Sequel: Nothing Else Matters
Status: This is Done and we are happy to say we continued it.

Girl I Know

Chapter 8

Sophie's P.O.V

I left the merch booth after setting everything up for Carter,thinking I'd be nice and give her some help after last night.I went away for about 10 minutes to the washroom and upon coming back,I hear commotion coming from the booth.I recognized the voices to be both Zacky and Carter arguing.It seemed like Zacky couldn't remember anything that had happened last night and I don't blame him.The guy was drunk off his face last night and this morning wasn't much better either.He looked like death coming down the stairs and into the kitchen where Brian kindly made Jimmy and I some breakfast.

It felt odd for me though,I barely knew these guys and here they were welcoming me into their houses,sleeping in their beds and cooking me breakfast.It was kind of them to do all of that,but I barely knew them; and now I'm standing inside of the arena in which I got in for free and backstage with the bands.Ho-ly shit,right?

Okay,back to the commotion.

I watched as Carter stomped towards the nearest exit of the arena and came up behind Zacky,"What the hell was that?"

He jumped slightly and turned to look at me,his green eyes connecting with mine,"Sophie! How the hell am I suppose to know!"

"He just got Carter to quit.Which-He better get her back cause she's the best fucking Merch girl you have on this tour,dude."Brian cut in walking around Zacky to stand beside both of us.I looked back and forth between the two and furrowed my brow at Brian's words.

"Oh,she'll get over it,"Zacky moaned,rubbing his hands over his face.

"I think you should just apologize to her,Zacky." I replied.

"Why should apologize for something I didn't do? I did nothing wrong and she blows up in my face!" Zacky complained,eyes growing wide and looking at me.

"Are you kidding me? You don't remember ANYTHING from last night?" I asked.

Zacky groaned and crossed his arms across his chest.His lips pierced together and looked at both Brian and I with a annoyed expression,"Am I missing something here? Some girl code or what the fuck ever?"

I sighed lowly and looked at Brian who had concern itched across his face,"Well,lets see.You called her just 'a Merch girl' last night,Zacky.It hurt her pretty bad."

Zacky snorted and shook his head,"Nah.I'd never do th-"

"You did,dude."Brian cut in,looking at his friend seriously.

I sighed and stepped closer to Zacky,who was shifting uncomfortably and staring at the floor,"Thats why Matt Berry came and picked us up last night,Zacky..."

"What the hell do you know?"Zacky snapped causing me to jump away from him quickly.I knitted my brows together,my anger slowly rising from the frustration of trying to tell him.God,he could be so brain-less sometimes or possibly a spoiled brat to know that he actually hurt someone.

"I know that you hurt her with what you said!"I spat and left it at there.I itched,wanting to say more to him but I just closed my mouth

I caught Brian's eye and shifted uncomfortably,dropping my gaze to the ground.Brian huffed and looked to Zacky,"Dude.You can be such a ass sometimes.."

"Well she is,dude!"Zacky bursted,arms flopping to his sides,"Carter is just a fucking Merch girl.I mean,what else do you want me to fucking call her?"

Brian snorted and shook his head,"Who are you lying to Zacky? Me or yourself?"

And that happened to be the perfect moment for Matt to pop into this conversation.Zacky fumed silently as he opened his mouth to answer Brian's question but was quickly stopped by Matt's voice.We all turned our attention towards him,as he walked up beside Zacky.

"Whats going on here?"He asked.

"Carter quit."Brian replied glaring in Zacky's direction.Zacky pierced his lips together and stared right back at Brian.I chewed on my lip nervously and took a good step back from the group,just incase something went down and guns started firing.

"Wait.What?"Matt asked shocked,looking between Brian and Zacky.

"Carter quit,dude."Brian informed him again,his voice oozing with venom,"Because Zacky was being a dick."

Matt groaned and twisted his neck,"Man.What happened this time Zacky? Did it have something to do with last night?"

Zacky rolled his eyes,"Of course it is.It's always my fucking fault.I'm always the fucking bad guy towards her,when I'm the one who brought her in and gave her a place to stay.Fuck that,dudes.I was drunk.Didn't know that being drunk was taken seriously these days.."

"She sees you guys as her family.Thats why she took it seriously."I added in having a glare thrown in my direction from Zacky.

"Hold on.Who are you again?"He asked.

My mouth dropped open and fists balled at my sides,"Hey.Don't be fucking ignorant to other people,Zacky.It's not their fault,okay? Calm the fuck down,man," Brian cut in.

"See Zacky.You always say something stupid that gets under peoples skin.Then you do the puppy dog eyes and apologize."Matt spoke up from beside him,"But it's not gonna work this time."

"Thanks for informing me."Zacky said and remained quiet.I shifted uneasily and watched as Zacky pushed past Brian and Matt quickly,walking towards the dressing rooms.I kind of felt bad for him in a way,being ganged up on by these guys.But in another,he deserved it.

"He better get her back."Brian whispered under his breath.

"Don't worry,he will.She's my best friend."Matt replied.

Brian chuckled,"She's become all of ours dude and to some she's more."Brian said softly,his gaze drifting over towards the locker room.I chewed on my lip and fixed my attention on the merch table,fixing some shirts and hats that seemed out of place.

"You okay?"His voice said softly in my ear,which sent shivers up my spine.I slowly stood up straight and turned around to meet his eyelined chocolate eyes with a smirk toying on his lips.I had noticed that Matt left before he had approached me once again.

I nodded shyly as he took a step back from me.

"Don't worry about Zacky.He's a nice guy.Just don't-get on his bad side,y'know?"

"I understand."I said swallowing down and pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.Brian's eyes scanned my face and it was like he was searching for something he couldn't find.He softly took my hand into his and pulled me to follow him,"Where you taking me?"

"Dressing room.Gotta get ready and I can't leave you out here by yourself."He said,tossing a look over his shoulders and offering me a wink.I bit my lip from giggling and let that tingling feeling seep from my cheeks and into my stomach,twisting with excitement.
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