The Tragic Chronicles of an Unwilling Superhero.

Cue curtians please

"Mace lad watch it, that was nearly my head you swung at!" Carl yelled at me.
Oh dude what? I turned round and relised, yep the plank of wood I had in my hands was dangerously close to his head.
Sheepishly I grinned back at him, "Sorry mate, this plank of wood is confused, it doesn't relise it's a part of the stage, it thinks its you and wants to get right to the diva part and start yanking off people's heads".
I chuckled to myself as I heard him muttering and walking away.
Good old Carl, he can never handle a joke, which honestly makes it all the more fun.

So who am I? Cue drumroll please.
I am Mace Andrews. Cue applause please.
Cue lights. And I am awsome.
Fade to black please.

Ah I really love how they do that stage effects thing. Ok fine, I really love how I do the stage effects thing.
See this stage is what our drama club is building for our play.
What part do I have, well main lead of course.
Ugh fine! Actually its main lights but still, without me there is no lighting on this stage, and no one can see the play. So technically I'm like God or something, cos you know, until I say "let there be light", there won't be light.
Heh. I like that. Overload of the stage. Yeah I can work that baby. Cue sunglasses.

So how did I land this top notch job. Well I was made for it duh, I am the overlord. Cue scary music. Yeh ok I'll stop doing that now.
Honestly though, I'm not sure. I didn't even want to be a part of the "dramatics society", even the name has a creepy air to it. But unfortunatly this is where you end up apprently when you try to stop a robbery at school, only to relise Its actually the headmaster trying to get into his office trhough the window as he forgot his keys. He didn't appreciate being battered over the head by a lamp. Nor did he appreciate me calling the police about a russian spy and half the neighbourhood around the school coming to oggle at him stuck halfway through his window. Still its the thought that counts right?
According to the headmaster and my parents, I have too much pent up energy and need to release it in a productive way. I suggested rugby. They agreed on drama.
So here I am, doing their so called "therapy" with a hammer and a nail in hand.
Wait a second. Hammer. Heh. So smooth and shiny, many ideas. Sadly my day dream is cut short by me dropping the hammer on my thumb. Damnit! Everytime!
♠ ♠ ♠
So guys I'm trying something new, I've got the plot worked out, though input is greatly appreciated. Its all just some lighthearted fun really.

Welcome to Mace Andrews life, a teenager with an active imagination and a knack for embaressing moments. Unbeknown to him, its down to him to save the world.
Caution: he is not the brightest bulb in the box.

Constructive criticism and comments greatly appreciated plz (: