Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.1

-One Month Or So Later-

"What happens now?" Zacky asked me as I zipped up my boot.

"You all wait here while Kassie and I go beat up the bad guys."

"Then you come back here and live happily ever after with Brian?"

"Zacky! Brian and I haven't talked in a month I doubt we will live happily ever after."

"But you didn't deny loving him," Zacky mumbled.

I glared at him and opened my mouth to yell at him when Kassie appeared in the door way, she nodded at me before disappearing again.

"I mean he broke up with Leah because of you."

"You don't know the break up was because of me."

"You don't know the break up wasn't because of you."

I rolled my eyes knowing it was no use talking to Zacky when he thought he was right, not that he was right.

"You know I'm right Alexia," Zacky told me giving me that cheesy know-it-all grin.

"You know nothing Zacky," I told him grabbing my jacket.

"Brian said I gave great advice!"

"Brian's also a dumb ass."

Zacky rolled his eyes but left the room when I grabbed my phone, it was finally time.

- - -

"Now remember we're going in from the top, take out the guards and then its a free fall." Kassie instructed me.

"How high?" I asked glancing up the building.

"Not sure, but at least 20 to 30 ft."

I groaned before turning to our team, "remember Papa Gates is our priority if Ms. Sanders is alive and we have time grab her."

Kassie smirked at me before turning and starting the long quiet climb up the building. Personally I hated this climbs them made my legs cry before the real fight even started by Kassie loved them, something about the quiet but tense atmosphere put her in her mindset.

Kassie had this mindset where all she saw was the next target, she never took in her surroundings but rather all her sense seemed to shut off letting her be in the moment. Kassie described it to me after my first shot-off but my mindset was different, rather than living for the moment I lived for the future. I survived for my kidsand Brian. Every thought that ran through my head reminded me of them and I fought to be with them.

I would never admit it but during the climb all I could think about was what Zacky had said. I dreamt of the life Brian and I could have, one were the twins loved him and we loved each other like we had the day I left. I would rather kill someone then admit that daydream seemed like the perfect life.

And as Kassie strapped me into the gear the only thought running through my head was the fact that after this that daydream could become a reality.

A smile graced my face as Kassie grabbed my hand while a gun was pointed in the other. The smile didn't even falter when we jumped into the darkness below.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I started school and survived my first week! yay!

Quote? When guys have brain-crotch problems, he's usually using one too much and other too little. - House

In case you wanted to know: Warped tour didn't actually live up to my expectations this year but that probably won't stop me from going next year.

Poll: If you've started school whats your favorite class and why?

My answer? My audio class, not only did my teacher lets us out 2 hours early but hes pretty cool and kinda funny.