Trembling With the Strings

My Heart Can't Take Any More Surprises!

“Well, well. What’s little Gracie doing back here?” Bryce asked me, running to catch up with me as the bell rang. I sighed as Abby went to her next block, which wasn’t with me.

“It’s a long story. Please, just leave me alone,” I begged, picking up the pace.

He walked faster. “We’ve got time. I’ve got British Literature next. And so do you.” I groaned. “So tell me. Did you finally wise up and leave?”

“No, I did not leave him,” I growled, shoving him away. “Oh, my friend Robbie likes you.”

“Is Robbie some girl with a boy name?” I shook my head. “It sucks to be a heartbreaker, hmm?”

“Shut up! I don’t even like you, so why are you bothering me?” I elbowed him in the stomach when he stepped too close. He scowled.

“Feisty, hmm? Oh, Dray told me about the kid. I’m going to be the Godfather.”

“Like hell you are! Look, just leave me alone. I’m trying to have a nice day, but you’re ruining it. Understand?”

I tried to slam the door in his face, but he caught it. “Testy, eh? Don’t take out your prego hormones on me!”

“Shut up!” I hissed as people glanced at me. Louder, I said, “You’re not funny.”

“No one knows, huh? I bet no one knows that you were sold by your parents,” he whispered in my ear. I sat in my desk, praying that he would be struck by lightning.

So far no such luck.

“Calm down. So why hasn’t Darius come after you yet? I thought you two were so disgustingly in love.”

“He’ll come. He just doesn’t know where I am.” I felt queasy. I grabbed my stomach, praying for the bell to ring.

“Oh.” His lips curved into a revolting smile. “I’m sure he will. I mean, he surely cares about you. He wouldn’t dream of letting you go so he doesn’t have to deal with a kid.”

“Just shut up!” There was one minute until class started. I was going to cry. I knew it.

“Gracie, it’s okay. You can’t blame him for not loving you anymore.”

I couldn’t take this. I stood up and asked the teacher if I could run to the restroom real quick. I grabbed my things and scurried out, aware of Bryce’s eyes on me the entire time.

I slammed the door behind me, staring at myself in the mirror and blinking away the tears and nausea. Why do they have to bother me about Darius so much? What had I done to them? Nothing. I was nice. I tried to be nice. But they were all just asses!

I sighed, sitting down and leaning against the wall. I hugged my knees to my chest. Darius had made my life so horrible! I mean, he was great and loving when he wasn’t being a total jerk, but everything had been so simple before I fell onto his lap. And hidey ho! my life was gone.

I sat like that for the entire class, only getting up when I heard the bell ring. I hurried off to World History, hoping there were no more surprises.

Unfortunately, there was.
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Here's tomorrow's installment--tonight! Yeah, I figured I might as well put it up now since I'm not sure if I'll have the time tomorrow. Life's getting hectic, but hopefully I won't fall behind in my writing. Homecoming is coming up, so hopefully Andrew will do good at the game =] and my dress reminds me of a black peacock! But I digress. Anyway, before I ramble even more... Actually, that's all I have to say. Comment and subscribe =]