Sequel: Nothing Else Matters
Status: This is Done and we are happy to say we continued it.

Girl I Know

Chapter 2

I had finally let myself be convinced into getting a tattoo, and I was scared shitless, but I wasn’t going to let the guys see that. “Zackkyyyy,” I yelled through his house.

“Yeah?” He came out of his bedroom, half naked, so I covered my eyes.

“I don’t want to see that,” I yelled so loud that Jimmy started coming up the stairs.

“See what?” He asked. Then looked at Zacky and grabbed me burying my head in his chest. “You’ll scar her for life dude,” Jimmy said and I couldn’t help laughing.

“What do you want Carter?” Zacky didn’t like us making fun of him. Since he got it everyday for the past two years. That’s when I met them, I was working on a side project for Zacky’s clothing line, when they were in my town and called me up asking for a merch girl for that night’s show.

The rest as they say, is history. OK not really, they adopted me into the family right away. They were so over protective, it wasn’t even funny, but I loved them for it.

“Carter?” Zacky’s voice sliced through my thoughts.

“Come with me today,” I said not wanting to let Jimmy know what I was doing.

“Where we going?” Zacky asked.

“Just come with me,” I said again.

“Not before you tell me where we’re going, last time it was for you to get a Brazilian wax and I can’t believe I got talked into it too, my babies still hurt.” Zacky pouted.

“Fine, I want to get a tattoo,” I said in a very annoyed voice.

“Cool, I want to come, I’m going to go tell the guys,” Jimmy said skipping down the stairs.

“Was that so bad?” Zacky asked.

“You have no idea,” I said leaning my face into the crook of his neck.

We had all piled into cars, all of us meaning, Matt, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, Zacky and I. They all found excuses to be there, but deep down I knew they wanted to see me cry. I drove up front, no one was driving me, I hated it.

I parked the car, paid the meter and ran a hand through my hair, with this weather I was seriously thinking about cutting it. “LET’S GO!!!!!” Jimmy yelled, as I just noticed they were waiting for me at the front door.

Matt held the door opened for us, “It’s going to be ok,” he said as I passed him, I just scoffed.

“May I help you?” the girl behind the counter didn’t even look up.

“I want to get a tattoo,” I said in a weak voice.

“With the biggest tattoo gun you have,” Jimmy’s voice bellowed.

Zacky only gave him a look that sent him searching for a new tattoo, being sandwiched between Zacky and Matt at the front counter was intimidating. Jimmy was looking on the walls saying oohhh and ahhh, Brian was looking at nose rings and Johnny was sitting on one of the chairs looking through a book.

The girl looked up and froze, “Yeah, what were you thinking?” she asked.

“Um, not sure,” I said and her smile disappeared. “What do you guys think?”

“Deathbat.” They all said in unison.

“How about some words?” I said but they all stopped, not knowing what to say.

“You mean lyrics?” Jimmy asked.

“Well not really,” I didn’t know if I should tell them about my talents.

“Whatever you want,” Zacky said, he was the only one that knew I loved to write. All the guys knew I rode bikes, smokes, spit, and sat like a guy.

I nodded and reached into my back pocket I pulled out a poem I wrote thinking about the guys.

I know in death,
I’ll be Avenged Sevenfold,
My Shadow will follow me
Through the Gates,
That will lead me to Johnny Christ
Who will become my Reverend
Who will help me seek Vengeance
On those who’ve done me wrong.

“This is good,”the girl said.

“Wait read it out loud...” Brian said, realizing none of us knew her name.

“Sophie,” she said reading it out loud.

“Holy shit, who wrote that?” Johnny’s attention was diverted from the flip book in front of him.

“Um...Santa,” I said.

“He’s real? AWESOME,” Jimmy’s hyperness was a very big high.

“Can it, so can you do it?” I asked Sophie.

“Yeah it’s not a problem,” she said and I went to sit down. Brian leaned on the counter as she worked. Saying something to her.

“Brian down,” I said in a stern voice, he gave me a look that could kill but came and sat down next to me.
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Here's an update from moi.
Hope you like it.