Status: Finished! Now tell me what you think please

But When Your Mummy Dies, She Will Not Return

Chapter 16

"You know what we should do?" Harley asked, looking up at me. I shook my head, looking at her.

"I can't read yer mind, love." She giggled, nodding slightly.

"I think we should go to the park."

"Why?" I asked, quirking a brow.

"Cause, they're fun. Or, or, or, we could go to the movies." She smiled at me, before placing her hand on my knee. "Please, Tommy." I sighed, before getting up and pulling her up with me.

"Yeh make me get up on meh weekend, just to go the movies." She grinned at me, before laughing and pulling me into the car.

"Tommy, that's what the weekends are for, to go to the movies." She paused, looking at me. "Or a park."

"Jesus fuckin' Christ. Could this thin' go aneh quicker?" Oli said, looking out the window. Lee shook his head, sighing slightly.

"And so it begins," Lee muttered, standing up and walking to the back room.

"Wha' tha' supposed to mean?" Oli asked, turning to me. I sighed, looking back out the window.

I was not going to get into this. It never went down good.

I wondered what Harley and Andy were doing. It had already been two weeks, and I was missing them. It was going to be hard if they didn't go to Sheffield.

"We're here," the driver, Danny, yelled. I sat up, and stretched, yawning slightly. Oli opened the door, as I grabbed my camera.

It was a lot warmer here, than in New York. There wasn't even snow on the ground, which surprised me. I was used to having snow in the middle of November.

"Day-um," Vegan yelled, stepping off of the bus. "'S hot out here."

"Tha's cause I'm out here," Oli yelled, before he lit up a cigarette. I shook my head, snapping a picture of him. He flipped me off, before laughing, and walking around the grounds.

I walked after him, loosing him with each step. The only visible part of him not making me loose him was his mop he calls hair. But, before long, the kids around us slowly engulfed him up, and leaving me in the middle of a crowded space.

I remember when I was about seven, and Oli was baby sitting me as Mum and Dad went out to a movie, and, instead of watching me, he locked me in a dark closet. I've been afraid of closed in spaces ever since.

And as the time passed, and more and more kids showed up, I slowly but surely was trying to get out of the freakish huddle of death.

Nearly yelping as my phone vibrated, I pulled it out, picking it up without looking at the caller.

"Yeah?" I said, passing a couple of girls that had mountains for hair, and the wafting smell of hairspray.

"Talk to your son," she said in a gruff voice. I chuckled, walking over to a bus and sitting by a tire.

"Hi, Daddy!" Andy yelled, before he started to giggle.

"Hey, And. Yeh good?"

"Yup. I miss you. When are you coming home?" I twisted my mouth to the side, picking up a pebble and flinging into the crowd.

"I don't know, bud. Whenever I can."

"How about now?" he asked, pulling out the "o" in now.

I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. "I can't. I got to work wif yeh uncle."

"But, Eric's my uncle. You're not working with him."

"No, but, yeh know the colorful one?"

"Oli?" he said, almost a scream.

"Yeah. Tha's also yeh uncle."

It was quiet for a minute, as I picked up another pebble and threw it.

"I miss you," I heard him mumble, almost missing it.

"I miss yeh too, buddy. But, yeh have yeh mum."

"You say mom funny," he laughed. I smiled, shaking my head lightly.

I nearly wanted to fall asleep when BMTH came on. But, I had to take pictures, or Oli would personally beat my ass with a bat.

"I love you, Oli!" a girl screamed, as she used my head to try and get up on stage. I was glad for the security for that matter, as a big guy came over, picking her off my head, and handing me back my hat, before placing her back in the pit.

I yawned slightly, before getting up and moving out of the hot mosh pit.

"You take pictures?" I heard a girlish voice ask. I looked over, seeing a petite girl, slowly sipping her drink.

"Yeah," I said, looking down as my camera.

"That's cool. I'd love to take them, but I'm no good." I nodded, knowing perfectly where this was going. "Maybe you could teach me sometime?"

I shrugged, saying quickly, "I'm only in town for a few days. I don't know how that would work." I looked up again, seeing that her eyes were a beautiful brown, and had brown hair to match. She was also closer. A little bit too close.

I took a step back, smiling slightly.

"Well, maybe we could go outside and practice." My smile faded, thinking of the little boy I'd just talk to no more that a few hours ago.

I shook my head, twisting my mouth to the side. "I'm sorry, I can't," I mumbled, before turning and heading back into the mosh pit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, wow. What's it been, a month.
I felt very bad, so why not write up a new one.
Sorry it's not that good.