Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 2.5

3rd Person pov

'I'm sorry but we don't think Alexia's going to make it through the night.' Rang through Matt's head as he stared at his sister through a thick piece of plexiglass. Tiny droplets of saltwater gathered in the corner of his eyes before making their way down his cheeks.

Alexia looked beyond helpless laying in the hospital bed with several tubes hooked up to different parts of her. From his spot Matt could clearly count four different bags containing liquid that was being pumped into his sister.

"Alexia," he whispered placing his palm on the glass silently wishing he could go in and hold his sisters hand.

"Mr. Sanders?" A timid voice cut through the silence. "You can go in now if you want to say your goodbyes."

Matt glanced at the nurse and giving a small smile before nodding and following her into the room. He sat next to his sister quickly grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight and lightly kissing it.

"Alexia, god Alexia," he whispered looking away taking comfort in watching the people around him rather then his sickly white sister who was literally laying in her death bed.

Matt closed his eyes wishing he could go back in time and stop all of this from happening. He wanted to go back to the time where he was the only doing stupid things and Alexia was the one worried sick. He wanted to go back to chasing the monsters away or bad talking the kindergarteners who pushed her in the dirt.

Most of all he wanted his sister to open her eyes, he didn't want this to be the last he saw her. He didn't want his last memory of her to be of this thing, because the thing laying in the hospital bed wasn't his sister.

"T-t-that's Alexia?" A stuttered shattered sound came from the doorway.

Matt bit his lip slowing nodding pulling his line of sight from the random people to his friend in front of him.

"Has there been anything new?" Brian asked choking back the tears threatening to run down his face as he stared at the form in the hospital bed, it just couldn't be Alexia.

"No but I just got let in, hows your dad?" Matt asked rubbing his thumb back and forth on Alexia's hand as he stared at her.

"Oh good you're both here," the doctor said walking into the room glancing the chart before offering a small smile. "I have some good and bad news, good news is the surgery went better then we could have hoped but the bad news is both her kidneys are slowly shutting down."

"Can't you just remove them? Matt asked not even glancing at the doctor but kept staring at his sister.

"No, you need at least one kidney to survive and both of hers are shutting down. And with all the trauma she's gone through she's going to need both, we can only keep her on dialysis for so long before she drowns in her own fluids."

"Can we give one of ours?" Brian asked hesitantly.

The doctor nodded glancing down at his clipboard, "we can put her on the donor list and test you to see if you're a match. But I would still recommend saying your good byes and preparing just in case the worst happens -"

"No." Brian stated walking over to Alexia's other side and grabbing her hand. "I don't care how much it'll cost or what you have to do but she's going to be just fine."

"But the reality of the situation is -"

"No," Matt argued as well. "We want a second opinion."

The doctor sighed slightly before nodding and walking out of the room.

"I ne-n-need h-he-her, she can't die no-not yet." Brian stuttered as the hot salty tears made their way from his eyes, down his face, and on to the hospital bed.

"She won't, it's not her time. It's not her time." Matt said trying to re-assure himself along with Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact: I have two versions of the next chapter planned out one where Alexia dies and one where she doesn't

Quote? 'Don't swallow, swallowing gets you pregnant.'

Ahhh! Less then a month! I'm excited, I want to end this story by the new year so somewhat more frequent updates