Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 1.9

"Brian." Mr. Sanders said in an annoyed tone.

"Mr. Sanders," Brian replied stepping forth and offering his hand to Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Sanders shook Brian's hand but anyone could tell Mr. Sanders was tightening his grip on Brian before twisting his arm causing Brian to fall on his knees. Kassie smirked at Alexia who rolled her eyes in return.

"Alexia, what is he doing here?" Mr. Sanders asked not taking his eyes off Brian.

"Dad let him go, they need protection apparently we have a territory war on our hands." Alexia replied in a bored tone.

"He doesn't need our protection, and that silly little threat is none of your concern."

"None of my concern? How is Papa Gates being kidnapped none of my concern?"

"How is it any of your concern? A random citizen been taken isn't probable cause to start a war."

The blazing look in Alexia's eyes was enough to tell anyone that he pushed to far and hit a nerve. That look was enough to make any guy run for the hills.

"A random citizen?! Papa Gates not a random citizen, and if he isn't enough to start a fucking war then who is?"

Mr. Sanders eyes flashed to Alexia, but instead of backing up against her look he gave her is own look. I could see where Matt got his threatening stance from.

"Alexia Nicole Sanders! Your once father figure is not enough to put this whole family, everyone, in danger for."

I didn't think it was possible but Alexia's glare worsen, it could probably melt a diamond at this point.

Just as I thought Alexia was about to answer when she moved from her spot across from him, behind Brian. He used Brian's shoulders, since he was since kneeling, as a a mounting board. She jumped using his shoulders as support to flip landing a nice kick to Mr. Sanders face. As he landed on the floor she grabbed the arm still holding Brian and twisted causing him to let go.

Next Mr. Sanders tried to get up but Alexia quickly pulled him up and twisted his arm around him and using her other arm to hold a gun to his while Kassie quickly got the lady who answered the door in the same position behind me.

"Now let's get something straight. You will help me find and save Papa Haner or you will have another territory fight one your hands. And I know all your weak spots and I won't hesitant selling that information to the highest bidder." Alexia commanding, malice dripping from her every word.

"Is that all you want Alexia?" Mr. Sanders replied in a bored tone.

Alexia smirked evilly, "I want you to apologize to Brian. Now."

"Alexia, you know I can't and won't do that."

"Change that to can and will or you will be cleaning Heather's pretty little brains off the floor." She glanced over at me. "Jimmy scoot over a little please."

I quickly moved closer to Brian who was holding his hand and grimacing in pain. Mr. Sander's glanced over Heather who had tears running down her cheeks and look absolutely terrified as Kassie slowly released the safety on her gun all while grinning maliciously.

"Fine. I'll help you Alexia find him but I will not help you in this war."

"That's fine. But to show you I'm serious" both Alexia and Kassie shot a round both creating a circle around Heather and Mr. Sanders each bullet closer than the one before. "Don't forget I'm that accurate with a sniper gun as well."

Mr. Sanders slowly nodded before opening his mouth and looking Brian in the eyes, "I apologize Brian. I shouldn't have judged you before getting to know you and hearing your side of the story."

As Brian nodded, Zacky and I meet eyes and we probably both had the same look in our eyes. This just got serious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I stated at 8:41 p.m. and finished at 9:35!!! Yay!

Another random fact? I listened to 3OH!3 practically the whole day and I got their new cd!! It's pretty awesome if you haven't heard it yet. My favorite song is I can do anything just because I like the verse: We can do an album, Or we can do a viral,
Spread it like a STD you got back in high school, I can run for president, Or just run the block,
I can be a stoner, Or shit I just forgot.

Next update? Hopefully soon!