Trembling With the Strings

Jump Aboard The Welcome Wagon

Gracie’s P.O.V.
I shot up in my bed, stretching and yawning as I turned off the new alarm clock in my bedroom. Katelynn groaned, pulling the pillow over her face. I sighed, getting out of bed and looking at myself in the brand new mirror/vanity combo.

What had happened last night? My head was so foggy. I remembered someone grabbing my arm and I had screamed, kicking him in the shin and taking off only to find myself tackled to the dewy grass. The man had told me that he was with the police and that he was going to save me, all the while covering my mouth so I wouldn’t scream again...

And here I was, back at my old crummy house with new fixtures at every turn. Katelynn was oversleeping, as usual, so I headed into the kitchen rubbing my eyes.

“Good morning, Grace,” my mother bid me, setting the table for breakfast. A new tradition? I wasn’t hungry. “Could you wake up your brothers? You need to leave for school in half an hour. Demetrius is off to kindergarten this year.” She smiled, putting a plate of pancakes on the table beside a bowl of strawberries, black and red raspberries and blueberries.

I turned on my heel, heading back down the hall. I knocked on the door once before pushing it open. Johnny was already up and sluggishly walked past me and to the kitchen. Demetrius turned onto his side, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. He immediately jumped up and hugged me. I embraced him for a second before telling him to go eat breakfast. Marcus glowered at me, but stood up and walked past me, going out of his way to elbow me in my side.

I frowned, knocking on my bedroom door, telling Katelynn to get up. She groaned something or another, and I heard fumbling as she surely fell out of bed. I should have been worrying about why I was home instead of with Darius; I should have been trying to get back to him; I should have been asking questions as to why I was home. But it was too early in the morning, and I was too busy enjoying how things used to be.

I sat down at the kitchen table and popped a black raspberry into my mouth despite the fact that I was content with my hunger level. Marty thanked our mom and shoved a waffle into his mouth, grinning like a maniac. I smiled, ruffling his hair. Johnny tore the pancake into little bits before stabbing them with his fork and eating it. Marcus didn’t touch his food.

“I’m up,” Katelynn muttered, pulling out a seat and sitting down beside me. I excused myself to get ready.

I closed the door gently behind me, walking up to the mirror and fixing my hair quietly. I put on makeup—something I had never done before meeting Marcy and the rest of the Jameson’s. I was sure that the kids at my school would say something about it, but that didn’t matter. Darius would surely come get me soon enough.

I opened the closet door and pulled on an obviously new skirt. It was cute, though—blue plaid. I pulled on a white tank top and a black hoodie before sitting down on the bed, staring at my tummy for a moment.

My baby boy was never going to know that I was his real mommy. He would grow up calling me Aunt Gracie, and he would call Cameron Mommy and Dante Daddy. It wasn’t fair at all, but all that mattered was that he was safe and happy. I couldn’t keep him safe from his father’s anger, so this was surely for the best, right?

I sighed, standing up and putting on a pair of black ballet flats. Maybe someone would knock me down the stairs at school or something.

Katelynn came rushing in, yanking out random clothes and jumping into a pair of jeans.

“We have to get going!” she told me, lacing up her shoes. “I don’t want to be late. People are going to want to hear where I’ve been. Come on!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. My brothers were waiting for us.

Katie dragged on and on about how popular she was now that we had money, but I was making sure Marcus and Johnny got across the street alright. I nodded absentmindedly, hugging Marty goodbye as we got to the elementary school. The next building was the middle school, so Johnny and Marcus took off. Katelynn walked into the high school with me.

I took in a deep breath as we made our way to our old lockers, splitting up along the way. I dialed my combination, somehow managing to remember.

This was going to be a long day.
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You are all the best, I swear from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could just update twenty times in one day for you, but then I'd be out of chapters! Really, though, you make this worthwhile =] thanks so much! And I'm not sure if I'll update later tonight or early tomorrow morning, but it will be one of the two.