Status: Finished! Now tell me what you think please

But When Your Mummy Dies, She Will Not Return

Chapter 9

I giggled, looking down to the ground. Tommy was, of coarse, making a fool of himself, yet again. I was just happy that it was the middle of the night, and the sidewalks were empty"'Cause she's so high, high above meh, she's so loveleh, she's so high, like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite, she's so high, high above meh," he sang, his accent screwing up the lyrics, and, well, tempo. He twirled around me, before stopping right in front of me, holding onto my shoulders. "First class and fancy free, she's high society, she's got the best of everyfin'. What could a guy like me ever really offer? She's perfect as she can be, why should I even bother? Hm?" He tilted his head to the left, as a smiled cracked onto my face. I gripped onto his collar, tugging him down, kissing his lips. I felt his smile on mine.

"I think that's why you should brother," I muttered, pulling away.


"You kiss well," I said, letting go of his collar, and walking up. And before I knew it, his arms slithered around me, picking me up, and spinning me around.

I giggled even more, as he got faster. Once he set me down, I used him for support . He smiled down at me, rapping his arms around my waist, kissing my forehead. He gripped onto my hand, tugging me back to my house.

"Night," he mumbled, kissing my lips, still holding onto my hand. My grip loosened, as his still held on tight.

"Good night," I mumbled, tugging on my hand.

"Good night." I tugged on my hand once more, before he chuckled, kissing me once more, and walked away. I turned off the light, and locked the door, quickly going up to my bedroom.

"Well, 'ello there, loveleh," someone mumbled. I let out a scream, bonking my head on the counter above me. I looked over the counter, seeing Oli stifling a laugh. I glared at him, slightly wanting to flip him off. "I didn't know yeh worked at a restaurant."

"I'm nineteen - "

"Almost twenty," he cut me off.

"Yes, almost twenty, where I am I supposed to work?"

"Well, yeh do have a kid, thought yeh would have a better job." I glared at him, walking to the table, setting down the drinks. Oli fallowed me, as I smiled at the three girls. Oli leaned on a table behind me, staring holes into the back of my skull.

"Are you ready to order?" I asked.

"Is that Oli Sykes behind you?" one mumbled. I groaned, looking at Oliver. I glared at him, seeing as I was going to have to talk to them even longer. I shooed him off, but he just shook his head. He walked over, hip checking me, as I stumbled, catching myself on a table.

"Why, yes, I do believe tha's meh name," he smirked, looking at the girls, that had to be younger than me.

"Pervert," I muttered, walking back around the counter.

I worked at a local sushi place. It was placed closely to the out skirts of New York City, and didn't get much business. Lot's of Asian worked here, but Eric is half Japanese, and got me the job, as horrible as it sounded.

"Weird," Uri mumbled. She was a tall girl, who was, as of right now, trying to find a band to play with. She was very pretty, with big brown eyes, and a short, little black bob. She had a Monroe Piercing, and she was the one who talked me into getting a Industrial. She just turned twenty two, and had grown to be a good friend.

She came over to America when she was eleven, all the way from China. She lived in Baltimore until she was sixteen, than she moved to Boston. When she was was twenty, she moved to NYC, to go to the college. She dropped out when she met me, and moved in with Andy and me, until her boyfriend, Riley, a tall, dirty blond, blue eyes boy, who was really nice, asked her to move in with him.

"What?" I asked, looking over at her, as she placed the sushi on the plate. She looked over at me, pointing at Oliver.

"I never would have thought that you knew him," she muttered, handing me a plate, as she took the other two, walking over to a family.

"Why? I did live in Sheffield for a good two years. And, you know who Andy's father is," I said, walking back behind the counter.

"Yeah, but seeing you and him in the same place, it just... awkward," she said. She was far from quiet, and a lot of people wondered why she and I were friends.

"Well, for the love of God, what did you expect?" I asked, throwing my arms up in the air. She giggled at my out burst, shooing me off. "Fine, Uri," I muttered, as she walked out the door, going for a smoke.

"Well, ain't she nice," Oli mumbled, tapping his fingers on the counter. I glared over at him, slightly shaking my head. I walked over to the girls, asking for their orders.

"Hey," one of the girls asked, with bright blond hair, with blue, orange, and bright maroon stripes. She was the typical scene, with the heavy eyeliner and all. I looked down at her, as her dull brown eyes looked up at me. "How do you know Oli Sykes?"

I shrugged. "Old friend," I muttered, before walking behind the counter. Uri came back, smelling strongly of smoke.

"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like, if you never met me?" she asked.

"It's just be me, Andy, and maybe even Eric and my life would be boring," I said, smiling at her.

"You have thought about it!" she yelled, pointing a finger at me. Oli cleared his throat, as Uri glared at him. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, yeh can. Could I talk to Harley?" She nodded. "Alone?" She sighed, looking at me. I shooed her off, as Oli smiled at me.

"Tom what's to take Andy somewhere," he said.

"Where?" I asked, looking at him.

"I think he said a park, or a somefin'," he said. I shrugged.


He pulled out his phone, to which I was guessing he texted Tom, because a minute later, he looked up at me. "About noon." I nodded, grabbing the plate of sushi, walking over to the family. I quickly walked back to him.

"Anything else?"

"He wanted to know if yeh would come?" I looked at him, as Oli smiled at me.

"Uh, sure?" It was more a question, but Oli nodded, patting the counter before he walked off. "Bye," I mumbled, as Uri walked back out.

"Hope you have fun," she said, smiling at me.

I did too.
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:D Hope you liked it.
I still would love more comments.