Status: Finished! Now tell me what you think please

But When Your Mummy Dies, She Will Not Return

Chapter 14

She rested her head on my chest, her arms around my waist.

"Well, this is weird," she mumbled, laughing a little. I nodded, laughing slightly. She looked up at me, before I leaned down, kissing her.

"Harley, come on!" Erin yelled, waving her over. She sighed, before she looked up at me, and kissed me once more.

She waddled away, and got into the car. She waved goodbye to me, as I waved to her.

I looked down, before I bit my lip. She left me in the middle of her drive, alone. I wished that this would be like in the books, where she figured she couldn't live with out me, and would tell her dad to turn back, to come back for me.

I walked over to her garage, sitting down, placing my head on the back of it.

That wasn't going to happen, as much as I wished it would.

I stayed right there, not moving. I still didn't move when it reached night fall. I didn't want to move. I wanted to sit there, thinking of all the good memories we had here. The bad too, because with good comes bad.

Oli's black vans appeared, and her hand as held in front of my face.

"Let's go home, Bub," he said, smiling lightly. I nodded, gripping his hand as he pulled me up. We walked off of the drive, and I looked at it once more.

"Hold on," I said, before walked back up the drive, and to the side fence.

This is illegal, my mind told me. I shook out my head, not wanting to listen. I had little hope in me, what was breaking in going to do.

I opened the latch, Oli behind me.

"Wha' yeh doin'?" he asked, watching me curiously. I waved him off. Once I opened the gate, we walked though. "Tom, I don't have a good feelin' 'bout this." I ignored him, looking around the backyard.

I smiled, seeing the little glint in the corner of my eye. I walked over, seeing the key dangling off of a string. I rolled my eyes, feeling her stupidity coming out. I snatched it, before walking over to the back door. I new for a fact that Erin would not leave a key behind. She had given all of the keys to the relater.

"Tom, stop, she left," Oli said as I unlocked the door.

"She wouldn't leave a key behind unless she wanted me too see it," I mumbled, opening the door. It technically wasn't breaking and entering, if I was meant to go in. Oli sighed behind me, as I walked in, slipping off my shoes. I walked to the stairs, taking them two at a time.

I opened the only closed door; her room. It was empty, except for the single sticky note on the wall.

Well, this seemed like something out of a book.

It wasn't a single, it was about four, stapled together. Her bubbly hand writing was placed on it. I quickly read it.

If you have made this this far, well done. If this is some creep or a hobo, put down the note, than walk away.

You know I love you, and if I could, I'd stay here. I don't like the thought of not having you next to me while having the baby. It just seems wrong, like this is something that a mother and father should share. Not the mother, while the father is in a different country, most likely drinking and partying, being a teenager.

I just want you to know, I do love you, and I wish I could stay, but, I've learned that a child is just another piece of luggage to a parent, can take them where ever, and they have no say in it.

I don't want you to remember me, don't call me, it will just be hard. I will try to send you a letter when the baby is born, but I'm not promising anything. Because, really, I want you to go on being a teenager. I'm well aware I am going to have to take care of a baby all on my own, and I know I can do it. Woman have been doing it for quite some time now.

All I'm saying, forget about me. Just think of me as a memory. A distant one.

You're going to laugh at me for this, but I've actually wrote this thing about seven times. And now it's on sticky notes, because I can't find anymore paper. Sorry.

I love you, and you will always hold a special place in my heart, seeing as you are the reason that I will now have a child.

I'm sorry, I'm doing something that you will not like. And I'm aware. I know you want to meet your son, but, I think it will be hard to.

Har Har

"Tom, can we leave, this place is giving place is giving me the creeps," Oli said, walking in Har's room. I huffed, dropping the note, and walking past him, dragging him along with me.

She was doing what most girls do, taking away my kid, and not letting me see him. Fine than, I'll forget you.

I was woken by a swift shake, and her sweet voice whispering my name.

"Tommy," she said, shaking me harder. I yawned, stretching and opened my eyes. Andy took the place of Harley, as he laid his head on his arms, his little snores still being heard. I laughed, before sitting up. I heard the shower shut off, and Oli walked out a few minutes later, a towel rapped around his waist.

"Yeh have a straightener, Har?" Oli asked, getting his clothes. She nodded, before walking to the bathroom, as I grabbed a set of clothes. I was modest, unlike Oli. I wasn't about to go parading around in a towel.

I sneaked into the bathroom, before Oli could get in, stealing it once again to do his hair. Harley giggled, before walking out, closing the door.

After my shower, I walked out with the towel draped over my head. Andy was now awake, and almost ran into me, from who ever he was running from. Than Matt almost ran into me, as Andy ran past me.

"Move," he whined, as Andy made silly face from behind me. I laughed, before moving out of the way. Andy screamed, before he ran to me, latching himself on my leg.

"Ander Jordan, have we not talked about this?" Harley asked, walking out of the kitchen. Andy giggled, unlatching himself from my leg.

"Yes we have," he said, with a firm nod. She shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. He giggled, before walking over, and hugging.

"Anyone know what time it is?" Lee asked, not getting out of the shower.

"About six thirty,"Harley mumbled. I felt tired, and fell onto the couch. It seemed that we all felt tired. "Come on, we got to get you guy back to your bus." We nodded, slowly getting up.

Harley had decided to drive, and I was glad. It made me nervous enough seeing as we were driving on the wrong side of the road. She just giggled at me when I told her.

"I'm pretteh freaked meh self," Oli mumbled, getting in. It was nice and spacey in the car. I got to have shot gun, and I was very happy about that.

"Mommy, I want breakfast!" Andy whined. She looked back at him.

"Can you wait ten or twenty minutes?" she asked.

"No." He shook his head. She sighed, before looking at me.

"When do you guys have to get on the road?"

"At about ten. Our driver wanted us there earlier though." She nodded, before turning in a Burger King.

The guy was a little surprised when we pulled up. It's not everyday you see a filled car with band boys in it. He asked if he could have an autograph from them, which made them snicker.

Oli rolled down his window, taking the pen and paper, signing it, before passing it onto Lee. It went to all of them, and finally got back to the guy. Once we could pull out of the joint, and I passed out the food.

"Yeh got apple juice, trade meh, lil man!" Lee nearly yelled, trying to get Andy's apple juice.

"No!" Andy yelled, clutching the cup to his chest, putting on a serious face. Lee laughed, before he tried once again.

"Lee, stop. Don't make him spill it," Harley said, before pulling onto the high way.

She drove with one hand, her other hanging on the counsel. I was going to be brave, and do it. I picked up her hand, slipping it inside. She didn't react, and I was slightly scared that she didn't want me to do this.

We pulled up next to the bus, and she squeezed my hand lightly.

"See you in a month," she said, as the rest of them got out, and Lee unbuckled Andy. I nodded, before she kissed my jawline quickly. I chuckled, before fully kissing her lips. It was really nice to think that she was all mine. We got out, and she hugged everyone.

"So, you really like Mommy, don't you?" Andy asked. I looked down at him, smiling. I nodded.

"I guess I do." He smiled, before he hugged me. I knelt down, hugging him back.

"Tommeh, time to go!" Jona yelled, hanging out the door. I picked up Andy, and walked over to Harley, hugging her.

Two weeks ago, I didn't even know that she was here. And here I am, hugging her, kissing her, and holding my kid. She was here, and soon, I hoped, would be back to Sheffield with me.

"Be safe!" she yelled, as I walked onto the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, the next few chapters may suck. Oh well.

You guys are lacking with the comments. That makes me really sad.