Status: Finished! Now tell me what you think please

But When Your Mummy Dies, She Will Not Return

Chapter 10

"So, where did yeh parents come up wif Harley?" I asked, as I sipped at the coffee. I wanted to take her to a local coffee house, just about a block from her house. It was small, but loud as there was always some band playing.

She shrugged, sipping at her's. "My mom says because on my parents first day, my dad picked her up on his Harley. My dad said because when he was little, his first crushes name was Harleen, but my mom didn't like it, so it was shortened to Harley. Pick one you like more." She smiled at me, before biting into a cookie that sat in the middle of us. I chuckled, before biting into the cookie as she put it down.

"Harleen, where's that name from?" I asked. I knew I heard it somewhere, just didn't know where.

She giggled, blushing slightly. "It's the Joker's stalker, as Eric says."

"Well, tha's nice. Yeh are named after a first date, or yeh dad's first crush. And yeh share yeh name wif a crazy stalker." She giggled, covering her mouth.

"I guess you're right. But luckily my middle name isn't Quinn, or we'd have some problems." She smiled at me, before biting into the cookie.

I saw the little boy walking next to his Mom, and I quickly dropped the cigarette to the ground, before chewing on some gum. Andy walked over, hugging my leg quickly, before pulling away.

"Hey, Har," I said. She smiled at me, a big, real smile. It was nice to see her big smile, and not a little one, that never showed her teeth.

"Ha, no ones called me Har in some time." She giggled, looking to the ground. "It's good to see you, though, Tom." Andy tugged on my pant leg, smiling at me.

"I'm hungry," he said.

"Andy, you just had breakfast," Harley said, shaking her head. He smiled at her, taking her's and my hand, walking to get something to eat. She shook her head, smiling over at me. "Sorry," she said, swinging Andy's hand lightly. I wondered if her hands were still soft, and warm. We walked into a McDonald, and we waited in line. "What time is it, Tom?" she asked.

I pulled out my phone, turning it on. "'Bout twelve thirty," I said, walking up. I ordered, and Harley handed me money. "I got it," I said, pulling out my own money. I was glad Oli gave me money before we left to America.

I handed the cashier the money, and waited for the food.

"Want to go find a table? I'll be over in a second," she said. I nodded, taking Andy's hand, and walking over to a table in a corner. Andy climbed up, sitting in the chair right in the corner. I sat next to him, as he played with his coat strings.

"Dad?" he mumbled, taking off his mittens and hat. I looked over at him.

"Yes?" I asked. He looked over at me, and smiled.

"Wanted to see if you'd respond." His smiled got larger, as Harley came back.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked, setting down the tray.

I chuckled, as Andy tried to climb a tree.

"Dad!" he yelled, as I ran over. Harley laughed at us, fallowing me. I lifted him up, as he sat on a branch.

"Tommy, don't let him fall," she said, rapping her coat around her. The wind picked up, and she shook her head. "Could you please get him down?"

I chuckled, as he dropped down, and I carried him. He giggled, tucking his face into my shoulder.

We began to walk to the middle of the park. I wanted to be brave, I wanted to just take her hand, so than she'd have to walk next to me. So than she wouldn't have to be so far.

I will do it. Yes, now.

I almost did it, until I felt her hand in mine.

It was still warm, even through the gloves, I could feel the warmth. Andy's small little breaths began to get even, and his light little snores could be heard.

"Is he asleep?" she asked, rubbing his back. I looked over at her, giving her hand a little squeeze.

"Yeah," I mumbled, trying to not talk to loudly.

"It has been a long day." I nodded, before I looked over at her.

"Do yeh want to take him back to yeh house?" I asked. She nodded, still not releasing my hand.

"Could you carry him?" she asked. "He is about half my size, thanks to you." I chuckled, but nodded anyway.

"Yeah." We walked pass the skaters that skated on the ice, and we past families, and an old couple, that even 'awed' at us. It was nice to think that people thought of us as a normal family. They didn't know that we didn't live in the same state, or even country. To those people, we looked like any young, normal family would look like.

Once we got to the sidewalk, Harley walked even closer to me, not wanted to loose her son, or walk alone in the middle of New York. We walked up to an apartment complex, that looked quite nice. It was a normal, red brick building, that you must have to be buzzed in to get in. Unless you have a key, that, of course, Harley had.

She let go of my hand, and unlocked the front door. My hand was no longer warm, and her little hand was no longer in mine. It was already so weird to not have her hand in mine. It felt so normal.

We walked to the elevator, walking in. I guess a neighbor was in there, because Harley had started a conversation with him.

Once we were out, she said good bye to Kyle, I think was his name. He seemed nice. We walked down her door, and opened it. I walked in, looking around.

It was quite nice, and you could tell that her parents had gotten most of her furniture, because I'm sure a single Mom (with no help from the father) could own half of this, the house, and still take care of Andy all on her own.

"You can sit Andy on the couch. There's a blanket on the back of it," she whispered, going up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek. I nodded, laying him on the couch, as she walked into the kitchen. I pulled the blanket off, and laid it down on him.

I walked into the kitchen, looking at her, as she made a salad. She looked so cute, he coat now gone, and a simple blue v-neck on her. Her shoes were gone, and I looked down at mine, slipping them off. Her long hair was down, as two clips pushed some of her front hair out of her face. Her fringe fell into her face, and tapped her foot.

She looked at me, gasping. "Jesus!" she yelled, glaring at me. "You scared me, Tommy." I chuckled, walking in, leaning on the counter.

"Sorreh," I mumbled. She giggled, handing me a bowl. I took it, and bit into it.

"Do you want anything to drink?" she asked, going over to the fridge.

"Have any Vitamin Water?' I asked, looking at her. She nodded, pulling out two bottles. We sat down at the table, and she smiled over at me. "Thanks for coming, and letting me take Andy out."

"He's your kid too, Tommy," she said, slipping at her drink. I nodded. We finished up dinner, and Andy still hadn't woken up. "Are you going to wait till he wakes up to say good bye?" she asked, washing our dishes, before loading them up.

"Are yeh kickin' meh out?" I asked, placing a hand on my chest. "Harley, I feel hurt." She giggled, looking at me.

"Oh, you're always welcome here. Everyone is welcome here. And my shower is always open, too." I chuckled, smiling a bit. Andy walked in, walking to the table. He yawned, smiling at me.

"Hey, bud. I got to go," I said, smiling at him. He frowned a bit, before smiling at me, also.

"I am going to see you before you leave to go back to your Mommy, right?" he asked. I nodded, walking over to him, hugging him. I walked over to Harley, giving her a sideways hug. She hugged me back, and smiled up at me.

I pulled on my coat and shoes, and made my way back to the bus. I looked at my phone, seeing I had a few missed calls, and a few texts. I'd look at them later, for now I'd just wanted to go to the bus, and crawl into the bunk, and go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was looking through my dad's old year book, and above his Senior picture, is says "FOXY".
Bwahahaha! Jeez, how weird was the '70's?

Anyway, I'd like one comment, just one, before the next update.
Please :)