Trembling With the Strings


Darius’ P.O.V.
I shot awake, my hand flying to my cheek as a phantom pain coursed through it. I groaned, tossing the sheets off of me and immediately wishing Gracie was lying beside me. I felt empty, for lack of a better word.

I pushed myself onto my feet, shaking off the strange pain and walking into the hall after picking up my shirt. I threw it on, glancing around. Marty’s door was open, so I decided I’d spend a few moments with him. Perhaps his childish innocence would rub off on me, so I wouldn’t want to pounce on Grace the second I saw her.

“Martin?” I called, knocking once. He didn’t answer, so I stepped farther in. “Demetrius?” He wasn’t there, so I checked the other rooms.

And then I checked the boys’ rooms. And then I checked the bathroom. And then I checked the entire house! He wasn’t there! Nearly going into a panic, I checked the backyard. I saw the fence gate open, and he walked in, rubbing his eyes and sobbing.

“Where have you been?” I asked him, pulling him into my arms. He cried into my shoulder.

“Gracie hates me!” he sobbed nearly incoherently. I smiled painfully, knowing that was a lie. She loved her brothers—sons—so much.

“No, she doesn’t. She loves you. What makes you say that?”

“She told me so! She said she couldn’t stand to look at me, and that she doesn’t love me anymore! She said so! She did!” he wailed, clutching to my shirt as if it were his last breaths.

“Martin, I doubt she said that. Where’s Gracie?”

“Tommy’s house. She said for me to go home, and she pushed me!”

I put him down, crouching in front of him and placing my hands on his shoulders. “Marty, who is Tommy?”

“Lady’s son.”

“What lady?”

“Lady. Her name is Lady.” I made a face. “Gracie’s with Lady.”

I opened my mouth to ask where this Lady was, but suddenly an extreme pain shot through my back. I grimaced, my hands jolting to my back in an attempt to soothe it. What had I done to cause such soreness? Had I slept wrong or something?

A thought came to me, and I did not like it one bit. Gracie was gone. She could be in trouble. That was the only thing I could think of. Her pain was my pain.

Why was that? Well, I did something extreme. I had to be able to protect her, so I had to be able to know she was in trouble. When I had bit her the last time it had hurt so badly. I hated that I had to put her through that, but I needed to make sure I could watch over her. I had claimed her, releasing a toxin from my body into her. I could feel everything she was feeling, and the fact that I felt her pain was not a good sign.

“Grace?” I whispered, trying to reach her. I couldn’t find her! Why couldn’t I hear her thoughts? I knew she was awake, but I could not hear her!

Baby, please tell me you’re okay! I begged mentally, nearly crying when I received no response. Something was horribly wrong.


That was not Gracie; it was a boy. My son, perhaps?

Where are you? Please, let me help! I was beyond frantic. The fact that I could hear my son, but not my mate, was absolutely terrifying. A vampire could only hear his unborn child if the child was desperate or in horrible danger.

I’m scared. Lady is going to kill Mommy! What if I die? I don’t want to die! Save me, please!

Just tell me where you are, and I’ll come save you! You two will be back in my arms, just tell me where to go! Please, just tell me!

It’s cold, and dark. But mostly…it’s white…

I felt his voice fading, and I begged for him to come back, but he didn’t.

Marty stared at me, still sobbing and choking on tears. I pushed him in the direction of the house. I didn’t have a clue where she was, but I would tear the country apart to find her. If that’s what it took, then so be it.
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And I suppose great minds think alike, because I knew I had to add one in Dray’s point of view! :D