Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.2

For once in this story I'm going to try 3rd person, lets see how this goes. Oh and this chapter is going to jump around but I'll you why later.

The guys of Avenged sat around staring at the door, praying that Alexia and Kassie would walk through the door already. The girls had left a little over 4 hours ago and a sense of dread hung over the guys from the moment they left.

Fighting off the temptation to chew on his nails, Matt let a memory he had long forgotten resurface.

It was the night of Alexia's fifth birthday, marking the day before she started school and the first birthday their mother forgot about. After realizing her mother wasn't going to come home with a cake and presents, Alexia locked herself into her room and cried her eyes out. Matt being the big brother he was coaxed her into letting her into his room.

"Why does mommy not love me?" Alexia asked trying and failing to stop crying.

"Because she's crazy, how could someone not love you?" Matt cooed trying to make as much sense of the situation as a 7 year old could.

"Matt, you'll always love me right?"

"Alexia, you're my little sister of course I'll always love you."

"Even if mommy and daddy no love me?"

"I'm not crazy like them, and I promise to always love and protect you."

"So you'll never let the monsters in the closet get me?"

Matt grabbed in his sister letting her curl into him, "nope. I promise to grow up strong too so I can always protect my little sister."

"I love you Matt."

"I love too Alexia."

"Looks like she's the one protecting me now," Matt muttered tearing his gaze off the door.

"Huh?" Zacky asked since he was the only one that heard.

"Nothing, just a promise I made to Alexia when she was little."

"I don't think I've heard any stories of her when she was little," Jimmy commented thinking back. "Your mom only told us stories of you."

Matt shrugged, "Alexia was a normal kid minus her telling us her every thought."

Brian suddenly started laughing, "I remember when she first met dad she told him he looked like a nice person because his eyes had laughter in them."

Matt gave Brian a weird look, "wasn't Alexia 9 or so when she met your dad?"

"Ya, didn't she tell you?"

"No, all I remember is that after they met she told me that he was going to be her new daddy. I thought she was crazy at the time, but apparently at 9 she was smarter than us all."

- - - -

Ashley stared at a spot on the wall knowing what she had to do. She quickly dialed her mom and asked her to watch the twins, some pressing issues had come up. She grabbed her keys and ran to her car seeing her mom pull into her drive way, she waved before peeling out of the driveway and on to the main road.

She wouldn't admit it but the last phone call scared her, they weren't usually this bad. Normally the doctor brought the family lie and told her the condition over the phone but this time it was different, something was seriously wrong.

Alexia would hate her but Ashley had to do something. She wasn't going top sit around this time. She pulled up into another driveway, jumping out of the car only to run to the door. She grabbed the right key and unlocked the door, coming face to face with five guys. Ashley scanned their face before landing on the one who looked just like Tyler.

"You're her brother right?" Ashley asked interrupting whatever he was saying.

"Ya but as I was saying-"

"That's not important," Ashley told him before tossing a pair of keys at the green eyed one, grabbing the brothers hand and pulling him out of the house with her.

"Where are we going? Who are you?" Matt suddenly stopped and started yelling questions at her while the guys trailed behind the two.

Ashley glanced behind and noticed Jimmy who smiled sadly at her knowing already why she was there. He bit his lip before grabbing Brian and pulling him over to the car, "get in the car Matt. Zacky and Johnny will take the over one."

"Yes Matthew get in the fucking car before I shoot you."

Matt grumbled before getting in the car staying quiet but once they got on the road he couldn't help himself, "who are you?"

"Ashley, I babysit the twins. When Alexia gets admitted to the hospital they automatically call me since shes tells them I'm only her family member but this time they told me they would only release information to intermediate family, and I figure they can't deny her brother and her husband."

"Alexia's married?" Brian suddenly yelled.

Ashley slammed on the brakes and turned back to face him, "ya you and if you tell the hospital anything different I swear I will gladly to jail for killing you. Alexia and Kass needs us and if you mess that up I will gut you. You've been married to Alexia for 5 years, and she gave birth to a still born 4 years ago got it?"

"I thought the twins were alive."

"They are but kids are easily kidnapped especially if their mom is in the mob, so we made up a story kay?"

Brian nodded before turning to stare out the window but quickly glanced down as something hit him. He glanced down only to find a pair of eyes identical to his staring back at him.

"Jersey, loves to take pictures of herself and her brother." Ashley explained pulling into the hospital's parking lot. She parked into the first spot she saw before throwing a ring at Brian, and giving another to Jimmy.

"Kassie?" Jimmy asked quietly as they ran into the waiting room.

"Engaged." Ashley muttered before running to the counter.

"Hi, I got a phone call for Alexia Sanders, I'm her cousin but I picked up her brother and husband on the way." Ashley explained to the nurse as nicely as she could at the moment.

"Well she was admitted to the hospital about an hour ago with a Mr. Brian Haner, a Ms. Marie Sanders, and a Miss. Kassie St. Claire. The doctor will be out in a moment to talk to you."

- - -

After what seemed like hours a man in white coat carrying several files walked into the waiting room. He glanced around the room before calling out " family of Ms. Sanders?"

Matt, Brian, and Ashley ran to the doctor careful not to run into anyone. The doctor nodded at them before glancing at the chart.

"I'm sorry..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I felt like being nice and cruel today which explains this chapter.

Lyrics? 'I murdered our love,' - The Used

Side Note? I know the beginning is kinda wtf but when they were reminiscing since they're worried.

Poll? Is anyone actually reading this story? I know I have 123 subscribers but I get so few comments so I feel like you aren't and that makes me sad and I can't write when I'm sad. I feel bad begging for comments but if you read my other story bad things happen when I don't get comments, my cliffhangers are on the verge of torture or so I've heard. So Please comment, I beggth of you.

BehindTheMusic:Hope this is long enough for you! I tried!sorta