Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.3

Alexia's pov

Drifting in and out I heard some of what the doctors were yelling. From what I gathered I was losing blood faster than they could pump it in, but that's what four bullet holes and 7 knife stabs does to a person. I strained to hear something about someone else but I couldn't hear much, guess what was from when my head was repeatedly slammed into the concrete.

As I was wheeled into another room the lights above me seemed to be getting bright, I tried covering my eyes but my hand wasn't cooperating. I groaned trying to move but as I moved my head moved the room went black and I watched as parts of the 24 hours flashed before my eyes.


"What happens now?" Zacky asked me as I zipped up my boot.

"You all wait here while Kassie and I go beat up the bad guys."


"You know nothing Zacky," I told him grabbing my jacket.

"Brian said I gave great advice!"

"Brian's also a dumb ass."


Now remember we're going in from the top, take out the guards and then its a free fall." Kassie instructed me.

"How high?" I asked glancing up the building.

"Not sure, but at least 20 to 30 ft."


I groaned before turning to our team, "remember Papa Gates is our priority if Ms. Sanders is alive and we have time grab her."

A smile graced my face as Kassie grabbed my hand while a gun was pointed in the other. The smile didn't even falter when we jumped into the darkness below.

I glanced around before spinning around and throwing a knife at the guards heart, knifes were messier and harder to aim but they didn't alert the whole building.


"Son of a bitch," I whispered screamed as another guy grabbed the knife and successfully lodged it in my leg. "If I die from blood contamination swear!"

The guy raised his eyebrow challenging me missing Kassie behind who quickly shot him before running off.

"I'll fucking haunt you in the afterlife and make hell even worse for you, that's what." I told him running/limping to the other room.


I slit his throat holding his body up while I drilled the knife into the person behind me. While he stepped back I grabbed my gun and shot him before aiming from the person at the door. I gasped feeling a white searing pain from my arm as his bullet lodged into my arm. I bit my tongue from screaming as I shoot the rest of my round at the guy for good measure.

Laying on the ground I stared at the ceiling counting to twenty before tearing the guy next to me shirt and wrapping it around my wounds. I stood up swaying a bit before catching my balance.


Shoving a knife into his back I twisted it a few times waiting to feel the blood trickle from his mouth to pull the knife out and wipe it on his jacket before letting him fall to the floor.

"You okay Kass?" I asked trying to catch my breath and not pass out from the dizziness.

"ALE-" was all I heard before my hair was grabbed from behind and slammed in to the floor 1, 2, 3, 4 times before Kass was able to shoot him.

This time the white searing pain was enough for my world to go white before I passed out, slamming my head in the concrete yet again.


"Oh come on, just shoot me already!" I heard Kassie scream as I came too.

I paused momentarily before glancing around to see Alexia yelling at a guy who had their back to me. I rubbed my eyes before slowing sitting up and aiming my gun the guy.

The guy answered, well he might have, it was sort of muffled but then again the room was blurry so it could have been a girl. I saw what I thought was Kassies mouth moving but again I was surprised I could even sit up.

"Please it would be cowardly to shoot someone from the behind," the mystery person told Kassie as my ears finally decided to work.

I watched the bullets leave his gun hitting Kassie square in the shoulder as the second hit her hand, I winced as she slowly fell to the floor. I grabbed my gun unloading any bullets I had left into their, what I thought was their, chest.
"Fuck being the bigger person, smaller people have more fun."
I told him as I stood up and made my way over to Kassie. I offered her my hand but she pushed it away using the wall to stand instead.


Kassie and I ran into a room, okay she ran while I limped at the quickest rate I could. She quickly untied the person farthest from the door while I untied the other. I tried my hardest from swaying or passing out on the poor person but I wasn't doing a very good job. I kept having to move my feet as well as having to steady myself on their shoulder.

"Alexia? Is that really you?" The person whispered, well they might have by now everything sound like a scream to me.

"Shh, I can't concentrate with loud noises around me." I whispered, or thought I did, back.

Ropes fell around the person and I stuck my hand out to help them but just as they grabbed it I swayed and lost my balance tumbling on their lap before leaning over and throwing up.


I quickly shoved the mystery person, that someone some how knew me, into the wall before spinning around and taking two shot to the stomach before Kass was able to wrestle the gun away from them.

As they wrestled the gun away from each other, I used one arm to cover my wounds trying to ignore the pain that pulsated from my stomach and spread through my whole body while my head pulsated to another beat.

The mystery person grabbed my other arm, using the wall as leverage to help pull me up. Slowly using each other as balance we walked out of the place while Kassie and other person trailed behind.


Laying on the ground I watched one of my guys light a bottle on fire before throwing it in to the building, I felt myself being lifted but I was out before I could figure out who was carrying me.

I felt a surge run through my body while a beeping sound speed up before slowing down.

"We have a pulse!" Some one yelled grabbing my wrist.

"Come on, stay with me. Stay with me." Another person whispered running their hands over my hair as my world slowly turned black again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? I only got 4 comment but I have 125 subscribers which is two more than last time! So Alexia's life now is up to you, I'm sorry but I feel like only a few people read this and if that's true then I'm just going to kill off Alexia and end the story.