Sequel: Every Heart You Break

After Every Hit I Take

Chapter 6

I opened my eyes. I groaned as the pain of withdrawl came to me. And then I remembered that a warm body laid beside me. I looked down and I spotted a tattooed punk kid clinging my chest like a child to it's teddy bear. He was tracing circles around my belly button.
"Good morning." I said to him, twirling my fingers in a lock of his black hair.
He looked up, "Good morning... Thank you." He said.
"Any time" was the first thing that came through my mouth. That sounded bad. "I mean-- you're welcome." I corrected myself. He smiled and lokoed at my side table.
"Oh, shit. I have to go." He said, pushing himself off me. I nodded. I helped him collect his clothes.
"Bye, I'll see you later." He said. I waved silently.
"Oh, wait!" I called and grabbed his arm. "Um-- is there, like, a payphone around here or something?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yeah, down the hall to the last right. There's a whole line of payphones." He said, pointing down the hall.
"Thanks." I said. He smiled and left.
I closed my door and went to my bag. I unzipped it and pulled out the picture of me and Bert. I frowned. "Sorry, Bert." I whispered, tracing my thumb around his face.
I pulled out the first two quarters I found in my bag and quickly followed Frank's directions.
I put a quarter into the first available phone and dialed Bert's phone number. "Hello?" Bert answered. He sounded tired. I don't know what time it was.
"Hey, Bert." I said happily.
"Hey, Gerard. How's hell?" He asked.
Better than I ever thought I would.
"Well, hell! We have no choice but to go to these stupid sessions and I barely get any drugs around here." I spilled, avoiding Frank as a topic.
"Mikey tells me his friend works over at that place. Seen him?" Bert asked. Shit...
"From time to time." I said. The conversation felt oddly awkward on my end.
"When do you think you'll be able to get out?" He asked.
"Maybe a few months. I feel like I'm gonna die in here." I said.
"Aw, poor Gerard." Bert sympathized. I smiled. "I'll see you. Call me, okay?" He said.
"Alright. Talk to you later, bye." I said and hung up.
I looked at the second quarter in the palm of my hand, considering calling Mikey. I sighed and shoved the quarter in my pocket.

I hurried back to my room and before I could reach it, I saw a man knocking on my door. "Mr. Way, it's time to wake up." He said, knocking on my door louder. I sighed in annoyance but then noticed his assistant in a white labcoat holding a small perscription medicine container which I easily recognized as my morning dose. I feel like a fucking labrat around here.
I walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder. "Hey, can I go in now?" I said. The man stammered gibberish to himself and then stepped out of the way.
"Mr. Way, it's time for your dosage." The man said before I could close the door behind me. I rolled my eyes.
"No kidding." I muttered and left the door open.

I laid on my bed in silence, going over last night in my mind. Frank had been so... odd. I actually would hagve never thought he was gay. He seemed like a tough guy... besides when he cried like a little girl into my favourite sweatshirt.
And he seemed so confident and forward. Bert is just crazy.
A knock on the door stopped my train of thought.
"Come in." I called, sitting up on the bed. The door opened revealing Frank on the other side.
"Hey.." He whispered. He was suddenly so shy around me now. Something must be bugging him.
"Are you alright?" I asked, standing up. He raised his hands in front of him for me to stop. I backed up a step. What was wrong? Does he suddenly hate me?
"Gerard, I-" Frank mumbled. I knew it was going to be about last night.
"What's wrong? You seem nervous." I said, letting my hand slowly reach out to him while keeping my legs stationary. He walked completely into the room, closing the door behind him.
I watched every one of his movements carefully, curious of what was going through his head. I wish I were psychic.
He was about a foot away from me now. Still silent.
"I-" I was hushed by his finger over my lips. My lips along with my cheeks burned.
"I just need you right now." He whispered, leaning in closely. Okay, I don't think so...
"Frank, no ideas here." I said, pushing away his hand. Frank shook his head.
"Please, Gerard. I'm begging here." Frank said. I sighed.
"No, Jesus, God, wow.. Frank, stop that." I said, holding him away by his shoulders.
"No, Gerard. I can't. You're just too cute." Frank said, his arms going around my neck. I rolled my eyes.
"Want cute? Buy a puppy." I spat, removing his hands from my neck. He smiled at me. It was as if he were drunk and didn't understand a word I was saying... Oh, drunk... It's a great feeling.. Oh, shit! No reveries right now, what's going on?!
I felt Frank's warm lips against mine. Wow, this punk can kiss!
"Just this once." He breathed heavily, digging his fingers into my hair. I had only noticed now that he had brought me into a corner. Damn forward kid, I can't back away.
I smirked at his little comment.
"Then what was last night?" I asked, playing with his lip ring. He smiled against my lips.
"A small preview." He said. At that second I found my back on the bed with Frank sliding off my shirt. Damn, he's strong for a small kid.

I laid awake staring at the ceiling with Frank laying on my chest. I was pretty sure he was asleep. "I'm sorry." He said suddenly. Instead of flipping out from him scaring me half way to death, I just responded.
"What for?" I asked.
"Doing this again." He said. I felt a shiver go through Frank's back. I rubbed his back in an attempt to warm him up. But then I felt a cold bead of moisture drip onto my chest. He was crying.
"I'm sorry. This isn't what was supposed to happen. I came to ask a favour." He admitted. I stared at his innocent face. He seemed so genuinely upset.
"What is it?" I asked. He sighed.
"You know that guy I told you about that left and went to college?" Frank said. I nodded. "Well, I just got a message from him saying that he just graduated early and has huge news. And being a dropout, I don't have much to be bragging about. So, when he comes do you think you can act like--" He paused, but I think I know where he was going with this. I closed my eyes. "... Act like my boyfriend?" He released the rest onto me as if I'm most open-minded when my eyes are closed.
"Sure. When is this guy coming?" I asked, opening my eyes.
"I guess about a month. Apparently he has family that wants to throw him graduation parties in, like, six different states." Frank whined. I smiled at him. One month... I'm pretty sure I'd be independent of drugs by then. April... lovely.
"Thanks, Gerard." Frank said, resting his head on my chest.
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Not as long as chapter 5, but here it is. Hope you like.