Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 0.6

"What!" The guy bellowed.

"Well if you stop fucking interrupting, I'll fucking explain." The girl all but yelled back.

"Why the fuck wouldn't I interrupt you? You fucking left everything and everyone behind."

"I had no choice."

They were all yelling by now, and by yelling one means using their voices at full volume.

"You always have a fucking choice."

"At that point point in time, I didn't see any other fucking options."

"That's why you should have came to me."

"You wouldn't have fucking let me leave!"

The two were screaming at each other now.

"Well duh! You shouldn't have fucking left then."

"I knew the consequences when I left and I still do!"

"But you don't fucking understand what your leaving did to everyone!"

"Ah I may not but I know what it did to me."

Now they were screaming even louder, screaming as though they were in a mosh pit.

"It hasn't done half to you wh-"


If there was one thing that could stop the yelling, it was that sound. The sound of a gun shot.

"Duck!" One voiced screamed at the top of his lungs wanting to keep living.

"Show yourselves fuckers!" Another one screamed wanting to see who to shot at.

The other two paused not really sure how to react, one followed the first advice and ducked while the other disregard everything and pulled out a gun only to have it shot out of her hand.

Minutes later there was no one left standing in the room.

- - - -

I stared seeing everyone laying on the ground bleeding of various gun shot wounds, waiting for someone to save them.


How Brian stands those gory mob movies, I'll never understand. They were so unrealistic.

Take this one for example two girls leave home because their mob is wiped out, consequently they left their two soul mates as well only to be assigned to protect them later. The two couples are reunited and have to over come the hard ships of rebuilding a relationship all while running from an enemy mob. And then it ends with one couple getting married and the other couple getting into a huge fight and the girl dies in a airplane crash.

Though the sequel was pretty good.

I frowned as I looked around not seeing Brian in front of the television like I expected him to be. Then again I didn't see him anywhere in the room where I left him.

"Brian." I called hoping he was somewhere around here.



Holy shit I think I lost him. That can't be good.

- - - -

"What's the huge problem that you had to wake me up for?" Johnny asked as he walked into my living room.

How should I put this?

"I lost Brian," I blurted out.

Johnny blinked, "excuse me? Did you just say you lost Brian?"

I nodded not knowing where he was going.

"You lost our mentally unstable guitarist after his fight with even more mental unstable girlfriend!"

I gulped, "well it's bad when you look at it that way."

Johnny's jaw dropped, "what way? THE NORMAL WAY! What happens if he goes and proposes to Leah?! Hmm?! That's the end of all of our lives. Leah will take control of everything. It's the end to our band, our friendship, our lives! You supposed to take one for the team and fucking watch him! How did you lose him?!"

"One of his favorite movies was one I figured he would be too engrossed in it to sneak out while I talked to Jimmy."

"What movie?"

"Like Light-"

"You mean the movie where he identifies with the main character! What if he decides he's tired of waiting around, moping, because of Alexia and decides to marry Leah!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't think he would escape!"

Johnny rolled his eyes, "Matt's going to kill you."

"Whys Matt going to kill Zacky?"

I gulped not sure what to tell him without him getting mad.

Johnny shrugged, "he's Zacky why else?"

Brian nodded, "good point."

I rolled my eyes, "anyways where did you go?"

Brian grinned, "I picked up the ring so I can propose to Leah."

I felt myself pale and looked over to see Johnny glaring at me.

Oh shit, this can't be good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact: This is the second time I typed this chapter.

Quote: Can I call him Steve? - Christopher about naming his unconscious in Fantasy Factory

Sorry it took so long to get out. I started school like two weeks ago but last weekend was warped tour - which was awesome by the way! I gots 5/6 autographs of FTSK!! - and I saw sick all this week. So sorry.