Sequel: Nothing Else Matters
Status: This is Done and we are happy to say we continued it.

Girl I Know

Chapter 14

Carter’s POV

I had Danny drop me off at Zacky’s house, convincing him I was ok. I got to the door and almost talked myself out of talking to him, it made me want to go to a hotel. But I talked myself into it, I knocked and my heart was beating in my ears.

He finally came down half naked and opened the door, “Hi,” I said and he squinted at me, I knew he was drunk off his ass.

“Can I help you?” he asked, not moving from the doorway.

“Zacky,” my voice held a warning.

“Oh come on, I can’t make a joke, come in,” he was inviting me into the only place I had called home in a while. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I went in and fiddled with the purse in my hand. I looked around some things were trashed. I turned to say something, but I looked behind him up the stairs. “Baby,” the woman’s voice grilled my ears.

“I’ll be up in a second, just have to deal with something,” he said not even looking up, completely unfazed.

“I just came to get some of my stuff, I’ll come for everything else tomorrow,” I said quickly and tried to walk past him.

“Going to go with your boyfriend now?” Zacky asked as he grabbed my arm.

“Let go,” I said between gritted teeth trying not to cry. It was a lot more painfull seeing him like this knowing he didn’t care about me.

“Not until you answer some questions,” he said man handling me.

“You’re hurting me,” I whined.

“Yeah, well love is pain,” he said coming very close to me.

“You don’t know shit about pain or love,” I said and ripped my arm from his grip.

“Oh, ya the great innocent Carter, who turns out to be not so innocent, having a hidden boyfriend and everything,” Zacky said slurring his words a little bit.

“Zacky, why are you doing this?” I asked him. Not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

“Because, you’re a tramp, and a whore, I took you in cause I felt sorry for you,” Zacky said.

“Zacky stop this,” Matt came down the stairs, he must of passed out in the house like they all did, and Zacky called the girl over.

“Oh look, I bet you fucked him too,” Zacky said towards Matt. That’s when I couldn’t take it anymore. I raised my fist and closed my eyes, the only thing I felt was my fist making impact with his cheek. He was laid out when Matt caught up with me.

“Whoa you got a mean right hook,” Matt said with a smile on his face, but he looked at my face and realized that I was still shook up.

“I gotta get my stuff,” I said moving past him and walking over Zacky.

“You don’t have to do it tonight,” Matt said.

“No I do, I’m done, I can’t do this anymore,” I said more to myself then him.

“Is that what Danny was?” Matt asked as I was going up the stairs making me stop.

“Danny and I have a history, it’s hard to explain.” I kept walking not looking back again, tears were threatening me.

I got upstairs and packed my stuff. It all fit into two suit cases, I dragged them down the stairs and Matt had moved Zacky on the couch, he was awake now, and very sober, who knew that a punch in the face would make someone sober up.

“C?” Zacky said using his nickname for me.

“Zacky,” I responded in a very cold voice.

“Don’t go,” he said, like a little child, his lisp even more audible.

“No Zacky, I need this, for me to be your friend, I need this,” I walked out of the house without looking back at him. It was breaking my heart. I called Matty and he came to pick me up, after all he was going to be my bunk mate for the rest of the tour. Then it was time to start my life away from myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update.
Calm down Sammy.