Status: Finished! Now tell me what you think please

But When Your Mummy Dies, She Will Not Return

Chapter 2

"Harley! Will yeh jus' shut up fer two seconds!" I yelled. She was quite big now, I think about six months. She glared over at me.

"Hey!" she yelled back, still sitting on the couch. "It's because of you that I'm like this!" She pointed at her belly. "So if you can't take it, leave!" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm not goin' to leave yeh," I whispered, sitting down.

"Than why do you yell at me?" she yelled.

"Because, yeh think yeh are goin' through a lot of stress, think of how much I am!"

"You don't have another human being in you, and at sixteen too!"

"Yeah, well, I'm only seventeen, and am going to be a dad, I still want to be a child!"

"And you can! Just leave if you don't want to take care of him!" Her face was red, something that would always happen when I got her mad. "I know you're mad, but think how this is for me." She wiped her eyes, and mumbled something else.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Just... leave. Just leave," she said, knitting her fingers together, and apart.

"I'm not goin' to leave," I said, grabbing her hand. She sighed, before resting her head on my shoulder. I rapped a arm round, placing the hand on her stomach.

That was the first time I felt him kick.

I looked through the camera lens, snapping a quick pictures of the forest. I looked back forest, seeing the leaveless trees, just branches, and a bit of snow on them.

I wonder how they were. Or, for that matter, where. What was his name? Was he actually a she? What's his birthday? Is she now married?

I sighed, walking back to the bus. I wish I knew where she was, maybe than I could see her. And him.

"Tom!" Matt N yelled, as I walked into the bus. I waved at him, furrowing my eye brows. "We're in the Big Apple, Tommeh! How are yeh not happeh!"

"Oh! I'm happeh!" Lee yelled, running out of the back hall, before grabbing a bottle of water, and running back. I laughed, setting down my camera. I went into the kitchen, grabbing the Vodka, getting down a couple of shot glasses.

"Wan' some?" I asked. He nodded, standing and walking over. We take a couple of shots, as he tells me what he wants to do.

"We should try to find yeh ladeh, Tom."

"I don't even know where she is," I mumbled.

"But I do," he said, smiling. I looked up at him, as I put away the Vodka.

"How? Why? When?"

"Harley is still a very good friend of mine, Tommeh," he said.

"Why didn't yeh tell meh?"

"She told meh not to," he mumbled, looking down slightly.

"And yeh didn't! Why?" I yelled, pulling on my hair. "No, don't answer tha', I'm just goin' to bed." I stomped off, acting like a child.

I laid in my bed, looking at the wall by my feet.

I still wondered what he looked like.

He must have blue eyes, but maybe her pretty gray-blue eyes, or my baby blue, I do not know. What's his hair color. When's his birthday?

Oli stirred up above me. I sighed, turning to face the wall, and closed my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
My brothers went for a hike. I think ones still here though.

I watch my brother, Taylor, play Residet Evil 0 last night. And we played a Batman Demo too. Oh, the joy of having a over grown child as a brother.