Sequel: Nothing Else Matters
Status: This is Done and we are happy to say we continued it.

Girl I Know

Chapter 04

Sophie's P.O.V.

Riding in the car next to Carter was both relaxing and awkward at the same time.Relaxing because I didn't have to sit around the other guys I barely knew,but they seemed like alright people.A group I wouldn't mind getting to know and probably knew how to throw a kick ass party.Awkward because the one in the back just kept giving me that dangerous look; sexy yet dangerous. I tried my best to ignore the fact he was trying to lead me on,but it just didn't work.I knew who he was and what he was capable of doing.

"So.You own that tattoo shop,Sophie?" The one named Zacky said,breaking me out of the trance I was lost in.I nodded and turned in my seat to face him.

"Yeah.I run it.Been running it for a couple years now.And you guys,you've been touring for quite sometime now,eh?"I asked nodding to each one of the members.

"For about nine years now."Matt spoke from the seat behind me.I smirked and turned my attention to Carter who started speaking.

"So which bar we hitting?"She said.All the boys in the back shifted and looked at each other,Carter gave out a low groan,"Oh come the fuck on! Seriously! You guys don't know where you want to get drunk?"

"Fucksakes,woman! Just take us to Johnny's bar for Christsakes!" Brian groaned from the backseat.

"Eh! I resent that!" The shortest one,Johnny gasped shoving his finger in the air.Brian rolled his chocolate eyes and shot him the finger.I giggled lowly and turned in my seat.Carter tossed a look towards me and smirked.

"This is how it usually is,y'know."She said.

"Oh,no worries.I think I can keep up with it all." I replied folding my hands into my lap.

"Lets hope,princess." I rolled my eyes and glared over my shoulder at whom had said it.And of course,with a smirk on his face,it was Brian.


We got to Johnny's bar and piled out of the car.I began a little chit-chat with the large one,Matt and we hit it off pretty nicely.We talked about the band and tattoo's while walking into the pub.I've been here before,but not as often as these guys have.Apparently,they used to get drunk here all the time as teens and knew the owner.Typical.

Carter grabbed a hold of my arm,pulling me away from Matt and our conversation,"We're gonna go find a pool table.You guys get the drinks."

The group smiled widely and nodded with 'okays' before Carter lead me off towards a booth in the corner of the room,disposing our coats and bags onto the chairs,"Do you think thats a good idea? Them getting our--well,my drink?"

"Hm? Oh,don't worry about it.It's cool,they won't poison you or anything."She said grabbing a stick off the wall and holding it out for me,"Wanna play?"

"Ooo-Okay!"I chuckled and grabbed it from her.Carter giggled and we walked over to an empty pool table,sorting out the balls into the triangle.I watched her collect them all together while talking here and there,my gaze often traveling across the room and over towards the bar where the guys where collecting shots.My stomach curdled and I suddenly had the urge to vomit.I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face.It was time for my inner-rockstar to come out and show these guys up.

"Something wrong?"Carter asked bringing me out of my own thoughts.I smiled and nodded.

"Fine.You breaking?"She nodded and walked around the table to where I was and took her shot.A couple minutes later,she was totally whooping my ass at this.I never said I was an professional but I was good,but she was a fucking expert.My brows rose,"You played before?"

"All the time when we come here."Carter smirked as the guys returned with our drinks.

"Ladies! We come with booze!" Jimmy explained holding the tray full of shots up.

Carter groaned,"Dude..."

"She can't drink."I finished with a giggle.Jimmy sighed and placed the shots on the table we vacated.

"Fine.I'll just drink them to myself then.No fun for me then."Jimmy said faking a sad face.Carter laughed and walked over to him,sitting on his lap and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.I swallowed down and peeled my gaze from the pair to the shot being held out in front of me.

"Take it."Brian said shoving the shot of whiskey under my nose.I looked up into his eyes and back into the whiskey.I swallowed down,"You're not scared are you?"

I laughed,"Are you fucking crazy?"

I grabbed the shot and quickly drank it back quickly,shoving it back into his awaiting hand.I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and let out a sigh,"Good? Want another one?"

"Brian! We just got here,dude.Take it easy."Matt said sitting down in the booth.

"Just asking dude!"Brian said and walked over to the table.I picked up my stick and took another shot,sinking the goddamn white ball once again.I cursed and groaned as Carter chuckled and walked over to the table."WHO'S WINNING!?"

"FUCKING CARTER!"I yelled,matching him.

"No shock there!"Johnny replied.

"You know what? Fuck you all and thanks for the confidence!" I chuckled taking another hit,sinking one of my balls into the holes."YES.Finally,dude."

"You finally sank one! Jesus!" Brian laughed getting up and joining us at the table,Zacky following him.I glared at Brian as I walked around the table to get a better shot,"You better make this shot count,or your ass is grass."

"Brian,shut the fuck up!"Carter snapped from the other side.Brian rose his hands in the air in defense and pretended to zip his lips.I chewed on my lip and bent over,getting focused on my shot.


I fucking slipped and missed because of that douche bag.JUST SAYING,I slipped and missed because of him.I groaned in annoyance and raised myself up to look at him.His smile spread across his face cockily and he held a shot in his hands,"What! What do you want?"

"Don't even ask me that question right now."Brian said lowly,"You might now like my answer.."

"Brian..."Carter warned,"Zacky?"

"Dude?"He replied looking at Carter.

Carter sighed,slapping her forehead,"Seriously."

"Whoever wins,gets this shot.So make it count,lover."Brian smirked with a wink.My stomach turned and I walked up to him,feeling the alcohol start buzzing through my system.

"Y'know,Brian.As much as I want you at the moment,nothings gonna happen cause I know how you are.You know why? Some chick came into my shop earlier wanting 'BUTTERFLY TATTOO'!" I said making the bunny ears as I emphasized the BUTTERFLY TATTOO,"Claiming that she LOVED your guys' music so much that she happened to see you in Los Angelos.Minding you that she was getting a BUTTERFLY TATTOO,which I hate and think they are totally gross and over populated,and she couldn't even name the guy whom she had slept with.."

Brian cocked his brow as Carter circled the table to stand next to me.Her hands were on her hips staring at Brian.Zacky stood on Brian's side,shifting from me to Brian then to Carter,"Meaning?"

I sighed and slapped my forehead,"I know how you are.You slept with this girl you barely even knew.Even if you try hard enough.I'm not going to sleep with you..."

"Ugh.You slept with that blond bimbo,Haner?"Matt gasped from behind us.I laughed as Brian rolled his eyes and glared over my shoulder.

"Wait.The fucking chick who called me a dirty ass groupie?"Carter asked and looked at Brian who was shifting nervously,"Ugh.She was dirt,dude."

Brian groaned and threw the shot down on the table,"Shut up and just play.Don't fucking judge me,alright,"He spat making everyone wince and carry on with what they were doing.I chewed down on my lip and took my quick shot.The game ended with Carter beating me,no surprise at all.And the shot was still sitting on the pool table.

"I can't drink it.But I'll give it to Sophie."Carter suggested passing me it.I took a small whiff and shivered.Tequila,of course.I smiled shyly and shifted into a seat next to Zacky,dodging the glares coming from Brian.I definitely hit a weak spot for him earlier on.

"I like some of your tattoos.Did you do them yourself?"Zacky asked from beside me.

"Naw,been places and got people to do them.They're cool,eh? I've become a fan of other people's art besides my own."I said,"And I must say,all of your guys' tattoo's are amazingly done."

"Thanks."They all said.Carter hissed suddenly,"What?"

"Hit the tat,everythings good.Nothing a drin--Shit."Carter said as everyone laughed and took a drink in front of her.I giggled and stared down into the waiting Tequila.

"You gonna drink that or just stare at it?"Brian said.I looked at him,he seemed rather pissed and annoyed.But I shrugged off his gay ass attitude and picked the drink up.

I smiled,"Wanna do a toast?"I asked him.He furrowed his brows and stared at me.He lifted his shot up and clinked it with my own and we both downed each of our shots.I twisted my face sourly,slamming the shot glass on the table and shivering.Carter laughed and patted me on the back.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Fine." I replied.

"Good.Cause the night is young,more drinks and pool!"Zacky replied raising his arms in the air.I laughed and rubbed my hand over my face.Was this all these guys did? Drink,fuck,play pool and music? It seemed so,Brian wasn't even phased with that shot.

He just sat there,looking at me often,"That it is,Zachary."