Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 0.5

I glanced back down at the little girl to see that she had walked away from the door but left the door open.

"Don't worry, it's just your steroid loving brother and his giant friend." Another voice, though closer than the others, called.

I looked up to see some girl with black and blonde hair, god I haven't seen Kassie in a while but that had to be her, the girl stood there shaking her head before beckoning us in.

"What do you mean by my steroid loving brother," Alexia said as she walked into the foyer as well. "Matt? You're back, yet again?"

Matt grinned, "I told you sis, you need to come back to Huntington."

"And I remeber telling that I'm never going back."

"But why? You left thus breaking Brian's heart-

And here we witness the alpha male traveling in uncharted territory by opening the convostation with the alpha female on a touchy subject of the female's ex-mate.

"He broke my heart FIRST."

And the alpha female responds with anger thus causing the alpha male to respond with anger and no body wants to feel either alpha Sander's anger.

"How the fuck did he break your heart first?"

"By fucking cheating on me!"

And with that statement the fight was begun. It first begins with the alpha's sizing up the other, then it goes it to the trash talking or raising of voices and then the first first is thrown. Or an open handed smack.

"He never fucking cheating on you!"

"Yes he did! How the fuck would you know! He wouldn't fucking tell you!" Alexia said glaring at Matt as he glared in return.

Sizing each other up

"I would know if he fucking cheated on my baby sister!" Matt all but yelled.

"He wouldn't dare tell you! So you wouldn't fucking know!"

Raising of voices. Next comes the violence.

I glanced to see the siblings breathing heavily trying to keep their temper in check.

"Calm down, calm down." Tyler said walking into the room. "Mommy we need bawttweries."

"I'll get them for you," Kass said about to walk out the room but Tyler pulled back.

"Unckle Jimmy! When did yous arwrive?" Tyler yelled before running over and hugging my legs.

"Uncle Jimmy?" Matt asked at the same time another voice yelled it before Jersey appeared and hugged me too.

I smiled sheepishly at Matt before bending down and picking the twins up.

And this narrator has pissed off the alpha male even further. How is it none of the narrators on the Animal Channel die a horrible painful death like I was about to?

I glanced back to see Alexia staring at Matt, probably trying to judge his reaction to the twins. Then again he probably hasn't figured out that the twins were Alexia's and Brian's. Hell the guy still thought Alexia was a virgin, even if that's impossible.

Matt was staring at the twins as though they were some kind of alien life form, not his niece and nephew. He stared at Tyler and frowned, Tyler looked nothing like Alexia or Brian. He looked just like the miniature Matt, weirdly enough. And Jersey was a mixture of both Brian and Alexia. She had Alexia's facial features but her eyes and hair were all Brian.

Kass was staring at Alexia as though Alexia had all the answers, which to this situation is probably did.

I glanced down to see both the twins babbling on as if they couldn't feel the tension in the room, which they probably couldn't. Jersey was telling me all about her dog or something while Tyler was telling me all about the movie they were watching before.

"Alexia Nicole Sanders would you please explain what's going on." Matt commanded.

Whenever that vein popped out of his forehead, it was never a good thing.

"Well Matthew see about four-" Alexia answered but Jersey cut her off.

"Unckle Jishmy who that?"

I sighed, not really knowing how to answer. "That Jersey is your uncle Matt."

Jersey nodded before squirming to let her down, I put both twins down to see them both run over to Matt.

"Hi! I'm Jersey Bwriar Lynn Sanders." Jersey greeted before hugging Matt's legs like she did to mine.

"And I'm hewr twsin Tylwer Matthew James Sanders." Tyler greet coping Jersey's action.

Matt leaned down and picked both of them up causing them to squeal and laugh before saying that they weren't as high up as when I picked them up.

"Alexia." Matt repeated though this time in a nicer tone.

Must not want to scare the twins further since let's face it, shads scares the fuck out of any kids.

Alexia sighed before walking over to him, "Matt meet your niece and nephew Jersey and Tyler. They're mine and Brian's."
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact: It's only like 80 today.

Quote: 'Calm down, calm down' - Optimus Prime