Status: Fact: I'm just ending this story here.

How Do You Love Me Now?

Episode 0.9

"Papa Gates went missing."

That one statement was all it took to ruin my day. Papa Gated was always there for me as a kid, he practically raised me and I'll be damned if anyone messed with him.

"Alexia you might want to slow down." Matt stated pulling me out of my thoughts.

I checked my speed before shaking my head, "I gotta drop the twins off at Ashley's before we can head to Huntington but on the way there you can explain."

- - - -

"Well about a month ago we got this note and it basically said 'hand over the princess or the royal poppets will die' whatever the fuck that means so we didn't think much of it and eventually forgot about it until another note came this one saying 'no princess? let the killings commence!'

By then we were a little freaked out but nothing worth worrying over but a few days ago Mom disappeared and that's when Jimmy and I decided to come find you so we could keep you safe till the fucker decides to leave us alone." Matt explained as I pulled onto the freeway.

I nodded before smirking, "they want a war, we'll bring one."

"Alexia what are you talking about?"

"Mattie sit back, boy do I have a story for you."

Matt nodded but kept glancing from me to the speed to the road.

"Well see dad isn't a traveling sales man like mom said. He's so much more important. Matt we're practically fucking royalty."


"Ever heard of the ghosts."

"You mean that one mob that supposedly exists in Southern Cali but no one can prove since they never leave anything evidence hence the name ghosts?"

I nodded and smirked, "well they fucking exist and our dad is the ghost. He's the fucking mob boss."

"What the fuck are you on?"

"I'm not even joking. I found out when I found him and after the twins were born he offered me a job and it's been the best fucking therapy slash job I could have ever had. That note you got basically declared war, a territory war.

The princess is the heir, or me, and poppets are loved ones. That's why they took mom first probably thinking she ment shit to me, but I didn't react which means they moved on to papa gates."

"So what are we going to do?"

That wiped the smile off my face, "I'm not sure yet."

False, there was one thing I wanted and that was the fucker, who took papa gates, blood.

Minutes later I pulled into Zacky's driveway knowing all the guys were there. Matt glanced back at me probably wondering why we were there or how I knew where his house was. I looked at the cars hoping that would quiet all his suspicions.

Kass and I followed Jimmy and Matt surveying the area also since we felt awkward going into Zacky's house since I hadn't seen them for years and Kass hadn't ment them yet. As we walked through the door I heard a twig snap in half, I glanced to my side but it was too dark to see anything.

I motioned towards Kass, she nodded knowing what the plan was. She slowed down a bit and glanced backwards before motioning to the huge bay window Zacky had in the back facing the beach.

"What the fuck?" A voiced yelled from somewhere on my right. I knew without looking Brian was staring at me with his jaw dropped, a beer in his left hand, his right frozen to his side, and his face growing redder with anger.

I glance quickly towards to my to see that I was correct in Brian's stance. You would think the dude would change somehow but no he's exactly the same.

"Shut the fuck Brian and lead us to the living room now!" I growled at him knowing we were running out of time.

Brian glared at me but complied probably knowing right now was not the time to mess with me.

We followed Brian into the living room to see all the guys staring at the a masked man who was standing in the middle of the room.

"Kass meet Brian, Zacky, Johnny, guys Kass. And now you guys duck."

"Huh?" They all voiced together.

"I said fucking duck!" I yelled before I pulled out my gun and fired.

Personally I think Escape the Fate best described the situation.

'And I will stand my ground until the end
till we conquer them all

So I will fight my battle till I fall
and I conquer them all
till we conquer them all

This war is ours'

Let the war begin cuz lets face it, I was out for blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fact? Pirates 4 is coming out in 2011!! I love Johnny Deep.

Quote? 'That's right pass the water around spread the herpes.' - Alex from All Time Low during the concert I want to on Halloween

Opening song? This war is ours by Escape the Fate

Next on hdylmn? Will they survive the shoot out? Will the war be over it begins? Will the guys listen and duck? Is Papa Gates okay?

Also? I messed up on the last chapter, Clyde is a sea otter not a sea lion but Seymore is a sea lion.

Plus? Hmm if you comment tell me your favorite song from Escape the fate? Please?

One more thing? Please go read my Zacky story I Can Live Without You, But I'll Be Miserable At Best

*Next update should be out sometime during the week