If I Love You

Prologue 1/2

I love you. Three of the easiest words in the English language. Three little syllables nearly every kid can say. Three sounds strung together to create one of the most powerful statements in the English language.

I love you. Love cannot be replaced. It can die or fade, but it can never be replaced. For every person that is loved, the one who loved them will never be able to fully forget. One cannot forget love anymore than they can forget that they are human. A piece of their heart will forever have a picture of that person in it. A picture made of memories, bound by laughter and tears. Hatred is not a dislike of an unknown person or entity. Hatred is not wishing the Jonas Brothers would disappear and never come back. It is not wishing all of those emo freaks would just die out. It is not wishing for every prep in the nation to die. It is the most violent result of the one you never thought would hurt you, breaking your heart beyond repair. It is losing hope in something that will never return.

I love you. I could never hate you. Nothing could ever bring about that result. I hate what happened to us. I hate how you acted for the past months. I hate that I never put a stop to the things you did I didn't like. But I do not hate you. I love you with the hope that you will get better someday. That you will never suffer this kind of loss again. That neither of our hearts will ever break this way again.