Trembling With the Strings

I Be A Blacksmith

The next morning we got ready quickly—my mother even gave Darius a cup of orange juice. He drank it to keep her from causing a riot, but it was good that she was easing up on the “I hate my future son-in-law” thing.

We had just walked in through the front doors, and Darius was pulling me to my locker so we could have some alone time. He was still complaining about the disgusting aftertaste, but our time was cut short as someone else walked to his locker, which happened to be right beside mine.

“Oh, Gracie and Darius! What a surprise,” Lyndell said, not sounding shocked at all.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” Darius asked him, glaring at his “best friend”.

“I don’t know whatever you could mean, Dray,” he told him with mock innocence. “I just decided to finish my schooling. I had no idea you, Marcy and Gracie were here!”

“I don’t want any funny business,” Dray growled, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him.

“I don’t have a good record,” he reminded him, laughing as I was shoved behind my fiancé. “Keeping the princess locked away in her castle, are you? I think you’re afraid Prince Charming might sweep her off her feet.”

“In your dreams, pretty boy,” he muttered under his breath.

“Yes, she is in my dreams. And you’d hate to see how I make her tick,” he purred, glancing to me. I made a face, not objecting when Darius hid me even more.

“Shut your mouth or I’ll do it for you.” His jaw was clenched.

“You should have seen how she was panting, Dray,” he whispered, licking his lips.

“That’s enough! Gracie, we’re going to class,” he told me, pulling me close and practically dragging me away.

“I’ve got the key, Darius. You can’t keep changing the locks for long,” he called after us, laughing as he went the opposite direction.

What was his problem? I thought he was with Marcy, but here he was trying to mess up what Darius and I had. I tried to steal a glance behind us, but Darius told me to watch my eyes. I didn’t question him as we walked to our first block. But what had been that whole scene with Lynn and Marcy then?

I shook the thoughts out of my head, but Lyndell’s words were looping in my head. But what locks had he been talking about?
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I'm sorry if this was a disappointment. I needed to get something out, and I've run out of pre-typed chapters! It finally happened, I know. I'm trying to get these out as soon as I can, I swear. I hope you'll bear with me.