Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.0

Chewing on my lip ring I slowly walked down the stairs hoping they didn't lead to Mr. Sanders office. A week later and I was still scared of the man, after he broke Brian's hands everyone avoided him even Matt. Everyone could tell it hurt both Matt and Mr. Sanders when Matt ignored him but as Matt put it "it was for the best."

'We never were right; Don’t waste your breath; You crashed and you’re on your own tonight'

I glanced at my right before quietly following the music before finding myself in some kind office room except several screens took up one wall, while another was full of gun, and the other two were blank. A head was laying on the desk with her hair splayed around her, I smirked knowing the multi-color hair belonged to Alexia.

'Can’t understand; I’ll slow it down for you'

"Alexia" I called softly in case she was asleep.

She glanced up with tears in her eyes before smiling sadly, "hey Zacky."

"What's wrong?" I asked before walking over and pulling her into my arms.

She shook her head slowly pushing me away before dragging me over to the couch where she sat on top of my digging her head into my neck like she used to when we were growing up. Even though Alexia were closer to other people growing up she always crawled into my lap when she cried, I take that back she stopped when her and Brian started dating.

"Oh Alexia," I sighed rubbing my hand up and down her back.

Alexia suddenly shook her head and took a deep breath, "Whenever I leave for work they always make me a cd."


"The twins, they got the idea from 50 first dates, they figure the cd will make me miss them so much I'll come back early."

I bit my lip again, "does it work?"

"Yes and no, it makes me think of them but also it reminds me that I have to stay away to keep them safe."

'I hate it when you say; how you love me now'

"I don't think I've heard this song before." I commented trying to lighten the mood.

Alex chuckled, "ya Jersey loves this song and is always singing it but it always reminds me of Brian, this song is worst though."

'You don't take me serious
Boy, you make me furious
Guaranteed, we'll disagree

I found out finding out isn't the worst part
Don't believe, it's just me
And I've found out
Do you really even have a clue?
You're not quite Satan, but I really think I hate you

I rolled my eyes but before I could tell her how wrong she was, Alexia put her hand over my mouth and made that shhh sound at me.

'We had our place in time, this is now that we spend
You've left me high and dry with all your stuck-up friends
You don't take me serious
Girl, you're just delirious
Guaranteed, we'll disagree'

I raised my eyebrows before turning to her, "oh so I'm part of Brian stuck-up friends?"

Alexia rolled her eyes before quoting the song, "boy you make me furious."

"Girl, you're just delirious."

"If you say so Zacky, and I know you'll all tell me he cheated on me but until I hear it from him I don't believe."

"I didn't cheat on you Alexia, I loved you more than anything" Brian spoke up from his spot in the doorway before mumbling "still do."

"You have a girlfriend." Alexia pointed out not moving from her spot on my lap.

"She doesn't mean half of what you meant to me."

"Brian, you bought an engagement ring."

"How do you know about that?" I asked as Brian stared at her in shock.

"Went Kassie went to grab our belongings from the hospital it feel out of your pants."

"We have to work something out Alexia," Brian sighed in annoyance.


"I want to get to know my kids! I'm not letting you walk out of all our lives this time!"

"Brian what you did hurt me too much, I don't think I can forgive you."

"You can't forgive me for something I never did."

Alexia suddenly stood up and walked over until she was in Brian's face, "then explain why Leah showed up on my door step saying she was pregnant with your kid."

Brian stared at Alexia before glancing at me, I nodded before standing and walking over. "Alexia, Brian didn't meet Leah until months after you left, and they didn't start dating until about two years ago."

"That's not possible, I saw pictures."

"I don't know what you saw but they weren't of Leah and me."

Alexia's eyes quickly got that cold look they got before she ripped someone a new one but as she opened her mouth Kassie came running in and shoved Brian out of the way.

"We found the warehouse, we found Papa Gates and from the looks of it he's still alive."
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I'm currently obsessed with Both sides of the story by We Are The In Crowd and I thought the lyrics sorta worked here.

Quote? Lyric? Everytime I close my eyes I see my name is shiny light (Ya I love that song too!)

Next? Hopefully violence. Last night I watched Wanted and got inspired!

On a side note? 17 days till I get to go to Warp tour!!!!