The Sauce He Craves

Chapter One

So this is where the story begins, eh? Me driving to the set of the movie my dad's working at for some strange reason. Today is my birthday. The first present was a brand new Nissan Cube in Chrome. I love it, so I drove it to the set.

I smiled to myself as I got out of my new car, locking it, pulling my tote full of products that Dad asked me to bring. I shoved my cell phone in my pocket and started into the giant set. I had trouble getting the door, and soon enough my father looked up from a conversation with three boys that looked about my age.

"Speak of the devil," He said opening the door and smiling. I smiled up at him and I stepped in. The three boys leaned around dad to look. There was a lanky redhead, a brunette with a pair of fake glasses in his hands, and a blond with a nice shirt and black pants folded in his hands. The redhead looked up from his phone as my dad continued talking.

"Hi dad," I said smiling.

"Your birthday surprise is a job." My dad told me.

"Yeah, because everyone wants a job for their birthday." I mumbled under my breath.

"You're going to be doing these three's make up and hair, isn't that exciting?" My dad said, failing to hear my disgust, and attempting to be cheerful.

"Guess so. Where do I go?" I asked.

"Well first I wanted to introduce you to the guys," Dad said, walking over to the three. He pointed to the brunette first. "This is Daniel, Dan if you will. Daniel Ratcliffe."

"Hi," Daniel said, smiling and shaking my hand. He blushed a little as I responded with a faint hello.

Next, Dad pointed at the blond.

"This is Tom. Tom Felton."

"Hi," Tom said, shaking my hand and smiling. He seemed a bit more confident than Daniel, but still blushed as I beamed towards him. So much for being macho.

Lastly, Dad pointed at the red head. He was handsome.

"This is Rupert. Rupert Grint." Dad said.

"Hello," Rupert said, smiling and extending a hand. I shook his, and it was my turn to blush.

"Well, Daniel. You have hair and make up first. You ought to show Shawna her station." Daniel nodded and walked with me to my station, Dad picking up small talk with the other two boys.

He led me through a hallway and to a door. He opened it, then walked into the room and sat in a chair. Something seemed wrong with him, as he looked disappointed. I closed the door then put my tote in a chair beside the counter top. I got out the make up and hair product I needed, then read about the look I was supposed to portray. As I put foundation on his face, I decided to pick up the conversation.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, not realizing that he could not want to talk about it. And if he did, not with a complete stranger. But he'd have to have a bit of trust with me, he was letting me put make up on him and handle hot and sharp objects...then again he doesn't know the damage I could do.

"I'm fine, just a lot of trouble with my girlfriend." He said, seeming down.

"Well I'm a girl. If you need an honest opinion, I must know how a girl's brain works." I said, now done with make up and focusing on his hair. I had to straighten it, so I pinned some of his hair up and used the heat to make is hair lay down almost flat.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later, I've got to go practice lines." He said after I finished.

"Can you send the next one in, please?" I asked, cleaning up and getting other make up ready and stacked shadows, blush, and foundation in neat piles. Then putting the straightener far away from it all...I learned to do that the hard way.

The next one to come in was the blond, changed into his button up and pants. I started to apply foundation after he sat down.

"So you're a Yates?" He asked, not believing it.

"Yep, in the flesh." I said, trying to find a brush. I heard him clear his throat. I turned and saw him point towards the brush. I smiled and grabbed it.

"Thanks," I said, still smiling.

"No problem." He said, smiling too. I continued his make up, then after I finished, I grabbed the straightener. I straightened his hair, keeping a random conversation going on my part, him continuing it. He was really easy to talk to, really outgoing.

I grabbed some gel and rubbed it in my fingers, then making random pieces of his hair stick out. I stepped back and nodded.

"You're all done." I said, handing him a mirror.

"Wow, you did good!" He said, smiling.

"Thanks," I said smiling and leaning on the counter. He walked over and hugged me. I could've sworn I felt his lips brush the top of my head as he pulled away to get Rupert.

Seconds later, the tall red head came in, with a mixed expression. He closed the door, then just stood there, looking around the room.

"You...could sit down. I don't bite." I said, smiling. He smiled.

"Sorry, zoning out a bit." He said, sitting in the chair, watching me get the make up. I set it out, then began to apply it. After I did that, I finally told him to open his eyes and I began his hair. I straightened it, then heated up the curling iron. As I waited for it, I took a sip out of a Vitamin Water that Tom had brought me seconds before. I set it down then walked over and grabbed the curling iron. I curled the ends of his hair, then adding some gel to make the look fall together.

"My turn to do you?" He asked, smirking.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at his tall figure.

"Your hair." He said, smiling. I sat in the chair. I was up for whatever.

I felt him toy with my hair, then his face was close to mine, our noses touching. His hot breath smelled like mints, combined with his smell of Old Spice.

"Now open your eyes," He said. I opened my eyes, right as he placed his lips on mine for about a good 10 seconds. He pulled away smiling.

"Wow." I said, smiling.

"Don't tell your dad that I did that, I'd get fired." He said, chuckling. I smiled. I grabbed the eyeliner needed to do Daniel's scar and then the Vitamin Water and Rupert and I walked out of the room, together. We walked out into the busy set and I found Daniel. I walked over.

"Forgot one thing," I said, moving his hair gently out of my way, and drawing a lightning bolt where the scar always was.

"Oh, eyeliner is so much easier than actually getting a scar," He said laughing. I laughed too as Dad came over.

"You did wonderful, honey!" He said, wrapping an arm around me. "Did any of them try anything on you?" I glanced at Rupert, who got a scared look.

"No sir." I said, looking at my father.

"Good, if they do, burn them. I don't care. As long as Daniel's is a lightning bolt." He said, then walking away.

"What did you do, Grint?" Daniel asked as Rupert sat beside him, and I stole Tom's chair, as he was filming.

"I'll tell you later, man." He said, leaning back in his seat. I looked over at him, concerned that when he kissed me he didn't mean it.
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