Trembling With the Strings

Grow Up, Kiddies

“Oh, Marcy, I am not wearing that,” I told her, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Why not? Come on, I think it’s perfect!”

“Oh, but where are the hooker boots that go with it?”

“Right here!” she exclaimed, holding up a bag.

I groaned. “Is that made of leather or what?” I poked at it carefully as she held it up, grinning.

“I got it in pleather, too, if you’re morally against leather.”


Marcy threw the contraption at me, laughing as I stumbled to catch it. It smelled terrible! I held out my hand, motioning for her to give me the other one. She tossed the bag at me, and I dropped the leather one. The pleather wasn’t any better, but I didn’t feel quite as disgusted. The tight corset-styled top, which was laced in the back, and min-skirt would surely give way to every insecurity I had ever had.

“Do I have to?” I muttered, scowling at the entire outfit.

“Yes, you do,” she told me, taking out the stiletto boots and placing them on the bed. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

“You’re a rotten liar, Marcella!”

“Oh, I am not. Now try it on!” She ushered me into the closet, slamming the door behind me.

I grumbled to myself as I realized that there was not a single mirror in the closet. I begrudgingly pulled on the top and skirt, making a face as the material clung tightly to my form. I pushed open the door carefully only to be yanked out by Marcella.

“See? You’re one hot mama!” she screeched as I scowled.

“I feel like a prostitute,” I muttered, pulling my wrist out of her grasp. “I am not wearing this. It just screams, ‘I have daddy issues!’”

“Don’t you?”

“Well, my daddy is dead,” I told her with a shrug, letting out an exasperated breath. “Marcy, thanks for the effort, but I can’t do this.”

“Don’t you love that man?” she asked me, a sad look suddenly expressed on her face.

I frowned. “What does that mean?”

“You’re not wearing my brother’s ring Gracie. He’s been wearing it on a chain for the past month. I’m not stupid.”

“He’s just holding onto it for me, so I don’t loose it again,” I mumbled, praying for her to be oblivious. My prayers weren’t answered.

“You broke things off with Darius, Gracie. I know you did. I just hate to think about what you’re putting Kai through. Vampire offspring are very close to their parents, and I don’t doubt that this split is tearing your baby apart. He may not be pureblooded, but surely you’ve noticed.” I looked down. “This whole bet thing is ridiculous, but if it works for you two, then I won’t stand in the way. I wish you would talk about this like adults, but some kids never grow up.”


She shook her head, raising a hand for silence. “I won’t hear of this. You do whatever you want, but I just hope you’ll think twice before giving up on Dray completely. It’d be nice to have a sister, but I don’t want a sister that doesn’t want to be in our family.”

I stumbled for words as she left the room, closing the door silently behind her. I had always thought of Marcy as an overgrown child, but she certainly wasn’t that at all. I sat down on the bed carefully, placing my elbows on my knees and resting my head in my hands. The bet was ridiculous, but I hadn’t been the one to start the whole thing. Darius had. I didn’t know why, but he had.

“Gracie, do you want to come down and get something to eat?” Darius asked me, barging into the bedroom. “Oh—What are you wearing?” His eyes scanned up and down my body as I stood up.

“This was your sister’s doing,” I told him, smiling gently. “I’ll take it off, okay?”

I started for the closet, but a hand caught mine. I whipped around to see Darius smiling sheepishly.

“Let’s not do anything hasty,” he murmured, pulling me into his arms and kissing my cheek chastely. “Shall we?”

“Good God, she was right,” I mumbled under my breath, allowing him to lead me out of the bedroom and down the stairs into the kitchen. “Oh, hi, guys!” I practically shrieked, feeling immediately awkward as Marcus, Johnny, and Marty gaped at me from the table. Marc’s jaw practically hit the floor, and I squirmed in the less-than-appropriate attire.

Darius helped me sit down anyway, taking the seat beside me and smirking at me.

“That’s what you get for trying to use your sex appeal on me, young lady,” he whispered in my ear as he pretended to tie his shoe.

“You play dirty,” I hissed under my breath, fixing my skirt innocently.

“I should say the same to you! Two against one is hardly fair, so I made the playing field fair. Marcy won’t be intruding your thoughts anytime soon, I promise, love,” he whispered, tucking a lock of loose hair behind my ear.

I pushing him away teasingly. “Like I need her anyway.” I made a gesture similar to the cracking of a whip, and he made a face.

I grinned, turning to the salad in front of me. My brothers and Darius had glasses of a red substance in front of them, and I had to choke down a protest as Marty took a sip of the liquid I knew to be blood. I took a bite of salad, staring down at my plate.

I jumped in my skin when a cold hand fell onto my leg, and my fork fell to the floor with a clang! I glared at Darius, who was watching me out of the corner of his eye with a broad smirk plastered to his pretty little face. Well, two could play that game.

“Shoot,” I muttered, fighting the smile on my lip as I bent down to pick up my fork, my hand brushing against his jeans dangerously close to something good girls don’t touch. I smirked when his thighs tensed, and his teeth dug into his lower lip. Darius shot me a death glare. “Sorry, accidents happen, love.”

He returned his eyes to look at his glass, and he lifted it up carelessly to swirl the contents with shaky hands. He tried to steady himself, but I smiled to myself as I took another bite.

“Guys, do you think Gracie and I could have some time alone?” Darius asked suddenly, not once glancing at me.

They nodded, piling out of the room like the Three Musketeers. I glanced over at Dray, trying to keep the confusion out of my stare. I failed epically. Darius turned to look at me, a strange look in his eyes.


“What do you mean, ‘What?’ I can’t just gaze at you without being up to something?”

“No, you can’t. Keep staring; I might do a trick,” I teased, taking another bite of my salad.

“No, you might strip though.”

“What exactly does that mean?” I asked sourly, scowling at him as I swallowed a crouton.

“This is ridiculous. You can’t just let us have a nice dinner, can you?” he asked with a slight hiss. “You just have to try something!”

“You tried first, if you recall.”

“I just put my hand on your leg! You damn near gave me a fucking handjob!”

“Normal guys wouldn’t be whining about that,” I muttered, poking at my plate.

“Don’t you see what I want?” I shook my head, making a face at my food. “I just want to know that you love me. I just want to know that I’m not forcing you to join me in bed. I want to know that you’re in this, and that I’m not the only one that wants this to work!”

“This is ridiculous,” I told him, recalling Marcy’s words. “When are you going to stop being a little kid and grow up?”

“I grew up a long time ago! Care to join me at the adult table?”

I scowled at him, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest. His expression softened as he stood up, gently pulling me into his arms.

“I’m sorry. I’m doing it again. These fights start out of nothing, and I’m tired of it. Just tell me this: Do you even love me anymore? Do you even think about me?”

“Oh, Dray,” I murmured, smiling gently at him. “Honestly? I’ve thought about you the entire time, Darius. When I was in the car with Toni, I told him that I loved him! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? I could have dropped dead! And here you are, asking me if I still love you? You must be an idiot, Darius, an idiot.”

“Do you love idiots?” he mumbled not-so-subtly.

“Being smart is stupid,” I told him, kissing his cheek softly. “It’s been a long day… Would you like to join me?”

“Do you mean…?”

“No, I don’t, you pervert. I want to go to sleep,” I teased, tapping his nose lightly and grabbing his hand.

“It’s a start, I suppose.”