Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.4

Brian's pov

As I snuck into the hospital room I finally realized why Jimmy always said I could never be a ninja with him. I stood out instead of blending in, but by some miracle I made it into the ICU and then into the specific room without being yelled at.

"Dad?" I whispered to the form on the bed.

"Why I am whispering?'

I glanced around the white wash room trying to gather my thoughts, before I could always talk to my dad but now I was drawing a blank. In the back of my mind I remembered how in all the shows they said talking to a coma patient helped, I didn't know if it was true but it couldn't help to try right?

"Hey dad," I said quietly watching the heart monitor next to his bed. "I swear if can't hear me I'm gonna feel like such an idiot, but dad you can't leave just yet. You have to live.

I don't know if you noticed or realized but Alexia saved you, well she was part of the team that did. Alexia and her friend Kassie. You would like Kassie, she's crazy and easy going but fiercely protective of Alexia. And Alexia, dad you wouldn't believe how much she's changed.

"You remember Alexia right? Of course you do, you always blamed me for her disappearance. I guess you were right in a sense, turns out Leah showed up and told Alexia she was pregnant with my baby. I can't blame Alexia for running since she was pregnant too.

Ya, you heard that right. I have twins, you have grandchildren. A boy and girl; I haven't met them yet but I love them already. I hope Alexia considers moving to Huntington or I'm moving to San Diego, I can't even imagine not living by them ever again.

I don't know if can be a dad yet, they're so little what if I fuck them up like Alexia's parents fucked her up? The girl shoots a gun for fucks sake, if thats not fucked up I don't know what is. It might sound gay and childish, but I need a hug from my dad. I need you to wake up, I need you dad.

I need you."

I rubbed my face before kneeling on the floor and knitting my fingers together, "wow I haven't prayed in a while. God, I know I haven't been my best behavior and I make a promise to be a better person or go to church more often but we both know I could never hold up my side of the bargain.

Please don't take my dad, he needs more time. I need more time with him. Please let him stay, it's not his time. I need him and Alexia, please let him stay. Please, I beg you."

My voice broke on my last statement, letting a few tears slip down my cheeks. I felt an overpowering sense of doom as I thought about my dad leaving me. My dad was a close friend of mine and I don't know what I would do without him.

I chuckled wiping away the last few tears, "look at that I'm begging for you dad. I've never begged before and yet here I am. I know if you were awake you'd be yelling at me to go beg for Alexia and I'm going to do that later but I just had to see you.

Bye dad, I'll see you later. I may have snuck in here so it will be a while, but I'll be back. Promise. I'm gonna go see Alexia now, bye."
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact: I know its short and fillerish but I like this chapter.

Quote Convo:
"You know what they say about crazy chicks?"
"You have to shoot them in the head or else they don't die?"
"That's zombies."