Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 1.5

"Ummm it was true. We have a set of twins." I replied.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for the yelling but instead I was met with silence. I glanced up to see Jimmy and Brian both white and shaking slightly. I slowly turned around to see four guys holding guns, two were pointed at me while two were pointed at Kass.

Kass sighed, "we're in the fucking hospital; what did we do to want to make you want us dead that much?"

One of the guys smirked, "not us, but I think we'll go for the twins instead."

"Touch them and I'll kill you myself and it won't be easy," Matt hissed.

"Stay out of this Matt." I replied calmly.

"Not going to talk him out of it?"

"Why should I? You'll be dead before you can walk out this hospital."

"What makes you think that?" The guy asked raising an eyebrow.

"This," I replied smirking before throwing the knife no one had noticed me grabbing. It hit him straight in the chest, he looked up at the knife and back at me before the eyes rolled into his head and he crumbled to the floor.

"Anyone else?" Kass asked holding a knife in each hand while smirking.

Two of the guys aimed at us before shooting while the other went running. Kass ducked while I threw all the knife I had on me at them. Somehow Kass was able to get the guys into one room before running after the third guy, I threw my last night and luckily hit one of the guys in the shoulder causing him to drop his gun.

I drop-kicked the other guy before he was able to retrieve the gun, I scrambled but grabbed the gun and shot him before he had the time to get up. I glanced around to see the second guy holding a knife readying to throw, I aimed and shot at him only to find the gun empty.

"Feeling nervous?" The guy asked sadistically as I back into a corner.

"No," I replied as he came closer.

I frowned as guy twirled the knife between his fingers, he was a professional, there wasn't any trick he didn't know. I took a deep breath before ducking under his arm praying he grabbed me.

I smirked as he caught me, I waited till he had pulled him a little closer to him before putting my hands out and using the wall as leverage to flip over his arm and out of his grip. As I finished the flip I put my leg out and slammed him into the wall giving me time to land.

The guy grinned at my challenge as he turned around. He nodded slippingmy his knife in to his belt. He boldly took the first swing, he swung a fist near my face while his other arm reached out to grab me.

I turned and missed the swing but didn't notice his arm till it was too late. I took a cheap shot and kneed him before using all my strength to push him away. He crumbled to the ground before shaking it off and standing up.

I took the first swing this time, I swung a fist at his face hoping his didn't notice the one heading for his stomach. He didn't. He groaned not expecting the hit to the gut, he took a few deep breaths before kicking out his leg and knocking mine out my under me.

I grinned as I fell to the floor on my back, I put both of my hands under me for support going into a back bend I waited for him to stand up fully before I kicked one of my legs up causing my shin to ram into his jaw and my foot land in neck.

He staggered backwards holding his broken jaw as I quickly scrambled to stand up. I paused to see him staggering towards me with a new rage in his eyes. He grabbed my hair and pulled me forward while pulling his knife from the belt.

He pulled my hair and head backwards before putting his knife to my throat getting ready to slit it.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked watching me squirm in place.

"This," I replied before balling up one of my fist and pulling it forward causing his nose to break. "Figured the nose would match your shattered jaw."

"You bitch," he replied coming towards me again.

I grabbed his arm and flipped him, he never braced himself since most people don't think I'm able to flip them. Once he landed I twisted his arm and stepped around so my foot was on his chest. I smirked sliding the knife from his hand before I slid it across his throat.

Once I was sure he was dead I grabbed the knife and ran the way Alexia hoping she had grabbed the guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I can only write violence when I'm mad at someone.

Quote? "Be a pirate, its fun being a pirate'

Opening song? Blow - Atreyu

Poll? When you're angry, what bands do you listen to?Answer in a comment! Please and Thank-you!

My answer? Atreyu

One check out? Go read Katie and mines new story: You Can't Break A Broken Heart It features Avenged Sevenfold and 3 Days Grace.

Thanks? To everyone who's ever commented on the last chapter!