‹ Prequel: Family Reunion
Sequel: Communion


The Falter of a Drummer

Adrienne Armstrong, woke up in the upstair's master bedroom at about noon on August 19, 2008. After staying up until approximately 4:30 in the morning, the woman was quite exhausted.

Joey and Jakob were already about the house, and took a noticing to the shatteredness that radiated off of their second cousin, Rose. They weren't exactly informed of anything though.

Mike stayed with Billie and Rose at the Armstrong's household all morning. And after learning that Rose was pregnant, once again; Billie and he decided that Tre would need straightening out, sooner than later.

Adrienne came downstairs to rejoin her husband, whom she had urged to get some rest earlier in the morning, just before she had gone to bed.
Coming into the living room though, the only view she saw was of a tired looking Rose; huddled up on the couch in front of the television.

"Hi Rose," Adrienne said kindly as she took a seat by the young womans feet.

Rose pulled her knees up towards her chest slightly, providing more room for the older woman to sit down. "Hi..." Rose said quietly, but did not advert her eyes away from the televison.

Adrienne turned towards the television and felt the beginning of an awkward silence forming. "I'm sorry if I upset you by what I said the other day Rose..." Adrienne said quietly.

Rose continued looking at the television with a blank mind, "Yep..." she sighed.

Adrienne sighed as well as she looked up at the ceiling then quickly returned her gaze to Rose. "Rose no, I really mean it..." Adrienne said sincerely.

"Adie honey why don't you apologize for something useful?" Rose quipped in a nasty tone.

"Apologize for something useful?" Adrienne asked with confusion in her voice.

"Yes...like how 'bout apologizing for making your asshole husband happy...." Rose snipped as she got up from the couch quickly and stomped off out of the room.

"What the fuck?" Adrienne said as she sat up off the couch and began to follow Rose out of the room.

"Go away! You said it the other day, 'I need serious help'!" Rose said, poorly mimicking Adrienne's voice. "You think I'm fucking crazy!"

"I didn't mean it like that!" Adrienne yelled.

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't. You know what Adrienne?" Rose said.

"What?" Adrienne sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"You're the biggest asshole in this asshole family."

"What's going on mom?" said a curious thirteen year old Joey from the top of the stairs.

Adrienne drew her gaze up at her eldest son and sighed, "Nothing..."

"Nothing?" Rose questioned with a glare.

"Rose, let's not discuss this in front of the boys..." Adrienne pleaded.

"Fine..." Rose sighed angrily, she disappeared in a snap and went off to be all by her lonesome.


Mike and Billie Joe pulled up outside of Tre's house at about exactly 11:30 that morning. Billie was still without rest, but too excited and upset to even think about sleeping.

"What are we going to do?" Mike asked Billie as he activated the front gate at the end of Tre's driveway. He quietly crawled his BMW up into the driveway and parked it in front of Tre's massive garage.

"I don't know man... If Tre doesn't cooperate with us, we might just have to drag him out with force..." Billie answered.

"Yeah..." Mike sighed. "Fuck. Okay, let's go..."

"'Kay," Billie said and he hopped out of the car.

As Mike and Billie approached the front door they were disturbed by how unusually quiet it was. Deciding to try the doorhandle before ringing the doorbell Mike found it to be locked. "Fuck..." he sighed again.

Billie began ringing the doorbell, while Mike insesently knocked on the big oak cathedral resembling door. "Tre! Open up!" Billie Joe shouted.

"Tre! Let us in!" Mike shrieked, following the yells of his smaller friend.

Still, no response from the seemingly dead house. "Hmm...let's go around the back. Maybe we can get in one of the back doors or something..." Billie suggested as he started sneaking around the left side of the house.

"Okay..." Mike said very quietly as he began to follow his friend. "Ouch! Shit!"

"What?!" Billie shrieked in whisper, turning around quickly to look at Mike.

"Fuck...nothing, I'm just caught up in a piece of rope... fuck, rope burn..." Mike winced at his painful leg.

"Shit..." Billie said, wincing as well and continuing along the house, almost sidling inconspicuously.

"Looking for me?" called a familiar voice out of no where.

Mike and Billie both jumped quickly and glanced around themselves in search of where this familiar voice was coming from. "What the fuck?" Billie said.

"Tre? Where are you?" Mike asked.

"Hey...I'm up here!"

Mike and Billie Joe both adverted their eyes and heads towards the roof of the massive house. They were quite surprised to see Tre dwindling only inches from the edge of the forty-five foot high roof.

"Tre! Fuck off man! Move back!" Billie Joe shouted.

"Man, you're going to fucking fall!" Mike warned.

"That's okay. I told Rose I was going to kill myself...so I here I go," Tre grinned without any emotion or remorse to him.

"Don't!" Mike and Billie gasped in unison, before seeing their best friend step off the edge of his imaginary sky scraper. The two squinted their eyes shut as cardiac arrest was almost administered waiting for the sound of a 'thud'.

Sure enough, a very loud thud was heard in seconds. The two reopened their blinded eyes to the sight of Tre Cool laying on his side on a hard laid-stone walkway.

"Tre!" Mike shouted as he ran to his friend's side with concern.

"Holy fuck..." Billie Joe gasped with disbelief and shock. He let Mike run to Tre and held back. All though he realized that jumping from forty-five feet would not likely kill a man of Tre's strength and agility; a still constant fear of losing someone close to him burned in his heart. "Ah...is he...is he okay?" Billie asked as he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Mike was trembling horribly due to holding back his own tears. Checking Tre's pulse he sighed with relief. He could feel a pulse, tiny and faint, but nonetheless a pulse...

"Mike? Answer me..." Billie demanded.

"Yeah...he's alive. Call an ambulance," Mike instucted.

Billie finally let out a sigh of relief of his own. He wiped his tears and sniffled, quickly pulling out his cell phone and dialing 911...


September 1, 2008

After a three day Meth binge, and barely sleeping a minute over that period of time; I guess I finally lost it.

I haven't seen Rose in what feels like forever. Billie and Mike are really the only visitors I get, besides my mom. I just wish Billie would let me see Rose...

Well, I've also gotten quite a bit of fanmail as well. I don't think anyone knows I tried to kill myself, I think they think I just got drunk and fell off a roof. But hell, let them think that. It satisfies me...

I got to admit, I'm slightly angered. Who the hell does Billie think he is, telling me whether or not I can see my own wife? Fuck it... I've been so messed up. I'm sure he probably has good intention.

Bill told me it's because she's two emotionally fucked to be around me right now. I feel horrible about what he says I did to her. It leaves me feeling like an idiot. I'm so dumb.

But oh great, it's 'September'. Who do you think is going to be the most emotionally unstable now?

I'm feeling so messed up again. I have little memory of all the awful things he keeps telling me I supposedly did.

Something's going on with Rose too. No one will tell me what it is though, I feel really worried. I guess they all think I can't handle it right now

Fuck, I just want to be me again. I like me, I'm Tre Cool, not Tre Druggy. Fucking drugs...they always did make me ugly. Oh well, at least I'm enrolled in some addiction program now. I don't think I was addicted though...

Billie told me that before he'll ever allow Rose to live with me again, I have to quit drinking. I kind of agreed to it, even though I didn't want to. I think it's a bit harsh of a request. I mean fuck...what kind of rock star is sober? Ozzy? Yeah, and then he got old and quit. Great...

Oh well, as long as I 'look' good and clean it should rebuild Bill's trust in me. But I'm feeling the worst thing right now too... I have a guilty conscience.

Yeah, I'm really paranoid that what Bill said is true. Because a lot of it is hazy for me. Like, what if I really did hurt Rose? That would be totally fucked up. It wouldn't exactly be the first time though...

As far as I can tell no one knows what my secret is. At least I hope they don't. There's been no indication from Billie or Mike that they know. So that's good...

Mike's been kind of acting as moderator/narrator between me and Rose. Behind Billie's back of course. I tell him things to tell her, and if she's in the right mood she'll have him deliver me a message. Sometimes that message is just a plain 'F.O.D.' though. Oh well, can't be too hurt, she is Billie's cousin.

Only having Rose and restoring my body to its natural self, to worry about, I think I'll spend the most time rehabilitating my marriage. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Rose means the world to me.

I remember when we would spend a lot of time in the pool in the back yard. I would constantly dunk her head under. Okay, maybe that did freak her out a little.... But she'd always find a way to get me back. Like coming in the bathroom and purposly flushing the toilet while I was in the shower. Fuck...she thought of some good ones.

Yep, that pool hosted some good times. I loved it when she would 'willingly' go underwater and mmmhmm......water blow jobs are the best. Floating boobs are great too...I love floating boobs.

Wait...that sounded like me! Fuck, I'd do a happy dance if I wasn't confined to this bed with a broken leg and half my ribs fractured.

But damn, I sure wish I knew what was up with her right now. She obviously is really mad at me or something if she can't come see me.

I think I must of been a really big dick to her. Damn, I'm always fucking up. My stress level has been through the roof lately. Whoa... I really shouldn't talk about roofs.

I just really, more than anything, I just really want to see her beauiful smiling face again. Because, God damn it....

...I fucking love her.