Trembling With the Strings

The Term "Bang" Becomes Redefined

“I’m busy, Darius. Go away,” Lyndell mumbled, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me to him as he kissed from my lips to my collarbone.

“Who’s he chick?” Darius persisted. “That’s not Casey.”

“I dumped her yesterday.” He rolled his eyes. “The whore cheated.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Lynn. So how’d you meet what’s-her-face?”

“I have a name,” I managed to sneer as I glared at him. Lynn laughed against my neck, holding me even tighter. Darius narrowed his eyes.

“I can’t say I rightfully care! And I wasn’t speaking to you, girl. Lynn?”

“Gracie got lost on her way to your sister’s room, so I was helping her. Can you leave now?” Lyndell muttered. Darius rolled his eyes and I knew how nice it’d feel to smack him across the face. It would feel so very nice.

“You’re not doing that in my sister’s room,” he told him, stepping up and snatching me from Lyndell. I squirmed, not liking it at all. I suddenly felt so cold.

“Oh, don’t be so stiff. Come on, loosen up. Life’s much more fun that way.” Lynn had this insane grin on his face and I couldn’t help but smile.

“No. Go finish playing your drum.”

“I’d rather bang something else,” he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Later, Dray.” As soon as he was gone I noticed Darius’ eyes on me.

“Can I help you?” I snapped, prying his fingers off of me. He grinned, but it wasn’t as welcoming as Lyndell’s.

“What’s a timid little girl like you doing here?” he demanded, only tightening his grip.

“What ever do you mean? I just felt like being snatched from my own home and family!” Yeah, I was being a smartass, but this man was very rude and I didn’t like those kinds of people too much. He growled and squeezed my arm tightly, unfortunately right on a bruise my Dad had given me three days ago. I cried out and clawed at his fingers. “Let go!”

“Why? Am I hurting you?” he asked mockingly. I glared at him, but he just kept gripping it. I started bawling and he looked a little confused. I ripped my arm from him and pulled up my sleeve to look at the damage. There were so many bruises there, but I was used to the sight, so I focused only on the throbbing pain. “Did I do that?” I shook my head lightly. He almost sounded remorseful. “Then who did?”

“None of your business!” I yelled, walking away from him as I rubbed my arm tenderly.

I heard him mutter something before tackling me to the floor. I cried out and glowered up at him through watery eyes. He started tugging up my shirt and I smacked him across the face. I was not getting raped! He eventually tore it right off and I could tell he saw the giant, nasty bruises and welts, not to mention the one nasty bruise my Dad had given me when he had knocked me to the floor only a day ago. To top it all off, I was just skin and bones. All I could do was glare at Darius as he gaped at my tormented body. He had no right to pry into my life.

“Who did this? Lyndell?” His eyes scanned over my bruised body even still. I shook my head. “You’re going to tell me. Right now.” I merely shook my head again. “Tell me, Gracie!”

“No! Why do you even care?” I hissed. He opened his mouth, but I heard another voice.

“Darius! Gracie! What are you doing?”