Trembling With the Strings

Runaway Daughter Number Two

I was panting for breaths after having run for at least ten minutes straight. I hadn’t really thought things through. I’d left my brothers there... But I couldn’t raise them right either. Maybe Marcy would. And Darius would at least be there for Demetrius.

I was completely lost. I had no idea where I was, but I had come to a small park. Mothers were watching their children play, and I had to admire them. They actually loved their kids. They were sitting next to their husbands, smiling happily. I glanced down to my stomach and placed my left hand on it. I tried to tug off the ring, but I couldn’t.

I started bawling then, unable to stop. I wiped the tears away with my sleeve, sitting down on a nearby bench. What was I supposed to do?

“Are you alright?” a woman asked me, sitting down beside me. I nodded.

“I’ll be okay... I think.” I held my stomach. I wasn’t so alone, I guess.

“Why are you here alone? Or...You’re not alone, are you?” I looked up at her through bloodshot eyes. “Where is your husband?”

“He’s my fiancé—was my fiancé.” I took in a shaky breath. “I told him that I’m pregnant and he said he ‘can’t do this’.” I started bawling again, throwing my face into my hands. “He loves me, but he can’t do this!”

She rubbed my back soothingly, telling me everything would be alright. She asked where my parents were. I told her they took off somewhere and that my fiancé—err, ex—had my little brothers because I couldn’t take care of them.

“I don’t know what to do,” I admitted, trying to stop sobbing.

“You’re just a kid yourself,” she told me, shaking her head. “The world is a dangerous place, honey, especially for young girls. I’m so sorry.”

She hugged me then. Like only a mother could. I started crying into her shoulder, begging her to wave a magic wand and make things how they used to be. She said she would if she could.

“Gracie, please come back! You really need to talk to Darius!” Marcy begged, running up to me. “Please. He’s—” She glanced to the woman. “Oh, hello.”

“I don’t want to talk to him! He’s ruined my life!” I shrieked, standing up and pushing her away. “I never want to see him again!”


I glanced over to Dante. I wasn’t afraid of him anymore.

“I won’t go back there! I won’t! You can’t make me!”

Dante and Marcy stepped forward. I was cornered! I made a dash for straight ahead, but their father was blocking that way. I turned around only to see Cameron shaking her head gently.

“Gracie, we’re not letting you leave,” Cameron told me, stepping closer. I fell to my knees, bawling my eyes out. I thought they were my friends, but then again they knew him better. Vampires just watch out for themselves apparently.

“Just leave me alone!” I begged, sobbing into my knees as I hugged them. “Just leave...”

Dante stepped up even closer and Marcy placed her hand on my shoulder, shaking her head lightly. I hardly had time to question her before I felt the sting of Dante's fangs on my neck. Maybe I'm just dramatic sometimes, but I actually welcomed the unconsciousness.

And if I had to see Darius when I opened my eyes, I hoped I would never wake up again.
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I'm so cruel, I know. Why can't I just cut her some slack? Well, that'd be no fun! I think I'll update again in like an hour or so. Depends on my mood =P