly.

"Why not?"

"Because I said now move." I demanded he quietly moved out of the way walking towards his house. I got into the car and peeled out of the driveway. As I sped down the road the high school came into view.

I parked in the parent's parking lot and walked into the front doors down to the principal's office.

"Um I'm Andrea Lingiliano, Alise's sister. What happened this time?" I said as I shook the principla's hand.

"Well it seems that she is resistant to learn English. She threw her English book at one of our staff members." She informed me.

"Alise really?" I glared at her she just gave me a hmph and turned her head.

"I'm very sorry Principal Hawx this will never happen again." I promised.

"Very well, but she will be suspended from school for two days. By then I will hope her behavior and anger will be in check." She declared.

"Yes, ma'am thank you." I said with that I stood up from the chair with Alise and walked out of the office. As I walked out I saw Joe sitting with a beat up Nick and a few other boys and parents.

"What happened here?" I asked horrified by the looks of them all.

"Nick decided to pick a fight with some boys." Joe glared at his brother.

"Shut up they asked for it." Nick snapped at him.

"Why did you start a fight Nick?" I asked softly to see if he would tell me. He just looked at me then flipped his eyes to Alise and the quickly back to mine.

"Oh." Was all that managed to come out of my mouth. As I came to realisation that he fought because of what some perverted boys must have said about Alise. I thought it was very cute he stuck up for her.

"Yeah." He said as he blushed a little. I laughed at his embarressment before he was called in by Hawx. I grabbed Alise by the arm and pulled her out of the school, because she was flirting with those boys.

"Che nel mondo non va con lei? Lei sa anche che succede intorno a lei?!" I yelled at her when we got into the car.

English: What in the world is wrong with you? Do you even know what is happening around you?!

"Che?" She yelled confused. she said what.

"Nick appena ricevuto in una lotta con quelle molto ragazzi si erano flrting con perché detto orribili cose su di voi." I said calmly her expression change.

English: Nick just got in a fight with those very boys were with flrting because of the horrible things they said about you.

She didn't say anything the rest of the ride home she just went in the house and left me behind. I looked over at the Jonas' driveway to see that Joe beat me home. I walked over to their house as I waited for someone to answer.

Nick answered the door after a few knockes I smiled and gave him a hug. He seemed confused by this and I just thanked him for standing up for my sister. He smiled and I told him Alise was at my house. He walked over and I went into their house looking for Joe.
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short but it works
