This Is the Part When I Find out Who I Am


The rest of the school day passed by slowly. After Photography we had Foods, which was disastrous. We were given the ingredients to make pasta. I paired up with Kennedy and Jared. We left the pasta in for too long and it ended up being too tender, and Jared didn't cook the meatballs long enough. The look on Kennedy's face when he bit down on it was priceless.

The bell rang, we all ran outside leaving the dishes in the sink unwashed. Our teacher groaned, her yelling not making much of a difference. Slamming my locker shut I ran down to the boys lockers. I ran behind Pat tackling him in a huge hug. He laughed and squeezed me back. I pulled all of them into the parking lot where my silver car was, with Daryll was sitting on the roof.

I met out a big smile sprinting up to tackle him into a huge hug. He let a small laugh escape his lips wrapping his arms around my waist. The boys caught up to us with smiles on their faces. I quickly introduced each of them each of them, and they shook hands and such. Daryll then excused himself and went home.

I felt arms snake around my waist and suddenly I was thrown across a shoulder being carried to a yellow car that resembled a banana. My kidnapper laughed gruffly before setting me down on the roof. I crossed my legs staring at the ruffled hair boy in front of me. A slanted smile was thrown in my direction as I sent a strong glare at him.

"You're riding with me. Kay?" He dragged out the 'kay' lazily.

"Oh kay" imitating him "Where to?"

"John Cornelius O'Callahghan the Fifths house. Well his 'rents but yeah." He laughed.

"Cornelius?" I snickered "Aw. Cute name. What's your full name?"

"Garrett Daniel Nickelsen!" He screamed running around in a few circles.

I laughed staring at the flustered boy in front of me. "I like that name."

Kennedy and Pat quickly ran over to us getting in the car while I was still on the roof. Each grabbing one of my legs they pulled me on the floor. Groaning I got in the front seat next to Garrett. He pulled out his Iphone and connected it to the stereo blasting Coast Of Maine by Ivory.

"I love this song!" I gushed with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah! We got our band name from this song" Kennedy chirped.

The car ride was fun but awkward. Kennedy occasionally started a conversation that died down a while after to a silence. The silence was a simple silence though, while we were all listening to the music. Lyrical Lies by Cute Is What We Aim For came on and I literally jumped in my seat.

"I lalalove this song." I smiled softly looking back at Pat and Kennedy who had amused look on their faces.

"Ah I can tell," Pat laughed softly turning to look out the window "It's beautiful."

"Yeah. It can cheer me up, and make me feel invincible. It's the acoustic stuff that makes me get into a state of mind where I can just think about everything that happens and I get this warm feeling inside" sighing softly I looked out the window to face the sunny Arizona weather "I wish it was rainy."

Garrett looked over at me with a soft smile playing at his lips. I returned the smile and sat back, closing my eyes and just letting myself drift off.

These past few weeks have been crazy. I have loved and I have lost. It's like everything is passing by too fast. Everything seems surreal. But I guess this is what we call life. Heartbreak, confusion, new beginnings, and change crossed my life. I was perfectly happy on the outside. Possibly even fooling myself into that scam with it. But deep down, I know it's not true.

As cliche as it sounds, to say I'm heartbroken is a understatement. He promised me the world, he was my one and only and I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with him. It's what our parents warn us about all the time isn't it? To not become too attached because ninety nine percent of the time it blows up in your face. I thought we really had something, a spark. He saw it differently.

We both toured almost full time, me having to squeeze school in there with it. He lives in Texas and me in Arizona, but we'd somehow find a way to see each other as often as possible. As time grew we fell apart, fighting over the simplest things and easily getting frustrated with each other. I guessed he really never loved me, with his harsh words and simple goodbye.

"Sky? Skylene?" A small voice shook me softly. My eyes opened to face a happy Pat.

"Hey. We're here?" I asked.

"Yup. Are you okay?" he asked taking my hand and pulling me into a rather large house.

"Yeah. Just thinking y'know." I shot him a prize winning smile receiving a 'theres something up' look back.

I was brought to a room with bright red couches and lava lamps. The walls were painted a dark blue, the floor lined with black carpet and posters covering some wall space. In the middle of the room stood a mic stand and a drum set. Some guitars were lined up against the far wall on stands. Pat sat me down at the couch and ran into the closet looking for his drum sticks. A few second later Jake joined me on the couch.

The rest of the boys walked in with water bottles in hand laughing softly. Jared, Kennedy and Garrett walked up to the stands taking their guitars off the stands. John sauntered over to the mic smiling. He stood there for a minute before Pat came stumbling out of the closet and tripping over his drums. We all laughed as a red faced Pat emerged from the ground. At the count of one, two, three they started.

My eyes were locked to John's eyes the whole time they played. His voice was unbearably beautiful and the passion he had when he sang had a magnetic force that attracted me. I couldn't help but smile the whole time finding myself lost in the music. After they finished the last song John laughed adorably before plopping down in the seat next to mine.

"So did you like it?" He asked with a sly tone to his voice.

"That was amazing. Dude, that's - You guys are so good!" I grinned at the boys "And whoa, your voice is just... mind bottiling."

"Thanks," He responded shyly "Sometimes I feel like my voice is kinda whiny,"

I scoffed looking at the boy next to me with a disapproving look on my face "No. How dare you! It's amazing"

"Well thanks," John replied his face turning a light shade of pink.

After a while of Pat and Garrett fighting over a movie to watch they settled with Blades Of Glory. I ran to John's closet to grab two howdies and a blanket. I threw one hoodie at John and slipped the dark grey hoodie over me. Taking a seat in between to John and Jake the movie started.

During the movie John's hand moved so that it rested on my thigh. I gasped softly my face starting to heat up before looking over at the smirking boy sitting next to me. He looked over at me winking softly before his hand started trailing higher. I became uneasy and I started to move around softly. Jake shot a questioning look my way before turning back to the movie. As John's hands got a little too high for my comfort my phone started to ring obnoxiously.

I grabbed it and went to the kitchen to answer the call.

"Where the hell are you?" Jordan screamed into the phone causing me to wince.

"Oh damn. Is it seven already? I'm at John's house!" I groaned.

"No it's six. Oooooh who's John?" He growled into the phone trying to be sexy.

"Why'd you call me screaming? And um from The Maine. Nothing's happening I mean we're all here." I laughed softly.

"Because I want you to come earlier. Please! And bring me food too. And right. Well you should bring him." He begged.

"No. Get your own food. And if I bring him it would just be awkward." I said sighing softly.

"No, why would it be awkward?" He asked. I stayed silent on the line for a minute before he got it "Aww. Sky Sky has a crush. Cute!"

I groaned loudly again hanging up my phone and walking back into the room. Once I stepped in the room all eyes were turned to me, the movie was paused and all their faces held questioning looks.

"I gotta go. Jordan wants me to go get him some food and go early ugh. You guys should come!" I threw a smiling face at all of them.

They all agreed to go except for Pat and Jared who had to go home for dinner. We said goodbye to the two and headed outside.

"We'll go in Garrett's car. John and Skylene can go in Sky's car?" Jake smirked.

Well this is going to be awkward.
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aah. update!
If you guys comment lots ill update tonight (:
I'd like at least three? please? aha. <3 .

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ah. I think I'm sick fever. =\