Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 1.8

"Where are we Alexia?" Matt asked me as we pulled up to a Gothic style house.

"Dad's" I replied quickly jumping out of the car before pausing.

Since he left shortly after I was born, our dad never watched us grow up and if I hadn't shown up on his doorstep pregnant I would still hate him. But this would be the first time Matt would truly meet him and what if he turned out to like Matt better like our mom did? What if I was treated like the outcast again? I don't think I could handle it a second time.

I stared at the door too scared to knock on the door, my fear of what was on the other side of that door was enough to make me want to run home. A huge part of me wanted to drop the guys off at my house before coming back but the other part of me knew the longer I waited the shorter Papa Haner lifeline became.

I felt a hand grab mine before intertwining our hands and squeezing. I glanced over to see Brian watching me with a slight smile trying to tell me that everything would be alright, before that smile made me melt inside and suddenly the anxiousness would be gone but now I didn't melt insideeven if it made me smile back.

As I got lost in Brian's eyes something bigger than my fear hit me, my dad was about to meet Brian. As the realization hit me I snapped out of the trance and as much as I wanted to pull my hand away I couldn't. Something about Brian's presence still calmed me and I wasn't ready to let that calmness go.

"My dads going to hate you," I mumbled.

"Because of the twins?" Brian asked quietly.

I nodded, tear my gaze from him to the house, "and because you cheated on me."

Brian groaned, tossing his head back in frustration, "I didn't cheat on you."

"This isn't the place nor the time for this argument."

"If its any consolation, if he makes it, my dad's gonna hate you too."

"What? Why?"

"You took his grand kids, and you know how much he loves kids."

"We're find him Brian and he's gonna be fine."

"Promise?" Brian asked sadly, as if he had no hope left in him.

"Promise, triple cross my heart." I recited like we used to when we were growing up.

Brian suddenly pulled me in to a tight hug, at first I didn't know how to react till I felt the tear. Out of instinct I quickly rubbed his back with one hand and hugged his waist with the other. Brian never cried in front of people but when he did it was something serious, and a part of my couldn't help but be excited that he still trust and cared enough about me to cry in front of me.

I glanced up only to meet Kassie's smirking face. As my eyes met hers, her smirk grew and she rolled her eyes before walking over to the guys to give us a moment alone. I shook my head knowing exactly what was going through her head and how she was going to bring this up a million times.

As Brian slowly let me I smiled hoping to convey the same thought as before, everything was gonna be okay. He nodded and with the smile still on my face I walked up to the door finally ready to knock.

Kassie walked up to me as I heard footsteps coming close to the door. She smirked before whispering, "you still love Brian don't you."

"No." I replied sharply. "Any feelings I had for him disappeared when he cheated on me."

"Keep telling yourself that hunny, maybe it'll come true." Kassie replied with a slight laugh before messing up my hair.

I opened my mouth to yell at her but Heather opened the door before noticing everyone and holding it wider letting us in. "Oh look Andrew Alexia's here and she brought guests."

Yupp, still wanted to shot her. I thought as I glared at her hearing my dad's footsteps nearing.

"Alexia! Kassie! And who's this?" My dad asked with a smile standing between Kassie and I.

I gulped, "dad this Matthew, Jimmy, Zacky, Johnny and uhh Brian. Guys this is my dad, Andrew Sanders."

Once the name Brian tumbled from my lips the smile on my dad's face slid off and was replaced with a glare that could melt glass.

Fuck, what am I gonna do?
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I'm writing this at 12:45 am so I'm sorry if the grammer suck more than normal

Apologies? I'm soooooooooo sorry it took me so long to update but I promise to update soon! *holds out pinkie* pinkie promise minus the whole fact that pinkie promises creep me out

More Apologies? I'm super sorry this chapter sucks but it that part needed to be there and I'm not really in the habit of writing anymore but I'm gonna try cuz I miss writing :[

Next Update? By 2 am Monday at lastest (Californian time though)

Also? Don't hate me please! And I'd understand if you don't comment but it'd make me happy if you did!