Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 0.4

"So what are going to do till she gets back?" I asked Matt as we sat on the doorstep waiting for Alexia to come back.

Matt shrugged, "it can't possibly take her that long."

"What if she went to work?"

"So? She'll be back in six to eight hours."

"And six hours isn't a long time to just sit here?"

"Good point, let's come back later tonight when we know she'll be home." Matt replied standing up.

"What if she doesn't come home tonight?"

"Why wouldn't she come home tonight?"

I shrugged knowing Matt was about to get mad, "maybe she has a date or something."

Matt snorted, "my baby sister is still a virgin, and she will be till the day she dies."

Ya that's why she had twins with the lead guitarist of our band.

"And what makes you think that?"

I had to know why he still believes his sister is still innocent despite her long-term relationship with Brian, one of the horniest guys ever.

"She promised she would wait till marriage, to give away her flower."

I feel bad if he ever has daughters, the guy is too damn protective.

I smirked, "and how old was she when she promised this?"

"Well I was ten so she was either seven or eight."

"And you think she kept her promise after sixteen or so years? Especially since she did date Haner."

Matt growled, "I'll kill him if he took my sister's innocence."

I laughed before shaking my head and pulling out my phone to text Zack knowing he was probably with Brian.

This I had to know.

- - - -

I sat across from Matt, listening to him complain or something, while we waited for our pot pies. What else would we order since we were eating at The Chicken Pie Shop.

I looked down feeling my phone vibrate, finally, I texted Zack like four hours ago.

What do you want Jimmy?

Are you still hanging with Brian?

"Jimmy! Are you paying attention!" Matt said exasperated.

I glared slightly at him, "I'm sorry but no. You sound like a those valley girls after they break a nail."

"Did you just compare me to a valley girl who broke a fucking nail?"

I nodded before looking back at my phone.

He's been here all day, apparently him and Leah had a fight cuz she wants to get married.

I felt my jaw drop, he's not going to propose is he?

"Leah wants Brian to propose, like tonight." I told Matt cutting off whatever rant he was on now.

Matt's eyes went wide, "he's not going is he? He better not, all of us hate her."

I think I talked him out of it but you never know with him.

I nodded knowing Zack was probably right, "Zack talked him out of it but Brian's so fucking unpredictable you never know."

Matt rolled his eyes, "if he proposes god he won't be the only one miserable, we all will be."

"Ya we'll have to listen to her annoying voice for the rest of our lives."

Now what was the reason you originally texted me?

Ask Brian if he was on the one that took Alex's innocence.

Why the fuck do you wanna know that?

*shrugs* I just do now ask.

"What are texting Jimmy about?" Matt asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Who took Ale- How to convince Brian not to propose."

Matt nodded, thank god he bought it.

- - - -

I watched from my window as Matt pulled into Alexia's drive way for the fifth time today, except this time the lights in the house were actually on.

"Thank god, she's home this time!" Matt cried as he got out of the car.

Brian said he lost it before they started going out, but it wasn't to him.

Then who the fuck did she loose it to?

He doesn't know! Ask her for fucks sake.

She left remeber?

I know you and Matt went to get her.

How the fuck do you know? Matt didn't tell me until we got off the San Diego exit

I've got special powers duh! I'm Zack V!

Don't get cocky, that's syn's job.

Ding Dong.

That's the most unoriginal door-bell ever. I want mine to sing, and one day I will have my singing door bell set up. And then when ever anyone rang it, it would sing-

"Mommy! We have wistors! And they intewropting trwansfowrmewrs!" I heard a voice yell.

I looked down to see a little girl glaring at us while stomping her foot.Just like Alexia did.

"Who's here?" I heard another voice from inside ask.

I took one glance at Matt to know he was beyond confused. I looked up too hear somebody, an adult size somebody, coming towards us.

Oh shit, this can't end good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact: The Chicken Pot Pie does make the best pot pies.

Quote: 'No good son of a Jackel.' - Aladdin

Please and Thank-you