Status: To anyone who read this before: The first capter has been re-writen, as has the summary

The starry sky is twinkling again


I looked down at the picture of Jon and I in my hands. The glass part of the frame was covered in salty tears, making the picture blurry.
He left me.
And he quit talking to me. It was all in such short notice. I couldn't believe it.
He knew how much it would hurt me.
He knew how badly it would affect me.
I honestly don't think he ever cared.

I sigh and let a few more tears drop onto the picture before grabbing my phone to call Brendon. I needed a friend right now.

The phone rang four times before a voice answered
"Hey Brendon, how are you holding up?"
"I'm doing fine, Spencer, why? What's wrong?"
I let out a long sigh.
"I... C-can you come over?" Tears were forming in my eyes again.
"Yeah, of course Spencer. I'll be there soon."
"Thanks... Bye, Bren." I hung up and looked back down at the picture, suddenly furious.

Ever since he left, my moods would change rapidly. I'd be sad, and miss him, then become furious at him, then be happy he left to do what made him happy, then realize he left and it would all start over again.

I get up from my bed, picture still in hand and walk through the blue wooden door into the long hallway, down the stairs and into the kitchen. My house consisted of two main colors. Blue, for the upstairs and more of a white/black for the downstairs. My kitchen wasn't too big, but it wasn't exactly small. In the middle of it was a rectangular counter that held the sink and a few cabinets. The counter top was a silver color, the floor white and the counter that went around the edge of the kitchen was black. all the cabinets and drawers were either gray or silver. The stove was black, as was the refrigerator. I walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a Coca-Cola, popping it open and taking a long drink, before going into the living room.
It had the same basic colors as the kitchen. The leather couch, the entertainment center and coffee table were black, and the carpet was a dark gray, nearly black. The walls were white with picture hanging on them. The picture frames were all black. I sat on the couch and took a small coaster out of a small stack that was on the coffee table to put my drink on.

I leaned back into the couch, and waited for Brendon. I thought about Jon. And the band. We were going to have to find a new guitarist, and once again a new bassist. We never really had much luck when it came to bassists. I knew I had no need to think of this now. We had temporary replacement for our upcoming tour. I felt tears build up in my eyes and I tried to hold them back, but failed. I started sobbing. I knew I was over-reacting, but I couldn't help it. I was terribly in love with Jon. And I didn't know where Panic! would be headed now.

I was still thinking about Jon, when I heard three sharp knocks on my door. I knew it could only be Brendon.
"Come in!" I yelled, just loud enough for him to hear me.
After that, I heard the squeek of the old door opening slowly, then again when it closed. I sighed and closed my eyes.
Soon after that, the couch shifted slightly and my eyes opened.
"How are you, Spencer?" Brendon asked, rubbing my back gently. I cuddled up against his chest, putting my head on his shoulder and my arms around his waist, holding him tightly, letting my sobs come out.
"I miss him so much, Brendon!" I cried
"I know, Spencer. It will get better, I promise." He whispered into my ear.

It was silent after that except for my sobs. Brendon continued to rub my back and hold me as I let four words he had said run through my head over and over.

It will get better...
♠ ♠ ♠

Uh... damn I was going to put something here...
oh well
anyway it's been re-written!
I like this bettahhhh