Trembling With the Strings

Missing You

I didn’t see Darius very much over the next few days. I went to sleep around midnight, and I slept for two hours before being awoken by a body crashing into bed beside me. I preferred to stay at Drakken’s during the day, because Darius was there. Despite my efforts, we saw each other less and less. We would pass each other in the hall, or maybe I’d peek into his father’s study to see Dray working so hard—for us. I hadn’t ever been the girl to daydream about the perfect wedding (because I’d been much busier with taking care of my brothers to even consider having dreams), but Dray had set his mind on giving me every other girl’s dream. I would have rather spent the days in his arms, but I could never tell him that. After all, that would be like shoving his good intentions into his face.

Rather than that, I busied myself with motherhood and making myself familiar with every instrument that Darius could play. Dante had offered to help, but I had declined. I had even gone to such lengths of keeping myself occupied that I had hired some men to build a horse stable and enclosed pasture, so Luna would be near Dray again, though she still would not let me go near her. Drakken had pulled me aside one day and insisted on giving me some of his horses to keep Luna company.

The main reason I tried to keep myself busy was the hope that I might drown out my thoughts before they could talk me out of anything. I did not regret the decision regarding the marriage, but my heart did beat feverishly throughout the week, as if reminding me that I had condemned it. Its expiration date continued to approach, and I could do nothing about it.

I stowed the French horn in its case and listened anxiously to the racing of my heart. I was the only human left in my family, but that would change soon enough. With that thought, I hurried past Drakken’s study and up the elegant staircase, suddenly needing to be near my son. Motherly instincts had certainly grown on me, and I oftentimes found myself carrying Kai around with me wherever I went, as if he was attached to my hip. He never complained, but that was probably because he was an angel.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw his peaceful face. He laughed happily from his seat on the floor, surrounded by Marcus and Johnny and Marty. I smiled as I watched Johnny read to his baby brother and as Marty and Marcus watched Kai with warmth in their eyes. I stepped farther into the room, and Johnny’s ears perked before he turned to look at me.

“Oh, hi, Gracie,” he said, relaxing visibly. “You startled me.”

“You certainly sound very startled,” I teased, reaching down and gathering Kai in my arms. “Hey, Mister,” I cooed, tapping my small nose. He sneezed lightly, nestling into my shirt.

“Gracie, can I ask you a question?” Marty asked, jumping to his feet and stumbling up to me. “Why doesn’t Darius want to play with us anymore?”

I smiled apologetically, crouching down to be eye level with him. “He’s very busy lately. I bet he’d much rather be up here with you, but he insists on working on the wedding. As soon as this is over, everything will be back to normal. I promise.”

“You want to get married, don’t you?”

His question caught me by surprise for a second, but I nodded. “I just don’t see why it has to be so perfect, but maybe it’s a man thing.” Everyone in the room pouted at me, and I laughed. “Sorry. I wish Kai had been a girl!” I teased, receiving a glare from my son. “Do you think he’d mind if I put him in a dress?”

I gasped when Kai was snatched out of my arms, and Marcus looked up at me with mock horror in his eyes, cradling Kai as if protecting him. “Never say that again! You’ll turn him into a transvestite!”

“What’s a transvestite?” Marty asked, tugging on my jeans.

I shot a look to Marcus.

“It’s a man that likes to be gay.”

“That’s enough of that!” I cringed, taking Kai back. “Honestly, who taught you to be so blunt?” I thought for a moment. “Okay, that was a stupid question. I love that man even if he’s an idiot.”

“I’ll have you know I’m a legal genius,” Darius mumbled, and once again Kai was taken out of my arms.

“Did you sleep with the creator of the test that said that?”

“I love you,” he said randomly, ignoring my comment. I grinned like an idiot when he kissed my cheek. “So are you excited? It’s tomorrow, you know. And I’ve worked my ass off for you.”

“You have,” I agreed, snatching Kai for the last time and handing him to Johnny. “But we could have just eloped in Vegas,” I murmured, hugging him for the first time in what seemed like forever.

“That’d be so romantic. I thought women love husbands who actually give a damn about their wedding?”

“I suppose we do, but I missed you,” I mumbled, taking his hands. “And so did Marty. He wanted to know why you don’t like to play with him anymore.”

“You’re making me feel guilty about giving you the wedding of a lifetime? No pun intended.”

“No, but do you think you could spend some time with the kids? They missed you, and you’re done, right?”

He nodded. “But don’t you miss me, too?” he purred in my ear, kissing me softly.

“Of course I do, but I can wait. Little boys don’t have patience.”

He smiled, embracing me quickly. “Okay, I’ll make up for lost time. But don’t you dare go to bed early, alright? I haven’t spent any quality time with you in forever.”

“We’ll see,” I teased, smacking his chest lightly. “I’ll see you later then. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” he murmured.

I made my way for the door, and I couldn’t help but turn and watch as Darius talked to Marty. The little boy’s eyes lit up, and he started jumping up and down before tackling Dray. I grinned, stepping into the hallway and heading towards Dray’s old room.

My stomach was tied in knots as I sat down on the bed. After tomorrow, I would never hear the sound of my own heartbeat; I would never know the natural warmth of a mortal’s own skin; my life would never be the same.

But I knew that I would have Darius. And that was what got me through the day.
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I'm sorry for the lack of updates, and as for how I come up with "this stuff" well I couldn't tell you. I suppose my mind is an interesting place :D And I don't know if you're the only male that reads this, but you might just be the only one man enough to admit that you're a male. Well, that last comment made me laugh. And know what? I love you, too. I love everyone that reads this because I can. Anyway, I just felt like I should leave a very long author's note to make up for the lack of updates. Lack of motivation might be a main cause, that or boys, boys, boys! They interfere with my writing lol. I have to worry about how to maintain a friendship with a guy that I love to tears, but I think he might like me in a different way all while managing the latest interest. >:| I can't help it he wears football tights and mama likes :D Was that weird? Oh well! But that's my life for you! I guess I'm just too amazing and whatnot. I wonder if any of you are still reading this? Hmm, well if you are I must say bravo! And as thanks for reading this, I'll tell you something: I'm definitely working on the next chapter right now, so hopefully I'll have it up soon :)