Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 1.0

As I ducked, my hand rested on the gun that had been in the waistband of my jeans. We all were listening to the sound of bullets spraying through the glass of the front window. Alex slammed the door shut to try and buy us some time; she already had her nine mil out and ready.

“Is that all you have?” I asked knowing that we were probably screwed. She nodded and winced as her thoughts mirrored my own.

“Fuck,” I mumbled as her old friends looked up at us with confused looks.

I also noticed two girls on the floor near Brian and who had been introduced as Zacky. Both seemed vaguely familiar. I was guessing one was the bitch that hurt Alex, Leah I gotta shoot her, and the other was someone random that I’m probably confusing with someone else.

“Oh well. Umm we’ll figure this out,” She told me.

That was one of her best attributes, even when it was obvious we were screwed, she kept a positive attitude and ready for it. I nodded and double checked that my gun was loaded.

Within seconds, the door was kicked over and a couple of people came in with guns aimed and ready. I glanced to see Alex nod towards the left and then to the right, I nodded slightly signifying I got the plan.

I rolled out of the way when the one closest to me aimed for me, and retaliated with a couple of rounds of my own. I noticed Alex had gotten close with the other one and had the gun out of his hand. She always did like making deaths up close and personal.

I noticed that about six more guys had come into the house and were coming up close and personal with the guys.

I sighed, great now we had to look over them too.

I noticed that Matt and Jimmy seemed to be faring fine, but Zacky, Johnny and Brian were struggling slightly. Where the fuck did the two girls go?

I shrugged my question off and walked towards the people who were closest to me. As the bulky guy had the gun aimed at Zacky’s chest, I sprinted and attempted to tackle him. It didn’t work out so well.

So when the gun went off, it only grazed the top of Zacky’s shoulder. This pissed the guy off, who then grabbed me and tossed me as if it were nothing.Fuck, that hurt.

I groaned as my shoulder hit the floor hard. I glanced around since most people don’t shoot at other people who are laying on the ground probably dead. I noticed Alex had a gun to another’s head trying to get him to tell her who sent them.

Johnny looked freaked out as he looked around.

I then noticed a guy straddling Matt with a knife stabbed into his chest… Luckily it didn’t look like his heart, but it could be his lungs. I aimed carefully and shot the guy in the shoulder knocking him off of Matt who was laying still. I noticed Alex run towards the guy and finish him off before kneeling by Matt.

“Alex, look out!” I tried to shout out as a guy came up and shot her in the arm.

My voice came out strained and quiet. She groaned and turned around with a glare. I pulled myself up and went to help Johnny, and groaned as I felt a bullet enter between my ribs, near my stomach.

I kept going and slowed a bit as I felt blood trickle down my side. Johnny had shoved the guy off and stumbled back a little bit. I managed to make a hole of my own in the guy. I groaned as a new person walked up and kneed me in the stomach adding to the pain I already felt.

I looked up into his eyes as I reached my hands up and snapped his neck. I groaned as his body fell on top of me. With the added weight, I couldn’t move and was forced to watch the massacre.

I looked over towards Alex to see her fighting with the guy who had somehow managed to shoot Jimmy through the shoulder and then again in the leg. She was bleeding down the back and from some place on her right leg.

I groaned under the weight and tried to push his body off again as my eyes trailed around the rest of the room. Brian was struggling against a bigger guy, Zacky was fighting someone as well. Johnny was sitting on the floor and looked out of it.

I inhaled deeply, which was a bad idea, as pain shot through my abdomen.

I looked up when I heard someone snicker, a person, it looked like a girl, had walked up and had a pocket knife out. She smirked down at me.

“Looks like you’re screwed.” She sneered as she took my arm and cut from my wrist to my elbow.

My eyes widened as I struggled under the weight, I was relieved when Johnny managed to stumble over and shove the woman away. He pushed the guy off of me and I stood up shakily.

I looked to my left arm to see the blood gushing to the floor. This is bad.

I glared at the girl before tackling her to the ground. As I attempted to wrestle the knife out of her hands she managed to cut the right side of my face, along my cheek. It wasn’t very deep but I could now feel blood mixing with the sweat on my face. I managed to get the knife away.

“Too bad there won’t be a next time for you,” I sneered as I stabbed her in the chest three times. And then for good measure dragged the knife across her throat, severing the major arteries that were in it.

I felt a bullet graze my shoulder and looked over to see Zacky struggling with the gun in the guys hands. Alex had gone over to help Brian. And as the guy they were fighting fell to the ground, so did Alex.

She seemed to be bleeding pretty bad. Brian pulled her to his body as they both bled. I forced myself over to Zacky and grabbed one of the guns that had been dropped on the floor.

I walked over to the guy and aimed it at his head. “Drop the gun, and maybe, just maybe I won’t blow your brains out,” I growled venomously. “You’re going to regret ever messing with us.”

He released the gun just to turn and try and kick me down. I managed to pull the trigger before he could push me and he fell backwards. I groaned as my vision began to blur.

Without meaning to, I stumbled forward and collided with Zacky’s chest. The last thing I could make out as my vision went black was the dialing of three numbers and Johnny’s voice.

“Yeah, people are hurt.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? Katie wrote this chapter. And it's in Kass pov.

Quote? 'I hate racist jokes . . . they're just so . . .so rasict. - Natalie

Opening Song? I miss you by Blink-182.

Next on hdylmn? ??? Who knows, I don't.

Also? If you comment tell me your favorite Blink/ song because at the moment I'm obbessed with them after seeing them live last week. By the way, they were amazing!

One more thing? Go read and comment Katies story Right Here In My Arms so she'll update and then I'll be all happy and update!! Plus the story's really good, Brian's a jackass and Katie writes the best jackass Brian stories.

*Next update whenever Katie can convince me to update or I get all happy cuz i know what happens in her stories.So go read and comment but don't forget to comment this story too!